

单词 cae



abbr. computer-aided engineering


abbreviation for (Computer Science) computer-aided engineering



(astronomy) Caelum


(operating system)Common Applications Environment.


(application)Computer Aided Engineering.


(1) (Computer-Aided Engineering) Software that analyzes designs which have been created in the computer or that have been created elsewhere and entered into the computer. Different kinds of engineering analyses can be performed, such as structural analysis and electronic circuit analysis.

(2) (Common Application Environment) See X/Open Portability Guide.



A gene on chromosome 1q21.1 that encodes a calcium and pH-dependent transmembrane connexin protein required for lens growth and maturation of lens-fibre cells. 
Molecular pathology
GJA8 mutations have been linked to zonular pulverulent cataracts, nuclear progressive cataracts, and cataract-microcornea syndrome.


CAECertified Association Executive (American Society of Association Executives)
CAECertificate in Advanced English
CAEComputer-Aided Engineering
CAEContrat d'Accompagnement dans l'Emploi (French: Employment Assistance Contract)
CAECompressed Air Engine
CAEChief Audit Executive
CAECommittee on Atomic Energy (various locations)
CAECritical Art Ensemble
CAECellulose Acetate Electrophoresis
CAECenter for Academic Enhancement (Torresdale, PA)
CAEChinese Academy of Engineering
CAEComissão de Assuntos Econômicos (Portuguese: Economic Affairs Committee; Brazil)
CAEConseil d'Analyse Économique (French: Economic Analysis Council)
CAEExport Certificate of Airworthiness (Brazil)
CAECentre for Applied Ethics (University of British Columbia, Canada)
CAECivic Arts Education (Walnut Creek, CA)
CAEComputer Aided Engineering
CAECommon Applications Environment
CAEClient Application Enabler
CAEContent Based Arithmetic Encoding
CAECitrix Access Essentials
CAECustomer Account Executive
CAECouncil for Aid to Education
CAECaprine Arthritis Encephalitis
CAEComputer Aided Education
CAEChildhood Absence Epilepsy
CAECenter of Academic Excellence
CAECountry Assistance Evaluation
CAEComponent Acquisition Executive
CAEClient Automation Enterprise (Hewlett Packard)
CAEClient Application Enabler (IBM)
CAEContrat d'Accès à l'Emploi (French: Employment Access Contract)
CAECoopérative d'Activités et d'Emploi (French: Business and Employment Cooperative)
CAECommon Application Environment (X/Open)
CAECapillary Array Electrophoresis
CAEComputer-Assisted Engineering
CAECertified Audio Engineer (various companies)
CAECanadian Aviation Electronics
CAECommissariat À l'Energie Atomique (French: Atomic Energy Commission)
CAEChild Abduction Emergency (EAS Code, AMBER Alert)
CAECambridge Advanced Examination
CAEClient Access Express (software)
CAEChloroacetate Esterase (pathology)
CAEChina Architectural Engineering
CAECertified Asthma Educator
CAEClean Air Engineering
CAECal Animage Epsilon (University of California, Irvine)
CAECenter of the American Experiment
CAEConseil des Architectes d'Europe (French: Architects Council of Europe)
CAECenter for Agriculture in the Environment
CAECollege of Aeronautical Engineering (Pakistan Air Force Academy; Risalpur, Pakistan)
CAEComputer-Assisted Education
CAECorporate Applications Engineer
CAECalifornia Association of Employers
CAECollege Application Essay
CAEColumbia, SC, USA - Columbia SC Airport Metropolitan (Airport Code)
CAECentre of Adult Education
CAEComputer-Aided Exercise
CAECentre d'Analyses Environnementales (French: Center for Environmental Analysis)
CAECanadian Aviation Expo
CAECommunauté d'Agglomération d'Evreux (French: Agglomeration Community of Evreux; Evreux, France)
CAEClub Asso Emploi (French: Employment Association Club; est. 2010)
CAECollectif Anti-Expulsions (French: Anti-Eviction Collective; est. 1998)
CAEConseil des Affaires Étrangères (French: Foreign Affairs Council)
CAECustomer Access Equipment
CAEComputer-Assisted Exposure
CAECooler, Air Evaporative
CAEConfocal Annular Elliptic
CAECable Acceptance Engineer (Sprint)
CAEComputer-Aided Exchange (Sprint)
CAEContinuous Air Effluent Monitor
CAECorrective Action Effectiveness
CAECommand Acquisition Executives
CAEConjecture, Analysis, Evaluate
CAEContinental Aircraft & Engineering
CAECommander Allied Forces Europe
CAECorps Airspace Element
CAECongreso de Aiesec En España (Spanish)
CAEConsorcio Asesor Empresarial (Spanish)
CAEChicago, Aurora, and Elgin Railroad Corporation
CAEConversion of Mainframe AE Data




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