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DictionarySeedystrophiaEncyclopediaSeeAdiposogenital Dystrophydystrophia adiposogenitalis
dystrophia [dis-tro´fe-ah] (Gr.) dystrophy.dystrophia adiposogenita´lis adiposogenital dystrophy.dystrophia epithelia´lis cor´neae dystrophy of the corneal epithelium, with erosions.dystrophia myoto´nica dystrophy" >myotonic dystrophy.dystrophia un´guium changes in the texture, structure, and/or color of the nails due to no demonstrable cause, but presumed by some to be attributable to some disturbance of nutrition.ad·i·po·so·gen·i·tal dys·tro·phya disorder characterized primarily by obesity and hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism in adolescent boys; dwarfism is rare, and when present is thought to reflect hypothyroidism. Vision loss, behavioral abnormalities, and diabetes insipidus may occur. Fröhlich syndrome is a common synonym for this disorder. Although the original case involved a pituitary tumor, most cases are thought to result from hypothalamic dysfunction in areas regulating appetite and gonadal development. The most common causes are pituitary and hypothalamic neoplasms. Synonym(s): adiposis orchica, adiposogenital degeneration, adiposogenital syndrome, dystrophia adiposogenitalis, Fröhlich syndrome, hypophysial syndrome, hypothalamic obesity with hypogonadism, Launois-Cléret syndromedys·tro·phi·a ad·i·po·so·ge·ni·ta·lis (dis-trō'fē-ă ad-i-pō'sō-jen-i-tā'lis) A disorder characterized primarily by obesity and hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism in adolescent boys; dwarfism is rare, and when present is thought to reflect hypothyroidism. Visual loss, behavioral abnormalities, and diabetes insipidus may occur. The most common causes are pituitary and hypothalamic neoplasms. Synonym(s): adiposogenital dystrophy, Fröhlich syndrome, hypophysial syndrome. dys·tro·phi·a ad·i·po·so·ge·ni·ta·lis (dis-trō'fē-ă ad-i-pō'sō-jen-i-tā'lis) Disorder characterized primarily by obesity and hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism in adolescent boys. Synonym(s): adiposogenital dystrophy, Fröhlich syndrome, hypophysial syndrome. |