释义 |
dysphemiaany neurotic disorder of speech; stammering.See also: SpeechEncyclopediaSeestutteringdysphemiaenUK
dys·phe·mi·a (dis-fē'mē-ă), Disordered phonation, articulation, or hearing due to emotional or mental deficits. [dys- + G. phēmē, speech] dys·phe·mi·a (dis-fē'mē-ă) Disordered phonation, articulation, or hearing due to emotional or mental deficits. [dys- + G. phēmē, speech]dys·phe·mi·a (dis-fē'mē-ă) Disordered phonation, articulation, or hearing due to emotional or mental deficits. [dys- + G. phēmē, speech] |