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dystocia (dɪsˈtəʊʃə) n (Gynaecology & Obstetrics) med abnormal, slow, or difficult childbirth, usually because of disordered or ineffective contractions of the uterus[New Latin, from Greek, from dus- (see dys-) + tokos childbirth + -ia] dysˈtocial adjTranslationsdystocia
dystocia [dis-to´she-ah] abnormal labor or childbirth.fetal dystocia that due to shape, size, or position of the fetus.maternal dystocia that due to some condition inherent in the mother.placental dystocia difficult delivery of the placenta.dys·to·ci·a (dis-tō'sē-ă), Difficult childbirth. [G. dystokia, fr. dys-, difficult, + tokos, childbirth] dystocia Difficult childbirth, difficult labor Obstetrics A period of nonprogression of labor ≥ 4 hrs after the cervix has dilated to 3 cm Etiology Abnormal presentation, too small a birth canal or uterine dysfunctiondys·to·ci·a (dis-tō'sē-ă) Difficult childbirth. [G. dystokia, fr. dys-, difficult, + tokos, childbirth]dystocia Abnormal labour from failure of the expulsive power of the womb, from obstruction to the birth passage or from abnormalities in the size, shape or presentation of the baby.DystociaFailure to progress in labor, either because the cervix will not dilate (expand) further or (after full dilation) the head does not descend through the mother's pelvis.Mentioned in: Cesarean Section |