

单词 eph



(word root) onExamples of words with the root eph-: ephedrine





A gene on chromosome 7q32-q36 that encodes a member of the ephrin-A receptor subfamily of receptor tyrosine kinases, which promiscuously bind membrane-bound ephrin-A family ligands residing on adjacent cells, leading to contact-dependent bidirectional signalling into neighbouring cells. It induces cell attachment to the extracellular matrix, inhibiting cell spreading and motility by regulating ILK and downstream RHOA and RAC. EPHA1 also plays a role in angiogenesis and cell proliferation, and may play a role in apoptosis. It is overexpressed in certain carcinomas.

Patient discussion about EPH

Q. after a pedicure, the soles of my feet are dark w/freckles, skin is itchy/thick, my derm says its eczema,help! the pedicure was in fall, 2002. I mad a mistake and wore nylon boots during a storm, the dye never fully disappeared. I would scrub the soles of my feet until I couldn't walk. However, within the last 4 months both heels are itchy, thick, dark-er and now they both have dark legions/ freckles have formed.A. Are you sure you are going to a clean sterile saloon? It is very important to make sure they use sterile tools for a pedicure because they can transfer fungal infections very easily. Either way you should see a dermatologist to get the right kind of cream treatment for your feet.

More discussions about EPH


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