

单词 cutter



C0828200 (kŭt′ər)n.1. One that cuts, especially in tailoring.2. A device or machine that cuts.3. Nautical a. A single-masted, fore-and-aft-rigged sailing vessel with two or more headsails and a mast set somewhat farther aft than that of a sloop.b. A ship's boat, powered by a motor or oars and used for transporting stores or passengers.c. A patrol boat, especially a US Coast Guard ship that is at least 65 feet long and has accommodations for the crew.4. A small sleigh, usually seating one person and drawn by a single horse.5. Baseball See cut fastball.


(ˈkʌtə) n1. (Clothing & Fashion) a person or thing that cuts, esp a person who cuts cloth for clothing2. (Nautical Terms) a sailing boat with its mast stepped further aft so as to have a larger foretriangle than that of a sloop3. (Nautical Terms) a ship's boat, powered by oars or sail, for carrying passengers or light cargo4. (Nautical Terms) a small lightly armed boat, as used in the enforcement of customs regulations5. (Cookery) a pig weighing between 68 and 82 kg, from which fillets and larger joints are cut


(ˈkʌt ər)

n. 1. a person who cuts, esp. as a job, as one who cuts fabric for garments or film for editing. 2. a device for cutting. 3. a single-masted sailing vessel, similar to a sloop but having its mast farther astern. 4. a lightly armed government vessel. 5. a small, light sleigh, usu. single-seated and pulled by one horse. [1375–1425]


1. In naval mine warfare, a device fitted to a sweep wire to cut or part the moorings of mines or obstructors; it may also be fitted in the mooring of a mine or obstructor to part a sweep.
2. (DOD only) Coast Guard watercraft 65 feet long or larger. See also mine warfare; watercraft.
Noun1.cutter - someone who cuts or carves stonecutter - someone who cuts or carves stone stonecutterquarrier, quarryman - a man who works in a quarry
2.cutter - someone who carves the meatcarverdiner - a person eating a meal (especially in a restaurant)
3.cutter - someone whose work is cutting (as e.g. cutting cloth for garments)garment cutter - someone who cuts cloth etc. to measure in making garmentsgem cutter - one who cuts and shapes precious stonesglass cutter, glass-cutter - someone who cuts or grinds designs on glassskilled worker, skilled workman, trained worker - a worker who has acquired special skills
4.cutter - a boat for communication between ship and shorecutter - a boat for communication between ship and shorepinnace, ship's boat, tenderboat - a small vessel for travel on watergig - tender that is a light ship's boat; often for personal use of captain
5.cutter - a sailing vessel with a single mast set further back than the mast of a sloopsailing ship, sailing vessel - a vessel that is powered by the wind; often having several masts
6.cutter - a cutting implementcutter - a cutting implement; a tool for cuttingcutlery, cutting toolbolt cutter - an implement for cutting boltscigar cutter - an implement for cutting the tip off of a cigarcutting implement - a tool used for cutting or slicingdie - a cutting tool that is fitted into a diestock and used for cutting male (external) screw threads on screws or bolts or pipes or rodsedge tool - any cutting tool with a sharp cutting edge (as a chisel or knife or plane or gouge)glass cutter - a tool for cutting glasstile cutter - a cutter (tool for cutting) for floor tiles


(kat) present participle ˈcutting: past tense past participle cut verb1. to make an opening in, usually with something with a sharp edge. He cut the paper with a pair of scissors. 切,割,剪 切,割,剪 2. to separate or divide by cutting. She cut a slice of bread; The child cut out the pictures; She cut up the meat into small pieces. 切開 切开3. to make by cutting. She cut a hole in the cloth. 剪開 剪开4. to shorten by cutting; to trim. to cut hair; I'll cut the grass. 剪短 剪短5. to reduce. They cut my wages by ten per cent. 削減 削减6. to remove. They cut several passages from the film. 剪輯 剪辑7. to wound or hurt by breaking the skin (of). I cut my hand on a piece of glass. 割破 割破8. to divide (a pack of cards). 切牌 切牌9. to stop. When the actress said the wrong words, the director ordered `Cut!' (電影拍攝時)停拍 (电影拍摄时)停拍 10. to take a short route or way. He cut through/across the park on his way to the office; A van cut in in front of me on the motorway. 抄近路 抄近路11. to meet and cross (a line or geometrical figure). An axis cuts a circle in two places. 剖切(直線或幾何圖形) 相交,相切 12. to stay away from (a class, lecture etc). He cut school and went to the cinema. 曠課 旷课13. (also cut dead) to ignore completely. She cut me dead in the High Street. 完全不理會 假装没看见 noun1. the result of an act of cutting. a cut on the head; a power-cut (= stoppage of electrical power); a haircut; a cut in prices. 傷口,切斷,削減 伤口,切断,削减 2. the way in which something is tailored, fashioned etc. the cut of the jacket. 裁剪 裁剪3. a piece of meat cut from an animal. a cut of beef. 切下的肉塊 切下的肉块ˈcutter noun1. a person or thing that cuts. a wood-cutter; a glass-cutter. 切割者,切割機具 切割者,用于切割的器械 2. a type of small sailing ship. 小艇 小汽艇ˈcutting noun1. a piece of plant cut off and replanted to form another plant. 插條,插枝 插条,插枝 2. an article cut out from a newspaper etc. She collects cuttings about the Royal Family. 剪報 剪报3. a trench dug through a hillside etc, in which a railway, road etc is built. 山丘上開挖的濠溝,路基 (筑路时排除障碍物的)开挖的堑沟,路堑 adjective insulting or offending. a cutting remark. 尖刻的 尖刻的cut glass glass with ornamental patterns cut on the surface, used for drinking glasses etc. 雕花玻璃杯 雕花玻璃杯ˈcut-price cheaper than normal. cut-price goods; a cut-price store. 減價的 减价的ˈcut-throat noun a murderer. 兇手,謀殺者 凶手,谋杀者 adjective fierce; ruthless. cut-throat business competition. 無情的 无情的a cut above (obviously) better than. He's a cut above the average engineer. 優於,好於 优于,好于 cut and dried fixed and definite. cut-and-dried opinions. 已成定局的 已成定局的cut back to reduce considerably: The government cut back (on) public spending (noun ˈcutback) 削減 削减cut both ways to affect both parts of a question, both people involved, good and bad points etc. That argument cuts both ways! (議論)對雙方都起作用,兩面都說得通 (议论)对双方都起作用,两面都说得通 cut a dash to have a smart or striking appearance. He cuts a dash in his purple suit. 惹人注目 大出风头cut down1. to cause to fall by cutting. He has cut down the apple tree. 砍倒 砍倒2. to reduce (an amount taken etc). I haven't given up smoking but I'm cutting down. 削減 削减cut in to interrupt. She cut in with a remark. 插嘴 插嘴cut it fine to allow barely enough time, money etc for something that must be done. 扣得很緊,幾乎不留餘地 扣得很紧,几乎不留余地 cut no ice to have no effect. This sort of flattery cuts no ice with me. 起不起作用,沒有影響 不起作用,无效 cut off1. to interrupt or break a telephone connection. I was cut off in the middle of the telephone call. 中斷或切斷電話線路 电话线路被切断2. to separate. They were cut off from the rest of the army. 隔離 使隔绝3. to stop or prevent delivery of. They've cut off our supplies of coal. 中止,中斷 中止,中断 cut one's losses to decide to spend no more money, effort etc on something which is proving unprofitable. 無利可圖便及時收手 趁早收手(赶紧脱手免受损失),認賠出場 cut one's teeth to grow one's first teeth. The baby's cutting his first tooth. 長出第一顆乳牙 长出牙齿,初试牛刀 cut out1. to stop working, sometimes because of a safety device. The engines cut out (noun ˈcut-out). 停止工作 停止工作2. to stop. I've cut out smoking. 戒除,改掉 戒除,放弃 cut short1. to make shorter than intended. He cut short his holiday to deal with the crisis. 縮短 缩短2. to cause (someone) to stop talking by interrupting them. I tried to apologize but he cut me short. 打斷某人的談話 打断某人的谈话


cookie cutter

1. noun A tool used to cut dough into shapes for cookies. I used a heart-shaped cookie cutter for these Valentine's cookies—aren't they adorable?2. adjective Identical to other things. In this usage, the phrase is typically hyphenated. I want a unique house, not one of those cookie-cutter boxes that looks like every other one on the block.See also: cookie, cutter

cord cutter

One who cancels a traditional cable subscription and replaces it with other entertainment sources, such as streaming services, a la carte programming, etc. I never thought I'd be a cord-cutter, but once traditional cable got too expensive, I decided to go that route.See also: cord, cutter

piss cutter

dated slang A nickname for the side cap (a foldable military cap also known as a garrison cap or flight cap) worn by members of the Unites States Navy or Marine Corps. Sometimes hyphenated. Primarily heard in US. I asked my grandpa what the funny little hat was called in his pictures from the war, and he said it was his piss cutter. We all tucked out piss-cutters into our belts as we entered the room.See also: cutter, piss


and piss-whiz n. an extraordinary person; someone who can do the impossible. (Usually objectionable.) Sam is a real piss-cutter when it comes to running. I ain’t no piss-whiz, just your average guy.



small, one-masted sailing vessel, with a rig similar to that of a sloopsloop,
fore-and-aft-rigged, single-masted sailing vessel with a single headsail jib. A sloop differs from a cutter in that it has a jibstay—a support leading from the bow to the masthead on which the jib is set.
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 except that it usually has a sliding bowsprit and a topmast. From 1800 to 1830 cutters were in service between England and France. They were also employed to pursue smugglers, their speed and easy handling fitting them admirably for the task. These revenue cutters were so well known that the name was applied to the revenue vessel even after steam had replaced sails, and vessels of the Coast Guard are still called cutters. The name is also used for a heavy rowboat carried on large ships.



a small boat or combat ship. Cutters range in length from 1.5 to 40 m and are up to 7 m in width, with displacements from a few dozen kilograms to 150 metric tons. Cruising speeds are from 3 to 70 knots (5.5– km/hr). The underwater body of a cutter may be of a keel type or a flat-bottom type with or without planing steps. Cutters may have displacement, hydroplane, or hover propulsion and may be powered by steam, internal combustion, or gas turbine engines or by sails and oars. Screw, airscrew, or water jet propellers may be employed.

In navies, cutters are used as combat ships, auxiliary vessels, and base floating facilities. Combat cutters of modern naviesinclude rocket, gun, and torpedo boats, antisubmarine vessels, minesweepers, patrol boats, and landing craft. Cutters areequipped with rockets, cannon, and torpedoes, depending ontheir function. Cutters employed as auxiliary vessels or basefloating facilities include tugboats and hydrographic, diving, am-bulance, rescue, and passenger boats. Passenger and rescue craftcan be part of the equipment of large warships and of auxiliarycommercial and industrial boats. In commerce, cutters are usedfor transporting passengers, carrying small cargoes, towing smallbarges, and fishing, as well as for scientific investigation, pilottransit, and patrol duty. In motorboating, racing and pleasureboats with stationary or removable motors are used. Cuttersequipped with sails and oars have ten to 14 oars, double masts, and a transom stern.



[′kəd·ər] (engineering acoustics) An electromagnetic or piezoelectric device that converts an electric input to a mechanical output, used to drive the stylus that cuts a wavy groove in the highly polished wax surface of a recording disk. Also known as cutting head; head; phonograph cutter; recording head. (mechanical engineering) cutting tool (mining engineering) An operator of a coal-cutting or rock-cutting machine, or a worker engaged in underholing by pick or drill. A joint, usually a dip joint, running in the direction of working; usually in the plural.

cutter, rubber

A soft brick, sometimes used for facework because of the facility with which it can be cut or rubbed down.


1. a sailing boat with its mast stepped further aft so as to have a larger foretriangle than that of a sloop 2. a ship's boat, powered by oars or sail, for carrying passengers or light cargo 3. a small lightly armed boat, as used in the enforcement of customs regulations


Gynaecology A person who performs illegal abortions
Molecular biology An enzyme that cuts double-stranded DNA in specific places
Psychiatry A person, more often female, who causes self injury in the form of razor cuts, slashes with hot knives, and other mentally cathartic acts; there are said to be up to 2 million cutters in the US, who may be recognised by cross-hatched scars in various place on their bodies, depression, distrust of others
Risks Scars, suicide, blood loss, infection—e.g., HIV—death
Surgery Slang for a surgeon


Self-mutilator Psychiatry A person, more often ♀, who causes self injury in the form of razor cuts, slashes with hot knives, and other mentally cathartic acts; there are said to be up to 2 million cutters in the US Clinical Cross-hatched scars, depression, distrust of others Risks Scars, suicide, blood loss, infection–eg, HIV, death. See Self mutilation.


  • noun

Synonyms for cutter

noun someone who cuts or carves stone


  • stonecutter

Related Words

  • quarrier
  • quarryman

noun someone who carves the meat


  • carver

Related Words

  • diner

noun someone whose work is cutting (as e

Related Words

  • garment cutter
  • gem cutter
  • glass cutter
  • glass-cutter
  • skilled worker
  • skilled workman
  • trained worker

noun a boat for communication between ship and shore


  • pinnace
  • ship's boat
  • tender

Related Words

  • boat
  • gig

noun a sailing vessel with a single mast set further back than the mast of a sloop

Related Words

  • sailing ship
  • sailing vessel

noun a cutting implement


  • cutlery
  • cutting tool

Related Words

  • bolt cutter
  • cigar cutter
  • cutting implement
  • die
  • edge tool
  • glass cutter
  • tile cutter




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