

单词 and



A0287400 (ănd)n. A logical operator that returns a true value only if both operands are true.
[From and.]


A0287300 (ənd, ən; ănd when stressed)conj.1. Together with or along with; in addition to; as well as. Used to connect words, phrases, or clauses that have the same grammatical function in a construction.2. Added to; plus: Two and two makes four.3. Used to indicate result: Give the boy a chance, and he might surprise you.4. Informal Used after a verb such as come, go, or try to introduce another verb describing the purpose of the action: come and see; try and find it. See Usage Note at try.5. Archaic If: and it please you.n. An addition or stipulation: The offer is final—no ifs, ands, or buts.Idioms: and so forth/on1. And other unspecified things of the same class: bought groceries, went to the bank, picked up the dry cleaning, and so forth.2. Further in the same manner. and then some Informal With considerably more in addition: This project will take all our skill and then some.
[Middle English, from Old English; see en in Indo-European roots.]Usage Note: A traditional grammatical rule asserts that sentences beginning with and or but express "incomplete thoughts" and are therefore incorrect. But this stricture has been ignored by writers from Shakespeare to Joyce Carol Oates, and most of the Usage Panel sees wisdom in this attitude. In our 1988 survey, when asked whether they paid attention to the rule in their own writing, 24 percent answered "always or usually," 36 percent answered "sometimes," and 40 percent answered "rarely or never." See Usage Notes at both, but, with.


(ænd; unstressed ənd; ən) conj (coordinating) 1. along with; in addition to: boys and girls. 2. as a consequence: he fell down and cut his knee. 3. afterwards: we pay the man and go through that door. 4. (preceded by: good or nice) (intensifier): the sauce is good and thick. 5. plus: two and two equals four. 6. used to join identical words or phrases to give emphasis or indicate repetition or continuity: better and better; we ran and ran; it rained and rained. 7. used to join two identical words or phrases to express a contrast between instances of what is named: there are jobs and jobs. 8. informal used in place of to in infinitives after verbs such as try, go, and come: try and see it my way. 9. an obsolete word for if: and it please you. Informal spellings: an, an' or 'n n (usually plural) an additional matter or problem: ifs, ands, or buts. [Old English and; related to Old Frisian anda, Old Saxon ande, Old High German anti, Sanskrit atha]Usage: The use of and instead of to after try and wait is typical of spoken language, but should be avoided in any writing which is not informal: We must try to prevent (not try and prevent) this happening


abbreviation for (Placename) Andorra (international car registration)


(and; unstressedənd, ən, or, esp. after a homorganic consonant, n),
conj. 1. (used to connect grammatically coordinate words, phrases, or clauses) with; as well as; in addition to: pens and pencils. 2. added to; plus: 2 and 2 are 4. 3. then: He finished and went to bed. 4. also, at the same time: to sleep and dream. 5. (used to imply different qualities in things having the same name): There are bargains and bargains, so watch out. 6. (used to introduce a sentence, implying continuation) also; then: And he said unto Moses. 7. Informal. to (used between two finite verbs): Try and do it. 8. (used to introduce a consequence or conditional result): Say one more word and I'll scream. 9. but; on the contrary: He tried to run five miles and couldn't. 10. Archaic. if: and you please. Compare an 3. n. 11. an added condition, stipulation, or particular: no ands or buts about it. 12. Logic. the connective used in conjunction. Idioms: and so forth or so on, and the like; and more of the same; et cetera. [before 900; Middle English; Old English and, ond; c. Old Saxon, Old High German ant, Old Frisian, Gothic and, Icelandic and-; akin to German und, Dutch en, Skt anti] usage: Both and and but, and to a lesser extent or and so, are common as transitional words at the beginnings of sentences in all types of speech and writing: It grew dark as clouds filled the sky. And then the rains began. Any objection to this practice probably stems from the overuse of such sentences by inexperienced writers. See also and/or, et cetera, try.


n. a Boolean operator that returns a positive result when both operands are positive. [1945–50]


And can be used to link noun phrases, adjectives, adverbs, verbs, or clauses.

1. used for linking noun phrases

When you are talking about two things or people, you put and between two noun phrases.

I had a cup of tea and a biscuit.The story is about a friendship between a boy and a girl.

When you are linking more than two noun phrases, you usually only put and in front of the last one.

They had fish, potatoes, and peas for dinner.We need to build more roads, bridges and airports.

In lists like these, the comma before and is optional.

2. used for linking adjectives

You put and between two adjectives when they come after linking verbs such as be, seem, and feel.

The room was large and square.She felt cold and tired.

When there are more than two adjectives after a linking verb, you usually only put and in front of the last one.

We felt hot, tired, and thirsty.The child is outgoing, happy and busy.

In lists like these, the comma before and is optional.

When you use two or more adjectives in front of a noun, you don't usually put and between them.

She was wearing a beautiful pink dress.We made rapid technological advance.

However, if the adjectives are colour adjectives, you must use and.

I bought a black and white swimming suit.

Similarly, if you are using adjectives that classify a noun in a similar way, you use and.

This is a social and educational dilemma.

You also use and when you put adjectives in front of a plural noun in order to talk about groups of things that have different or opposite qualities.

Both large and small firms deal with each other regularly.

Be Careful!
Don't use 'and' to link adjectives when you want them to contrast with each other. For example, don't say 'We were tired and happy'. You say 'We were tired but happy'.

They stayed in a small but comfortable hotel.
3. used for linking adverbs

You can use and to link adverbs.

Mary was breathing quietly and evenly.They walked up and down, smiling.
4. used for linking verbs

You use and to link verbs when you are talking about actions performed by the same person, thing, or group.

I was shouting and swearing.They sat and chatted.

If you want to say that someone does something repeatedly or for a long time, you can use and after a verb, and then repeat the verb.

They laughed and laughed.Isaac didn't give up. He tried and tried.

In conversation, you can sometimes use and after try or wait instead of using a to-infinitive clause. For example, instead of saying 'I'll try to get a newspaper', you say 'I'll try and get a newspaper'. In sentences like these you are describing one action, not two.

I'll try and answer the question.I prefer to wait and see how things go.

You only use and like this when you are using a future form of try or wait, or when you are using the infinitive or imperative form.

If you go and do something or come and do something, you move from one place to another in order to do it.

I'll go and see him in the morning.Would you like to come and stay with us?
5. used for linking clauses

And is often used to link clauses.

I came here in 1972 and I have lived here ever since.

When you are giving advice or a warning, you can use and to say what will happen if something is done. For example, instead of saying 'If you go by train, you'll get there quicker', you can say 'Go by train and you'll get there quicker'.

Do as you're told and you'll be all right.

You can put and at the beginning of a sentence when you are writing down what someone said, or writing in a conversational style.

I didn't mean to scare you. And I'm sorry I'm late.
6. leaving out repeated words

When you are linking verb phrases that contain the same auxiliary verb, you don't need to repeat the auxiliary verb.

John had already showered and changed.

Similarly, when you are linking nouns that have the same adjective, preposition, or determiner in front of them, you don't need to repeat the adjective, preposition, or determiner.

My mother and father worked hard.
7. 'both' for emphasis

When you link two phrases using and, you can emphasize that what you are saying applies to both phrases by putting both in front of the first phrase.

They feel both anxiety and joy.See both
8. negative sentences

You don't normally use 'and' to link groups of words in negative sentences. For example, don't say 'She never reads and listens to stories'. You say 'She never reads or listens to stories'.

He was not exciting or good looking.See or

However, you use and when you are talking about the possibility of two actions happening at the same time. For example, you say 'I can't think and talk at the same time'. You also use and if two noun phrases occur so frequently together that they are regarded as a single item. For example, knife and fork are always joined by and even in negative sentences such as 'I haven't got my knife and fork'.

Unions haven't taken health and safety seriously.

When two noun phrases are regarded as a single item like this, they almost always occur in a fixed order. For example, you talk about your knife and fork, not your 'fork and knife'.



conjunction1. also, including, along with, together with, in addition to, as well as When he returned, she and her boyfriend had already gone.2. moreover, plus, furthermore, besides These airlines fly to isolated places. And business travellers use them.


(ənd) , (ӕnd) conjunction1. joining two statements, pieces of information etc. I opened the door and went inside; The hat was blue and red; a mother and child.2. in addition to. 2 and 2 makes 4.3. as a result of which. Try hard and you will succeed. 那麼 那么4. used instead of `to' with a verb. Do try and come! 連接動詞(用以代替to) 用于动词前代替 to,表示目的


  • And you? → 您呢?
  • In black and white → 黑白的
  • Eating (US)
    Eating and Drinking (UK) → 吃/喝


  • (a little/bit) rough and ready
  • (all) beer and skittles
  • (all) skin and bones
  • (all) sweetness and light
  • (all) well and good
  • (and) not before time!
  • (and) that ain't hay
  • (and) that's that
  • (and) yourself
  • (as) certain as death and taxes
  • (as) different as chalk and cheese
  • (as) different as night and day
  • (as) quiet as a mouse
  • (as) sure as death and taxes
  • (but) still and all
  • (butter and) egg money
  • (draw the sword and) throw away the scabbard
  • (every) now and again
  • (every) now and then
  • (I) hate to eat and run
  • (it) doesn't hurt to ask
  • (it) never hurts to ask
  • (I've) got to go home and get my beauty sleep
  • (just) between you and me
  • (not) the be-all and end-all
  • (one) has made (one's) bed and (one) will have to lie in it
  • (one) made (one's) bed and (one) has to lie in it
  • (one) made (one's) bed and (one) must lie in it
  • (one's) (own) flesh and blood
  • (one's) best bib and tucker
  • (one's) lord and master
  • (right) here and now
  • (the good) Lord willing and the creek don't rise
  • (there are) too many chiefs and not enough Indians
  • (with) might and main
  • 110 proof
  • 40 acres and a mule
  • a ball and chain
  • a bread-and-butter letter
  • a chicken and egg situation/problem
  • a chicken-and-egg problem
  • a chicken-and-egg situation
  • a close chewer and a tight spitter
  • a cock and bull story
  • a cock-and-bull story
  • a committee is a group of men who keep minutes and waste hours
  • a day late and a dollar short
  • a dog and pony show
  • a down-and-outer
  • a fair field and no favor
  • a fair field and no favour
  • a fool and his money are soon parted
  • a gentleman and a scholar
  • a hop, skip, and a jump
  • a hue and cry
  • a hundred and one (something)
  • a hundred and ten percent
  • a hundred/thousand/million and one things/things to do, etc.
  • a Jekyll and Hyde
  • a lick and a promise
  • a little bit of bread and no cheese
  • a matter of life and death
  • a million and one (something)
  • a mover and a shaker
  • a mover and shaker
  • a nod and a wink
  • a nudge and a wink
  • a place for everything, and everything in its place
  • a quick drop and a sudden stop
  • a scholar and a gentleman
  • a short back and sides
  • a thing of shreds and patches
  • a thousand and one (something)
  • a whole team and the dog under the wagon
  • a/the land of milk and honey
  • above and beyond
  • above and beyond something
  • above and beyond the call of duty
  • after all is said and done
  • again and again
  • aid and abet
  • aid and abet, to
  • airs and graces
  • alarms and excursions
  • alarums and excursions
  • alive (live) and kicking (well)
  • alive and kicking
  • alive and well
  • all (that) meat and no potatoes
  • all and some
  • all and sundry
  • all bark and no bite
  • all brawn and no brain
  • all cry and no wool
  • all day and every day
  • all dressed up and nowhere to go
  • all eyes and ears
  • all fur coat and no knickers
  • all gas and gaiters
  • all hands and the cook
  • all hat and no cattle
  • all horns and rattles
  • all hours
  • all hours (of the day and night)
  • all in the Kool-Aid and don't know the flavor
  • all intents and purposes, for (to)
  • all is fair in love and war
  • all meat and no potatoes
  • all mops and brooms
  • all mouth and no trousers
  • all mouth and trousers
  • all my eye (and Betty Martin)
  • all oak and iron bound
  • all oak and iron bound and *sound as a barrel
  • all over creation
  • all over Hell and half of Georgia
  • all present and accounted for
  • all present and correct
  • all shapes and sizes
  • all show and no go
  • all sizzle and no steak
  • all sweetness and light
  • all talk (and no action)
  • all talk and no cider
  • all talk and no trousers
  • all that and then some
  • all that meat and no potatoes
  • all the way to Egery and back
  • all thumbs
  • all vine and no taters
  • all well and good
  • all wool and a yard wide
  • all wool and no shoddy
  • all work and no play
  • all work and no play (makes Jack a dull boy)
  • All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
  • All's fair in love and war
  • alpha and omega
  • alpha and omega, the
  • alternate between
  • an arm and a leg
  • an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth
  • an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
  • an open-and-shut case
  • and (all) that
  • and (something) to spare
  • and a good job, too
  • and a good thing, too
  • and a half
  • and all
  • and all that
  • and all that jazz
  • and be done with it
  • and change
  • and counting
  • and crap
  • and everything
  • and hang the cost
  • and his mother
  • and how
  • And how!
  • and no messing
  • and no mistake
  • and no mistake!
  • and one (more) for luck
  • and so
  • and so forth
  • and so on
  • and so on and so forth
  • and some change
  • and stuff like that
  • and stuff like that (there)
  • and stuff like that there
  • and such
  • and that
  • and that ain't hay
  • and that's a fact
  • and that's flat
  • and that's flat!
  • and that's that
  • and the like
  • and the rest
  • and then some
  • and there you have it
  • and things
  • and things (like that)
  • and this and that
  • and those
  • and to spare
  • and what have you
  • and what not
  • and whatnot
  • and you
  • And you?
  • And your point is?
  • and/or
  • apples and oranges
  • apples and oranges, like comparing
  • arm and a leg
  • armed and dangerous
  • around and around
  • Art is long and life is short
  • as American as mom and apple pie
  • as American as motherhood and apple pie
  • as and when
  • as clear as black and white
  • as different as chalk and cheese
  • as I live and breathe
  • As I live and breathe!
  • as old as my eyes and a little (bit) older than my teeth
  • as one door closes, another one opens
  • ask a silly question and you get a silly answer
  • ask a silly/stupid question (and you'll get a silly/stupid answer)
  • ask a stupid question and you'll get a stupid answer
  • Ask no questions and hear no lies
  • assault and battery
  • at (one's) beck and call
  • at all hours (of the day and night)
  • at beck and call
  • at one's beck and call
  • at rack and manger
  • at sixes and sevens
  • at somebody's beck and call
  • at someone's beck and call
  • B and B
  • B. and B
  • back and edge
  • back and fill
  • back and fill, to
  • back and forth
  • backward and forward
  • backward(s) and forward(s)
  • bag and baggage
  • bait and switch
  • ball and chain
  • bam and scram
  • Banbury story of a cock and a bull
  • be (all) skin and bone(s)
  • be (not) all beer and skittles
  • be (not) all fun and games
  • be (not) all moonlight and roses
  • be a (something) through and through
  • be alive and kicking
  • be alive and well
  • be all brawn and no brain(s)
  • be all dressed up and nowhere to go
  • be all fingers and thumbs
  • be all fur coat and no knickers
  • be all hat and no cattle
  • be all sweetness and light
  • be all talk (and no action)
  • be art and part of
  • be art and part of (something)
  • be as/like oil and water
  • be at (one) hammer and tongs
  • be at (one's) beck and call
  • be at it hammer and tongs
  • be at sixes and sevens
  • be at someone's beck and call
  • be bitter and twisted
  • be bound and determined
  • be bright and breezy
  • be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed
  • be chalk and cheese
  • be damned if you do and damned if you don't
  • be dead and buried
  • be done and dusted
  • be dragged kicking and screaming
  • be far and away
  • be far and away the (something)
  • be few and far between
  • be flesh and blood
  • be footloose and fancy-free
  • be full of piss and vinegar
  • be home and dry
  • be home and hosed
  • be hot and cold
  • be jumping up and down
  • be like oil and water
  • be meat and drink
  • be meat and drink to
  • be meat and drink to (someone)
  • be nip and tuck
  • be on pins and needles
  • be on the up and up
  • be out of house and home
  • be over and done with
  • be over the hills and far away
  • be part and parcel of
  • be part and parcel of (something)
  • be part and parcel of something
  • be penny-wise and pound-foolish
  • be short and sweet
  • be sick and tired of (something)
  • be skin and bone
  • be tarred and feathered
  • be the chief cook and bottle washer
  • be the life and soul of the party
  • be the spit and image of (someone)
  • be tired and emotional
  • be touch-and-go
  • be up and around
  • be up and down
  • be/go at somebody/something hammer and tongs
  • be-all and end-all
  • be-all and end-all, the
  • beck and call
  • bed and board
  • bed and breakfast
  • bed-and-breakfast
  • been and gone and done it
  • been to hell and back
  • beer and skittles
  • beer and skittles, (life is) not all
  • believe nothing of what you hear, and only half of what you see
  • bell, book, and candle
  • bell, book, and candle things that are miraculous or that signal that
  • bells and whistles
  • belt and braces
  • best bib and tucker
  • best bib and tucker, one's
  • best-laid plans of mice and men oft go astray
  • between
  • between a rock and a hard place
  • between dog and wolf
  • between hawk and buzzard
  • between hay and grass
  • between life and death
  • between Scylla and Charybdis
  • between the devil and the deep blue sea
  • between the hammer and the anvil
  • between the jigs and the reels
  • between wind and water
  • between you and me
  • between you and me and the bedpost
  • between you and me and the bedpost/gatepost/four walls/lamppost
  • between you me and the bedpost
  • between you, (and) me, and the bedpost
  • between you, (and) me, and the gatepost
  • between you, me and the bedpost
  • between you, me and the gatepost
  • between you, me, and the bedpost
  • between you, me, and the lamppost
  • betwixt and between
  • big and bold
  • big and burly
  • big as life
  • bill and coo
  • bind (one) hand and foot
  • bind someone hand and foot
  • bind/tie somebody hand and foot
  • binge and purge
  • birds and the bees, the
  • bits and bobs
  • bits and pieces
  • black and blue
  • black and white
  • black-and-blue
  • blink-and-you-miss-it
  • blocking and tackling
  • blood and guts
  • blood and iron
  • blood and thunder
  • blood, sweat and tears
  • blood, sweat, and tears
  • blow hot and cold
  • blow hot and cold, to
  • blue and white
  • blued, screwed, and tattooed
  • blues and twos
  • board and lodging
  • bob and weave
  • body and soul
  • boots and all
  • born and bred
  • born and raised
  • bounce (something) back and forth
  • bounce back and forth
  • bounce up and down
  • bound and determined
  • bound and determined to
  • bound and determined to (do something)
  • bound hand and foot
  • bow and scrape
  • bow and scrape, to
  • Box and Cox
  • boys and girls
  • boys and girls in blue
  • boys and their toys
  • brains and brawn
  • brains and/versus brawn
  • brains versus brawn
  • brass hat
  • bread and butter
  • bread and circuses
  • bread and water
  • bread-and-butter letter
  • break down and cry
  • break in(to) tears
  • break out in tears and break in tears
  • break out in(to) tears
  • breaking and entering
  • brick -and-mortar
  • brick-and-mortar
  • bricks and mortar
  • bricks-and-mortar
  • bright and breezy
  • bright and early
  • bright-eyed and bushy-tailed
  • bruised and battered
  • Buckley's and none
  • bump and grind
  • bushel and a peck
  • bushel and a peck (and some in a gourd)
  • butter-and-egg man
  • by and by
  • by and large
  • by far
  • by fits and starts
  • by guess and by God
  • by guess and by golly
  • by guess and by gosh
  • by leaps and bounds
  • by main strength and awkwardness
  • by return mail
  • by return mail and by return post
  • by return post
  • by trial and error
  • by/in leaps and bounds
  • cakes and ale
  • call a meeting to order and call the meeting to order
  • call a/the meeting to order
  • Can I have a word with you?
  • can't be helped. and couldn't be helped
  • can't complain
  • can't complain. and nothing to complain about
  • can't live with them, can't live without them
  • cap and gown
  • carrot and stick
  • carrot and the stick, the
  • carry fire in one hand and water in the other
  • cash-and-carry
  • cat and mouse
  • cat and mouse, game of/to play
  • cat-and-dog life
  • cat-and-mouse game
  • cats and dogs
  • caught between the devil and the deep blue sea
  • cause (some) eyebrows to raise
  • cause eyebrows to raise and cause some raised eyebrows
  • cause some raised eyebrows
  • cease and desist
  • chalk and cheese
  • chalk and talk
  • chapter and verse
  • chapter and verse, cite/give
  • Charge it to the dust and let the rain settle it
  • cheap and cheerful
  • cheap and nasty
  • checks and balances
  • cheese and kisses
  • chicken and egg
  • chief cook and bottle washer
  • chief cook and bottlewasher
  • chief cook and bottle-washer
  • Children and fools tell the truth
  • children should be seen and not heard
  • chip and dip
  • chips and dip
  • chop and change
  • cite (something) chapter and verse
  • cloak-and-dagger
  • close (one's) eyes and think of England
  • close chewer and a tight spitter
  • close down
  • close down and shut down
  • close only counts in horseshoes (and hand grenades)
  • coat and tie
  • cock and bull story
  • cock-and-bull story
  • coffee and
  • coffee and Danish
  • collar-and-tie men
  • come and get it
  • Come and get it!
  • come and go
  • Come back and see us
  • come from far and wide
  • come in all shapes and sizes
  • Come in and make yourself at home
  • Come in and sit a spell
  • come thick and fast
  • come to the point
  • come to the point and get to the point
  • come up roses
  • coming and going, have someone
  • comings and goings



A word used in programming that restricts available logical choices, as both of 2 conditions must be met for a sequence of logic to be allowed.



conj. this little word is important in law, particularly when compared to or. Most commonly it determines if one or both owners have to sign documents. Example: when an automobile registration reads that the title is for Barney and Sarah Oldfield, then both must sign off upon sale, but if it says "or" then only one will have to sign; if Barney dies then the title is automatically in Sarah if it reads "or," but not if "and."



1. And. Short for And Interest.

2. AND. The GOST 7.67 Latin three-letter geocode for Andorra. The code is used for transactions to and from Andorran bank accounts and for international shipping to Andorra. As with all GOST 7.67 codes, it is used primarily in Cyrillic alphabets.


ANDAccess Network Design
ANDAllow Natural Death (medical charts)
ANDAndorra (International Auto Identifier)
ANDAlpha Numeric Display (aviation)
ANDAircraft Nose Down
ANDAnalytics for Noisy Unstructured Text Data (Workshop)
ANDAssociazione Nazionale Docenti (Italian: National Association of Teachers)
ANDAid to the Needy Disabled (SSI)
ANDAssociation for the Neurologically Disabled of Canada
ANDActive Nutation Damping
ANDAutomatic Network Dialing
ANDAsiatic Newcastle Disease
ANDActive Network Diagram
ANDAlgorithmique Numérique Distribuée (French: Distributed Numerical Algorithms)
ANDAssociate Administrator for NAS (National Air Space) Development (FAA)
AND[not an acronym] logical operation where the output is high only if all inputs are high (electrical engineering)
ANDArgument Number Decrease


  • conj

Synonyms for and

conj also


  • also
  • including
  • along with
  • together with
  • in addition to
  • as well as

conj moreover


  • moreover
  • plus
  • furthermore
  • besides




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更新时间:2025/3/16 6:31:59