

单词 cag



(kæɡ) n (Clothing & Fashion) mountaineering short for cagoule



Abbreviation for:
Canadian Association of Gastroenterologists
Carcinogen Assessment Group
cerebral angiography
chronic atrophic gastritis
circulating antigen
clinical advisory group
core antigen group
coronary angiography, see there


1. Chronic atrophic gastritis.2. Coronary angiography, see there.


CAGConagra Foods (stock symbol)
CAGCommunity Advisory Group (EPA)
CAGComptroller and Auditor General
CAGCanadian Association of Gastroenterology
CAGCheap Ass Gamer (website)
CAGCarp Anglers Group
CAGCarrier Air Group
CAGChronic Atrophic Gastritis (stomach)
CAGCalifornia Association for the Gifted
CAGCore Architecture Group
CAGChassis Air Guide
CAGClip Art Gallery
CAGCombined Access Group
CAGCitrix Access Gateway
CAGCanadian Association on Gerontology
CAGCoronary Angiography
CAGCanadian Association of Geographers (Canada)
CAGCompanion Animal Group (Idexx Laboratories, Inc.; Westbrook, ME)
CAGCagliari, Sardinia, Italy - Elmas (Airport Code)
CAGCentral African Gold (mining company; various locations)
CAGChronic Atrophic Gastritis (medical condition)
CAGChassis Air Guide (computer cooling)
CAGCivil Affairs Group
CAGCommercial Airplane Group (Boeing)
CAGCommander Air Group
CAGCarcinogen Assessment Group
CAGCoverage and Analysis Group
CAGCorporate Affairs Group (various companies)
CAGChina Art Gallery (China)
CAGCommunity Action Grant (various locations)
CAGCore Antigen
CAGCash Against Goods
CAGContrôle Automatique de Gain (French: Automatic Gain Control)
CAGCoronary Arteriography
CAGCombat Action Group
CAGCustomer Assistance Group
CAGCombat Applications Group (Ft Bragg, NC; aka Delta Force)
CAGCombined Action Group
CAGComputer Applications in Geography (Ireland)
CAGComicbook Artists' Guild
CAGClosed Angle Glaucoma
CAGCarte Archéologique de la Gaule (French: Archaeological Map of Gaul; publication)
CAGCustomer Advisory Group (US Foreign Military Sales)
CAGCurriculum Advisory Group (various schools)
CAGCentral Asian Gateway (est. 2003; UN Development Program)
CAGColumn Address Generator
CAGCorridor Advocacy Group
CAGContent Advisory Group
CAGColegio Americano de Guatemala (Spanish; Guatemalan school)
CAGCommissioner's Advisory Group
CAGConseil Affaires Générales (French: General Affairs Council)
CAGCongo African Gray (bird species)
CAGCarcinogenic Assessment Group
CAGCustomer Advocacy Group
CAGCommander's Action Group
CAGCampaign Action Group
CAGDeschutes County Citizen's Action Group (Oregon; est. 2007)
CAGCancer Assessment Group (EPA)
CAGComputer Aided Graphics
CAGCash Assistance to Government (United Nations)
CAGCeramic Artist Guild (est. 2009)
CAGCommercial Advocacy Group
CAGContinental Aktiengesellschaft (Hannover, Germany)
CAGHeavy Cruiser, Guided Missile
CAGCollective Address Group
CAGCombat Arms Group
CAGCasualty Adjusters Guide
CAGCombat Arms Germany (gaming community)
CAGCompetition Advocate General
CAGCombined Access Group (Sprint)
CAGCommercial Agriculture Program
CAGCorrective Action Guidelines
CAGCost Advisory Group
CAGCall Accounting Gateway (Telcordia)
CAGCOEA Advisory Group (US Air Force)
CAGChief Accountants Group (UK)
CAGCorps Artillery Group
CAGCanadian Art Group (registered trademark of Canadian Art Group; Toronto, Canada)
CAGChuckle and Grin (internet chat)
CAGCommunity Affairs Group
CAGCommon Authorization Gateway
CAGClothing Advisory Group
CAGCOMPES Advisory Group
CAGCommunication et Arts Graphiques (French: Communication and Graphic Arts)
CAGContinuous Ambulatory Gamma Globulin (infusion)
CAGCommunity Access Gateway
CAGContingency Advisory Group
CAGCustomer Access Gateway
CAGClub d'Athlétisme Guilérien (French athletic club)
CAGClub Athlétique Grauliérois (French athletic club)
CAGComptoir d'Assurances Générales (French insurance company)
CAGClub Athlétique Goncelinois (French: Goncelin Athletic Club; Goncelin, France)




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