Cut the comedy!

cut the comedy

To stop fooling around. Often used as an imperative. Boys! Cut the comedy and focus on these math problems! If he doesn't cut the comedy, she's going to get upset.See also: comedy, cut

Cut the comedy!

 and Cut the funny stuff!; Cut the shit!Stop acting silly and telling jokes!; Be serious! (Use shit with caution, as it is considered vulgar.) John: All right, you guys! Cut the comedy and get to work! Bill: Can't we ever have any fun? John: No. Bill: Come on, Mary, let's throw Tom in the pool! Mary: Yeah, let's drag him over and give him a good dunking! Tom: Okay, you clowns, cut the funny stuff! I'll throw both of you in!See also: cut

Cut the comedy!

exclam. Get serious!; Stop acting silly! That’s enough, you guys. Cut the comedy! See also: cut