acute bulbar poliomyelitis

a·cute bul·bar po·li·o·my·e·li·tis

poliomyelitis virus infection affecting nerve cells in the medulla oblongata and producing paralysis of the lower motor cranial nerves.

a·cute bul·bar po·li·o·my·e·li·tis

(ă-kyūt' bŭl'bahr pō'lē-ō-mī-ĕ-lī'tis) Poliomyelitis virus infection affecting nerve cells in the medulla oblongata that paralyzes the lower motor cranial nerves.

a·cute bul·bar po·li·o·my·e·li·tis

(ă-kyūt' bŭl'bahr pō'lē-ō-mī-ĕ-lī'tis) Viral infection affecting nerve cells in the medulla oblongata and paralyzing the lower motor cranial nerves.