Ehrlich phenomenon

Ehr·lich phe·nom·e·non

(ār'lik), the difference between the amount of diphtheria toxin that will exactly neutralize 1 U of antitoxin and that which, added to 1 U of antitoxin, will leave one lethal dose free is greater than one lethal dose of toxin; that is, it is necessary to add more than one lethal dose of toxin to a neutral mixture of toxin and antitoxin to make the mixture lethal (the basis of the L+ dose).

Ehr·lich phe·nom·e·non

(ār'lik fĕ-nom'ĕ-non) The difference between the amount of diphtheria toxin that will exactly neutralize one unit of antitoxin and that which, added to one unit of antitoxin, will leave one lethal dose free is greater than one lethal dose of toxin; i.e., it is necessary to add more than one lethal dose of toxin to a neutral mixture of toxin and antitoxin to make the mixture lethal (the basis of the L+ dose).


Paul, German bacteriologist, immunologist, and Nobel laureate, 1854-1915. Ehrlichia - a genus of small, often pleomorphic, coccoid to ellipsoidal, nonmotile, gram-negative bacteria (order Rickettsiales) that are the etiologic agents of ehrlichiosis and are transmitted by ticks.Ehrlich anemia - anemia resulting from hypoplastic or aplastic bone marrow. Synonym(s): aplastic anemiaEhrlich diazo reagent - two solutions, one of sodium nitrite, the other of acidified sulfanilic acid, used in bringing about diazotization. Synonym(s): diazo reagentEhrlich inner body - a round oxyphil body found in the red blood cell in case of hemocytolysis due to a specific blood poison. Synonym(s): Heinz-Ehrlich bodyEhrlich phenomenon - the difference between the amount of diphtheria toxin that will exactly neutralize one unit of antitoxin.Ehrlich postulate - that cells contain surface extensions or side chains (haptophores) that bind to the antigenic determinants of a toxin (toxophores). Synonym(s): Synonym(s): Ehrlich theory; side-chain theoryEhrlich test - urobilinogen test using Ehrlich reagent.Ehrlich theory - Synonym(s): Ehrlich postulateEhrlich tumor - solid or ascitic transplantable tumor derived from breast carcinoma in mice.Ehrlich unitEhrlich-Türk line - seldom-used term for the thin vertical deposition of material on the posterior surface of the cornea seen in uveitis.Heinz-Ehrlich body - Synonym(s): Ehrlich inner body