Acronym | Definition |
CAH➣Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia |
CAH➣Critical Access Hospital |
CAH➣Cards against Humanity (game) |
CAH➣College at Home (education) |
CAH➣Clinics and Hospitals (California) |
CAH➣Canadian Association for Health |
CAH➣Crazy as Hell |
CAH➣Child and Adolescent Health and Development |
CAH➣Chronic Active Hepatitis |
CAH➣Cambridge Ancient History |
CAH➣Carbonic Anhydrase |
CAH➣Creative Arts and Humanities (various organizations) |
CAH➣Classification Ascendante Hiérarchique (French: Agglomerative Hierarchical Classification; classification method) |
CAH➣Center for Arts and History (Lewis-Clark State College; Lewiston, ID) |
CAH➣Complexe Argilo Humique (French: Clay-Humic Complex) |
CAH➣Capture and Hold |
CAH➣Club de l'Amélioration de l'Habitat (French: Home Improvement Club) |
CAH➣Campaign against Homophobia (various locations) |
CAH➣Certificat d'Aptitude à l'Hyperbarie (French: Hyperbaric Fitness Certificate) |
CAH➣Chicago Academy High (Chicago, IL) |
CAH➣Citizens Against Hate |
CAH➣Computers and the Humanities |
CAH➣Cyanide and Happiness (web comic) |
CAH➣Customer Assistance Handbook |
CAH➣Center for the Advancement of Health |
CAH➣Comportement Animal et Humain (French: Animal and Human Behavior) |
CAH➣Centre on Aging and Health |
CAH➣Centre Aquitain de l'Habitat (French: Aquitaine Housing Center; home rehabilitation company; Canéjan, Aquitaine, France) |
CAH➣Cinnamic Acid Hydroxylase |
CAH➣Helicopter-Carrying Heavy Cruiser (US Navy) |
CAH➣Coalition for Animal Health |
CAH➣Campaign for Affordable Housing (Los Angeles, CA) |
CAH➣Centre d'Animation Historique (French: Animation History Center; Port-Louis, France) |
CAH➣Contact Action History |
CAH➣Cosine of Angle X = Adjacent Side Length / Hypotenuse Side Length (Right Angled Triangle) |
CAH➣Corporation of Advanced Hypnotherapy (UK) |
CAH➣Charge Against Hunger |
CAH➣Comité d'Agrément des Hébergeurs (French: Approval Committee of Hosts) |