

单词 charcot-marie-tooth disease

Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease

Noun1.Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease - a form of neuropathy that can begin between childhood and young adulthood; characterized by weakness and atrophy of the muscles of the hands and lower legs; progression is slow and individuals affected can have a normal life span; inheritance is X-linked recessive or X-linked dominanthereditary motor and sensory neuropathyneuropathy - any pathology of the peripheral nerves

Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease


 [at´ro-fe] 1. decrease in size of a normally developed organ or tissue; see also wasting" >wasting.2. to undergo or cause such a decrease. adj., adj atroph´ic.acute yellow atrophy massive hepatic necrosis.circumscribed cerebral atrophy pick's disease" >pick's disease.disuse atrophy atrophy of a tissue or organ as a result of inactivity or diminished function.gyrate atrophy of choroid and retina a rare hereditary, slowly progressive atrophy of the choroid and pigment epithelium of the retina; inherited as an autosomal recessive trait.juvenile spinal muscular atrophy Kugelberg-Welander syndrome.Leber's optic atrophy Leber's optic neuropathy.lobar atrophy pick's disease" >pick's disease.myelopathic muscular atrophy muscular atrophy due to lesion of the spinal cord, as in spinal muscular atrophy.olivopontocerebellar atrophy any of a group of progressive hereditary disorders involving degeneration of the cerebellar cortex, middle peduncles, ventral pontine surface, and olivary nuclei. They occur in the young to middle-aged and are characterized by ataxia, dysarthria, and tremors similar to those of parkinsonism.peroneal atrophy (peroneal muscular atrophy) progressive neuromuscular atrophy.progressive neuromuscular atrophy hereditary muscular atrophy beginning in the muscles supplied by the fibular (peroneal) nerves, progressing slowly to involve the muscles of the hands and arms. Called also peroneal or peroneal muscular atrophy and Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease.senile atrophy the natural atrophy of tissues and organs occurring with advancing age.spinal muscular atrophy progressive degeneration of the motor cells of the spinal cord, beginning usually in the small muscles of the hands, but in some cases (scapulohumeral type) in the upper arm and shoulder muscles, and progressing slowly to the leg muscles. Called also Aran-Duchenne disease, Cruveilhier's disease, and Duchenne's disease.subacute yellow atrophy submassive necrosis of the liver associated with broad zones of necrosis, due to viral, toxic, or drug-induced hepatitis; it may have an acute course with death from liver failure occurring after several weeks, or clinical recovery may be associated with regeneration of the parenchymal cells.

per·o·ne·al mus·cu·lar at·ro·phy

a generic title for at least three distinct hereditary neuromuscular disorders, all of which share the common features of pes cavis and marked wasting of the more distal portion of the limbs, particularly the peroneal muscle groups (resulting in the characteristic "stork legs"). Included in this designation are hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy, type I (formerly known as Charcot-Marie-Tooth, type I, or the hypertrophic type of peroneal muscular atrophy); hereditary and motor sensory neuropathy, type II (formerly known as Charcot-Marie-Tooth, type II, or the neuronal type of peroneal muscular atrophy); and distal hereditary motor neuronopathy (formerly known as Charcot-Marie-Tooth, type III, the spinal type of peroneal muscular atrophy, or distal spinal muscular atrophy). Synonym(s): Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease

Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease

(shär-kō′mə-rē′to͞oth′, -mä-)n. Any of several hereditary disorders that affect the peripheral nerves, characterized by progressive wasting of the distal muscles of the extremities and usually affecting the legs and feet before the arms and hands.

Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease

Hereditary peroneal nerve dysfunction Neurology A clinically heterogenous and most common–1:2500 of the inherited peripheral neuropathies Clinical Slowly progressive atrophy of distal muscles, especially those innervated by the peroneal nerve, leading to muscular weakness and atrophy of hands, feet, and legs with pes cavus deformity, claw-hand, stork-leg appearance, with foot drop and a slapping gait EMG ↓ nerve conduction velocity, due to destruction of nerves with degeneration of myelin sheath Management Nada

per·o·ne·al mus·cu·lar at·ro·phy

(per'ŏ-nē'ăl mŭs'kyū-lăr at'rŏ-fē) A group of familial peripheral neuromuscular disorders, sharing the common feature of marked wasting of the distal parts of the limbs, particularly the peroneal muscle groups, resulting in "stork legs."
Synonym(s): Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease.

Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease

A hereditary nervous system disorder caused by three copies of a gene on chromosome 17. The disease features atrophy of the muscles of the lower legs, followed by atrophy of the small muscles of the hands. There is no effective treatment. (Jean-Martin Charcot, 1825–1893, French neurologist; Pierre Marie, 1853–1940, French neurologist; and Howard Henry Tooth, 1856–1926, English physician).


Jean Martin, French neurologist, 1825-1893. Charcot arteries - any one of a variety of small cerebral arteries. Synonym(s): lenticulostriate arteriesCharcot arthritisCharcot arthropathyCharcot bath - for patients with arterial disorders.Charcot changeCharcot disease - Synonym(s): Lou Gehrig diseaseCharcot fever - Synonym(s): Charcot intermittent feverCharcot gait - the gait of hereditary ataxia.Charcot intermittent fever - fever, chills, right upper quadrant pain, and jaundice associated with intermittently obstructing common duct stones. Synonym(s): Charcot feverCharcot joint - a neuropathic arthropathy that occurs with tabes dorsalis (tabetic neurosyphilis). Synonym(s): tabetic arthropathyCharcot laryngeal vertigo - fainting as a result of a coughing spell, most often occurring in heavy-set male smokers with chronic bronchitis. Synonym(s): Charcot vertigo; tussive syncopeCharcot spineCharcot syndrome - a condition caused by ischemia of the muscles. Synonym(s): intermittent claudicationCharcot triad - (1) in multiple (disseminated) sclerosis, the three symptoms: nystagmus, tremor, and scanning speech; - (2) combination of jaundice, fever, and upper abdominal pain that occurs as a result of cholangitis.Charcot vertigo - Synonym(s): Charcot laryngeal vertigoCharcot-Böttcher crystalloids - spindle-shaped crystalloids found in human Sertoli cells.Charcot-Leyden crystals - crystals found in the sputum in bronchial asthma. Synonym(s): asthma crystals; Charcot-Neumann crystals; Charcot-Robin crystals; Leyden crystalsCharcot-Marie-Tooth disease - a group of three familial peripheral neuromuscular disorders, sharing the common feature of marked wasting of the more distal extremities. Synonym(s): peroneal muscular atrophy; Tooth diseaseCharcot-Neumann crystals - Synonym(s): Charcot-Leyden crystalsCharcot-Robin crystals - Synonym(s): Charcot-Leyden crystalsCharcot-Weiss-Baker syndrome - stimulation of a hyperactive carotid sinus, causing a marked fall in blood pressure. Synonym(s): carotid sinus syndromeCharcot-Wilbrand syndrome - inability to recognize objects by sight, usually caused by bilateral parieto-occipital lesions.Erb-Charcot disease - see under Erb


Pierre, French neurologist, 1853-1940. Bamberger-Marie disease - Synonym(s): Bamberger-Marie syndromeBamberger-Marie syndrome - see under Bamberger, EugenBrissaud-Marie syndrome - see under BrissaudCharcot-Marie-Tooth disease - see under CharcotDebré-Marie syndrome - see under DebréFoix-Cavany-Marie syndrome - see under FoixMarie ataxia - obsolete term for a variety of non-Friedreich hereditary ataxias.Marie-Leri syndrome - swelling of deformed joints.Marie-Sainton syndrome - excessive head development. Synonym(s): cleidocranial dysplasia; cleidocranial dysostosisMarie-Strümpell disease - Synonym(s): Strümpell-Marie diseaseMarie I syndrome - Synonym(s): Menzel syndromeMarie II syndrome - endocrine and neurologic disorders.Nonne-Marie syndrome - Synonym(s): Menzel syndromeStrümpell-Marie disease - see under Strümpell


Howard H., English physician, 1856-1925. Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease - see under CharcotTooth disease - Synonym(s): Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease

Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease

Related to Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease: multiple sclerosis, waxy degeneration, Charcot foot, Cat eye syndrome, Transverse myelitis
  • noun

Synonyms for Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease

noun a form of neuropathy that can begin between childhood and young adulthood


  • hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy

Related Words

  • neuropathy




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