Acronym | Definition |
COPP➣Code of Professional Practice (various organizations) |
COPP➣City of Port Phillip (Australia) |
COPP➣College of Public Programs (Arizona) |
COPP➣Control Plane Policing |
COPP➣Council of Past Presidents (psychology) |
COPP➣Committee on Public Policy (American Anthropological Association) |
COPP➣California Office of Privacy Protection |
COPP➣Certified Output Protection Protocol (Microsoft DRM technology) |
COPP➣Control Plane Policing (Cisco) |
COPP➣Coalition of Pinnacle Peak |
COPP➣Connection Oriented Presentation Protocol |
COPP➣Center for Organizational and Personnel Psychology (Leuven, Belgium) |
COPP➣Certificate of Pharmaceutical Products |