Andaman Islands

An·da·man Islands

A0288000 (ăn′də-mən) A group of islands in the eastern part of the Bay of Bengal south of Myanmar (Burma). They are separated from the Malay Peninsula by the Andaman Sea, an arm of the Bay of Bengal, and are part of the union territory of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands belonging to India.

Andaman Islands

pl n (Placename) a group of islands in the E Bay of Bengal, part of the Indian territory of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Area: 6408 sq km (2474 sq miles). Pop: 314 804 (2001)

An′daman Is′lands a group of islands of India in the E part of the Bay of Bengal, W of the Malay Peninsula, part of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. 157,821; 2508 sq. mi. (6496 sq. km).