Charles A. Lindbergh State Park
Charles A. Lindbergh State Park
Location:1 mile southwest of Little Falls on Lindbergh Drive South.
Facilities:38 drive-in campsites (15 with electrical hookups), showers (é),flush toilets (é), 1 backpack campsite, 1 canoe-in campsite, groupcamp, picnic area (é), enclosed picnic shelter (é), playground,volleyball court, horseshoe pits, boat ramp, canoe rentals, snowshoerentals, hiking trails (7 miles), ski trails (5 miles), warming house,historic site, visitor center (é), gift shop.
Activities:Camping, river fishing, boating, canoeing, hiking, cross-country skiing, snowshoeing.
Special Features:Park is located on the Mississippi River, and its picnic area featuresa historic shelter and stone water tower built by the Work ProjectsAdministration. Adjacent to the park is the historic home of Charles A.Lindbergh, Sr., father of the famous aviator.
Address:1615 Lindbergh Dr S
PO Box 364
Little Falls, MN 56345
Size: 569 acres.
See other parks in Minnesota.