Colles fracture

Col·les frac·ture

(kol'ēz), a fracture of the distal radius with displacement and/or angulation of the distal fragment dorsally.

Colles fracture

Dinner fork deformity Orthopedics A fracture of the distal radius at the wrist due to a fall on an outstretched hand, where the distal Fx fragment is angled upwards–dorsal angulation, imparting a fork-like appearance

Col·les frac·ture

(kol'ēz frak'shŭr) A fracture of the distal radius with displacementand/or angulation of the distal fragment dorsally.


Abraham, Irish surgeon, 1773-1843. Colles fascia - Synonym(s): superficial fascia of perineumColles fracture - a fracture of the lower end of the radius with displacement of the distal fragment dorsally.Colles ligament - a triangular fibrous band extending from the aponeurosis of the external oblique to the pubic tubercle of the opposite side. Synonym(s): reflected inguinal ligamentColles operationColles slingColles space - Synonym(s): superficial perineal spaceColles splint