

单词 direction



D0244000 (dĭ-rĕk′shən, dī-)n.1. The management, supervision, or guidance of a group or operation: The manager's direction of the sales campaign has been highly effective.2. The art or action of directing a musical, theatrical, or cinematic production.3. a. An authoritative order or command: The supervisor shouted directions to employees in the warehouse.b. Music A word or phrase in a score indicating how a passage is to be played or sung.c. directions Instructions in how to do something or reach a destination: read the directions before assembling the grill; asked for directions in how to get to the lake.4. a. The course along which a person or thing is moving or must move to reach a destination: The boat left the bay and sailed in a northerly direction.b. The point toward which a person or thing faces or is oriented: The twins stood back to back, looking in opposite directions.5. A course or line of development; a tendency toward a particular end or goal: charting a new direction for the company.
[Middle English, arrangement, from Latin dīrēctiō, dīrēctiōn-, from dīrēctus, past participle of dīrigere, to direct; see direct.]
di·rec′tion·less adj.


(dɪˈrɛkʃən; daɪ-) n1. the act of directing or the state of being directed2. management, control, or guidance3. (Theatre) the work of a stage or film director4. (Film) the work of a stage or film director5. the course or line along which a person or thing moves, points, or lies6. (Navigation) the course along which a ship, aircraft, etc, is travelling, expressed as the angle between true or magnetic north and an imaginary line through the main fore-and-aft axis of the vessel7. the place towards which a person or thing is directed8. a line of action; course9. (Communications & Information) the name and address on a letter, parcel, etc10. (Classical Music) music the process of conducting an orchestra, choir, etc11. (Music, other) music an instruction in the form of a word or symbol heading or occurring in the body of a passage, movement, or piece to indicate tempo, dynamics, mood, etc12. (Mathematics) (modifier) maths a. (of an angle) being any one of the three angles that a line in space makes with the three positive directions of the coordinate axes. Usually given as α, β, and γ with respect to the x-, y-, and z-axesb. (of a cosine) being the cosine of any of the direction angles


(dɪˈrɛk ʃən, ˈdaɪ-)

n. 1. an act or instance of directing. 2. the line along which anything lies, faces, moves, etc., with reference to the point or region toward which it is directed. 3. the point or region itself: The direction is north. 4. a position on a line extending from a specific point toward a point of the compass or toward the nadir or the zenith. 5. a line of thought or action or a tendency or inclination. 6. Usu., directions. instruction or guidance for making, using, etc. 7. order; command. 8. management; control; supervision. 9. an instruction by a stage or film director, musical conductor, author, or composer regarding the interpretation of a work, the actions or objectives of performers, technical effects, etc. 10. the technique, art, or business of giving such instruction. 11. a purpose or orientation toward a goal that serves to guide or motivate; focus. [1375–1425; late Middle English (< Middle French) < Latin dīrēctiō arranging in line, straightening. See direct, -tion] di•rec′tion•less, adj.


In artillery and naval gunfire support, a term used by a spotter and/or observer in a call for fire to indicate the bearing of the spotting line. See also bearing; call for fire; naval gunfire support; spotter; spotting line.



as the crow flies In a straight line; by the most direct route. This expression stems from the widely held belief that a crow flies in a straight line from one point to another. Sporting Magazine used the phrase as early as 1810.

bolt upright Straight up; stiffly upright; on end. This expression derives from bolt meaning ‘projectile, arrow.’ It was used as early as 1386 in Chaucer’s Reeve’s Tale.

follow one’s nose See INTUITION.

from pillar to post Aimlessly or futilely from place to place; purposelessly from one thing to another; from predicament to predicament, often with the sense of being beleaguered or harassed. The expression is among the oldest in the language, first appearing as from post to pillar.

Thus from post to pillar was he made to dance. (Lydgate, Assembly of Gods, 1420)

There is little agreement regarding its origin. One theory holds that it stems from tennis but fails to explain how. Other sources see its roots in manège: the pillar being the column at the center of the riding ground, the posts those that in pairs mark its circumference. Yet another hypothesizes that it derives from the custom of bloodthirsty crowds following convicted persons “from pillory to whipping-post.” Today the phrase most often describes a lack of direction or purpose or the futility of receiving the runaround, as with bureaucratic red tape. It also exists as an adjective.

The pillar-to-post travels from one official to another. (Pall Mall Gazette, August, 1887)

go around Robin Hood’s barn To arrive at one’s destination by a circuitous route; to proceed in a very roundabout way. The origin of the expression is unknown. It has no logical association with the legendary Robin Hood, who, of course, had no barn, though it may have been formed by analogy with other possessives whose meanings are connected with that figure’s exploits: Robin Hood’s mile ‘one several times the recognized length’; Robin Hood’s bargain ‘a cheap purchase.’ The expression appeared in print at least as early as the 18th century.

I can sell them abundantly fast without the trouble of going round Robin Hood’s barn. (Mason Locke Weems, Letters, 1797)

make a beeline See PACE.

Noun1.direction - a line leading to a place or pointdirection - a line leading to a place or point; "he looked the other direction"; "didn't know the way home"wayitinerary, route, path - an established line of travel or accessbearing, heading, aim - the direction or path along which something moves or along which it liestrend, course - general line of orientation; "the river takes a southern course"; "the northeastern trend of the coast"east-west direction - in a direction parallel with lines of latitudenorth-south direction - in a direction parallel with lines of longitudeqibla - the direction of the Kaaba toward which Muslims turn for their daily prayerstrend, tendency - a general direction in which something tends to move; "the shoreward tendency of the current"; "the trend of the stock market"
2.direction - the spatial relation between something and the course along which it points or moves; "he checked the direction and velocity of the wind"spatial relation, position - the spatial property of a place where or way in which something is situated; "the position of the hands on the clock"; "he specified the spatial relations of every piece of furniture on the stage"frontage - the direction in which something (such as a building) facesorientation - position or alignment relative to points of the compass or other specific directionsopposition - a direction opposite to anotherwindward - the direction from which the wind is comingleeward - the direction in which the wind is blowingseaward - the direction toward the seacompass point, point - any of 32 horizontal directions indicated on the card of a compass; "he checked the point on his compass"compass north, magnetic north, north - the direction in which a compass needle pointsnorth - the direction corresponding to the northward cardinal compass pointnortheast - the direction corresponding to the northeastward compass pointeast - the direction corresponding to the eastward cardinal compass pointsoutheast - the direction corresponding to the southeastward compass pointsouth - the direction corresponding to the southward cardinal compass pointsouthwest - the direction corresponding to the southwestward compass pointwest - the direction corresponding to the westward cardinal compass pointnorthwest - the direction corresponding to the northwestward compass point
3.direction - a general course along which something has a tendency to develop; "I couldn't follow the direction of his thoughts"; "his ideals determined the direction of his career"; "they proposed a new direction for the firm"inclination, tendency, disposition - an attitude of mind especially one that favors one alternative over others; "he had an inclination to give up too easily"; "a tendency to be too strict"tenor - a settled or prevailing or habitual course of a person's life; "nothing disturbed the even tenor of her ways"
4.direction - something that provides direction or advice as to a decision or course of actiondirection - something that provides direction or advice as to a decision or course of actioncounseling, counselling, guidance, counselroad map, guideline - a detailed plan or explanation to guide you in setting standards or determining a course of action; "the president said he had a road map for normalizing relations with Vietnam"subject matter, content, message, substance - what a communication that is about something is aboutcareer counseling - counseling on career opportunitiescynosure - something that provides guidance (as Polaris guides mariners); "let faith be your cynosure to walk by"genetic counseling - guidance for prospective parents on the likelihood of genetic disorders in their future childrenmarriage counseling - counseling on marital problems and disagreementsconfidential information, steer, tip, wind, hint, lead - an indication of potential opportunity; "he got a tip on the stock market"; "a good lead for a job"
5.direction - the act of managing somethingdirection - the act of managing something; "he was given overall management of the program"; "is the direction of the economy a function of government?"managementsocial control - control exerted (actively or passively) by group actionconducting - the direction of an orchestra or choir; "he does not use a baton for conducting"database management - creation and maintenance of a databasefinance - the management of money and credit and banking and investmentshomemaking - the management of a householdmisconduct - bad or dishonest management by persons supposed to act on another's behalfmismanagement, misdirection - management that is careless or inefficient; "he accomplished little due to the mismanagement of his energies"treatment, handling - the management of someone or something; "the handling of prisoners"; "the treatment of water sewage"; "the right to equal treatment in the criminal justice system"superintendence, supervising, supervision, oversight - management by overseeing the performance or operation of a person or groupadministration, disposal - a method of tending to or managing the affairs of a some group of people (especially the group's business affairs)empowerment, authorisation, authorization - the act of conferring legality or sanction or formal warrantdisenfranchisement - the act of withdrawing certification or terminating a franchisechannelisation, channelization, canalisation, canalization - management through specified channels of communicationsteering, guidance - the act of guiding or showing the way
6.direction - a message describing how something is to be donedirection - a message describing how something is to be done; "he gave directions faster than she could follow them"instructionsubject matter, content, message, substance - what a communication that is about something is aboutrule - any one of a systematic body of regulations defining the way of life of members of a religious order; "the rule of St. Dominic"prescript, rule - prescribed guide for conduct or actionrubric - directions for the conduct of Christian church services (often printed in red in a prayer book)misdirection - incorrect directions or instructionsname and address, destination, address - written directions for finding some location; written on letters or packages that are to be delivered to that locationmarkup - detailed stylistic instructions for typesetting something that is to be printed; manual markup is usually written on the copy (e.g. underlining words that are to be set in italics)prescription - directions prescribed beforehand; the action of prescribing authoritative rules or directions; "I tried to follow her prescription for success"recipe, formula - directions for making somethingrule - directions that define the way a game or sport is to be conducted; "he knew the rules of chess"stage direction - an instruction written as part of the script of a playstyle - editorial directions to be followed in spelling and punctuation and capitalization and typographical displaysystem command - a computer user's instruction (not part of a program) that calls for action by the computer's executive program
7.direction - the act of setting and holding a course; "a new council was installed under the direction of the king"steering, guidancedriving - the act of controlling and steering the movement of a vehicle or animalcontrol - the activity of managing or exerting control over something; "the control of the mob by the police was admirable"aim - the action of directing something at an object; "he took aim and fired"navigation, pilotage, piloting - the guidance of ships or airplanes from place to placecelestial guidance - a method of controlling the flight of a missile or spacecraft by reference to the positions of celestial bodiesinertial guidance, inertial navigation - a method of controlling the flight of a missile by devices that respond to inertial forcescommand guidance - a method of controlling the flight of a missile by commands originating from the ground or from another missileterrestrial guidance - a method of controlling the flight of a missile by devices that respond to the strength and direction of the earth's gravitational field
8.direction - a formal statement of a command or injunction to do something; "the judge's charge to the jury"commission, chargebid, bidding, command, dictation - an authoritative direction or instruction to do somethingmisdirection - an incorrect charge to a jury given by a judge
9.direction - the concentration of attention or energy on something; "the focus of activity shifted to molecular biology"; "he had no direction in his life"centering, focus, focusing, focussing, focal pointengrossment, immersion, absorption, concentration - complete attention; intense mental effortparticularism - a focus on something particular


noun1. way, course, line, road, track, bearing, route, path, orientation We drove ten miles in the opposite direction.2. tendency, attitude, bent, current, trend, leaning, drift, bias, orientation, tack, tenor, proclivity They threatened a mass walk-out if the party did not change direction.3. management, government, control, charge, administration, leadership, command, guidance, supervision, governance, oversight, superintendence The house was built under the direction of his partner.plural noun1. instructions, rules, information, plan, briefing, regulations, recommendations, indication, guidelines, guidance Don't throw away the directions until we've finished cooking.


noun1. Authoritative control over the affairs of others:administration, government, management, superintendence, supervision.2. The continuous exercise of authority over a political unit:administration, control, governance, government, rule.3. An act or instance of guiding:guidance, lead, leadership, management.4. An authoritative indication to be obeyed:behest, bidding, charge, command, commandment, dictate, directive, injunction, instruction (often used in plural), mandate, order, word.


(diˈrekt) adjective1. straight; following the quickest and shortest way. Is this the most direct route? 筆直的,最快且最短的 迳直的,最近或最短的 2. (of manner etc) straightforward and honest. a direct answer. 直率的 直率的3. occurring as an immediate result. His dismissal was a direct result of his rudeness to the manager. 直接的 直接的4. exact; complete. Her opinions are the direct opposite of his. 正好的,截然的 正好的5. in an unbroken line of descent from father to son etc. He is a direct descendant of Napoleon. 直系的 直系的 verb1. to point, aim or turn in a particular direction. He directed my attention towards the notice. 指向 指向2. to show the way to. She directed him to the station. 指引 指引3. to order or instruct. We will do as you direct. 命令,指揮 命令,指挥 4. to control or organize. A policeman was directing the traffic; to direct a film. 指揮,導演 指挥,导演 diˈrection (-ʃən) noun1. (the) place or point to which one moves, looks etc. What direction did he go in?; They were heading in my direction (= towards me); I'll find my way all right – I've a good sense of direction. 方向 方向2. guidance. They are under your direction. 指導 指导3. (in plural) instructions (eg on how to get somewhere, use something etc). We asked the policeman for directions; I have lost the directions for this washing-machine. 指示 指示4. the act of aiming or turning (something or someone) towards a certain point. 指向 指向diˈrectional adjective 方向的 方向的diˈrective (-tiv) noun a general instruction from a higher authority about what is to be done etc. (上級的)指示 正式的指示,指令 diˈrectly adverb1. in a direct manner. I went directly to the office. 直接地 直接地2. almost at once. He will be here directly. 馬上 马上diˈrectness noun 直接 直接diˈrector noun a person or thing that directs, eg one of a group of persons who manage the affairs of a business or a person who is in charge of the making of a film, play etc. He is on the board of directors of our firm; The producer and the director quarrelled about the film. 指導者,董事,導演 指导者,董事,导演 diˈrectoryplural diˈrectories noun a type of book giving names and addresses etc. a telephone directory. 通訊錄,名錄 通信录,姓名地址录




a step in the right direction

An action or decision that is considered indicative of positive progress. Enrolling in that degree program was a step in the right direction toward changing careers.See also: direction, right, step

point (one) in the right direction

1. Literally, to show one the correct route, often by actually pointing in the direction of the desired destination. A: "I think I'm close to Suite 200, but I haven't been able to find it. Can you point me in the right direction?" B: "Sure—walk straight that way and it will be on your left."2. By extension, to give one advice or information that helps guide them toward a desired outcome or course of action. We're hopeful that our financial planning services can help point people in the right direction when they look to buy their first home. I was at a loss as to how to proceed with the project, but thankfully Janet was able to point me in the right direction.See also: direction, point, right

list to (some direction)

To tilt or veer toward a particular side or direction. The boat began listing to starboard after all the crew and passengers crowded to see the whales on that side of the boat. He let go of the steering wheel and the car listed to the left.See also: list

ride off in all directions

To attempt to do many different things or fill many different roles at the same time. From the image of multiple people scattering apart in different directions while riding on horseback. Between being a single mother, a lawyer, a housekeeper, and a prominent figure in the community, it feels like I'm riding off in all directions at times. Instead of just focusing on one thing and doing it very well, the company has been riding off in all directions lately, without being particularly successful in any of them.See also: all, direction, off, ride

run off in all directions

To attempt to do many different things or fill many different roles at the same time. From the image of multiple people scattering apart and running away in different directions. Between being a single mother, a lawyer, a housekeeper, and a prominent figure in the community, it feels like I'm running off in all directions at times. Instead of just focusing on one thing and doing it very well, the company has been running off in all directions lately, without being particularly successful in any of them.See also: all, direction, off, run

go in the right direction

1. Literally, to move in the correct direction to reach one's destination. Are you sure we're going in the right direction? Let me see the map.2. To proceed in a manner indicative of positive progress. If you want to change careers, I really think you're going in the right direction by enrolling in that degree program.See also: direction, go, right

go in the right direction

 1. Lit. to head or travel in the right direction. Are you sure we are going in the right direction? We were supposed to turn back there. We are not going in the right direction. 2. Fig. [for plans or intentions] to be progressing sensibly. Well, everything seems to be going in the right direction—for now anyway. Do you feel that this project is going in the right direction?See also: direction, go, right

list to a direction

to lean to one side or another; to lean toward a specific direction. (Usually of ships or boats.) The ship had listed to one side since being struck by the speedboat. The huge ship listed a tiny bit to starboard.See also: direction, list

ride off in all directions

 1. Fig. [for people] to scatter, riding something, such as a horse or a bicycle. (See also run off in all directions.) The boys hopped on their bikes and rode off in all directions. The sheriff got the posse together and they rode off in all directions, looking for the bank robber. 2. Fig. to behave in a totally confused manner; to try to do everything at once. Bill has a tendency to ride off in all directions. He's not organized enough. Now, calm down. There is no sense in riding off in all directions.See also: all, direction, off, ride

run off in all directions

Fig. [for people] to set out to do something or go somewhere in an aimless and disorganized fashion. (Can also apply to one person. See also ride off in all directions.) The people in the marketing department need some organization. They are always running off in all directions. Stop running off in all directions and focus your energy.See also: all, direction, off, run

step in the right direction, a

A move that advances a course of action, as in Asking Bill to resign is a step in the right direction. This idiom was first recorded in 1871. See also: right, step

point someone in the right direction

COMMON If you point someone in the right direction, you give them some information to help them achieve something. I hope what I say in this book will point sufferers of the disease in the right direction and will enable others to avoid getting it. We can point you in the right direction to get help.See also: direction, point, right, someone



1. the work of a stage or film director 2. the course along which a ship, aircraft, etc., is travelling, expressed as the angle between true or magnetic north and an imaginary line through the main fore-and-aft axis of the vessel 3. Music the process of conducting an orchestra, choir, etc. 4. Music an instruction in the form of a word or symbol heading or occurring in the body of a passage, movement, or piece to indicate tempo, dynamics, mood, etc. 5. Mathsa. (of an angle) being any one of the three angles that a line in space makes with the three positive directions of the coordinate axes. Usually given as α, β, and γ with respect to the x-, y-, and z-axes b. (of a cosine) being the cosine of any of the direction angles


[də′rek·shən] (engineering) The position of one point in space relative to another without reference to the distance between them; may be either three-dimensional or two-dimensional, the horizontal being the usual plane of the latter; usually indicated in terms of its angular distance from a reference direction. (geology) trend


directionThe place or point toward which the aircraft is moving or facing. Direction may be expressed as true, magnetic, or compass headings or paths. Various terms used to describe direction are azimuth, bearing, course, heading, and track. azimuth and bearing as used in air navigation are measured from the north in a clock-wise direction from 001° to 360°. course is the path to be flown by aircraft, and track is the actual path flown over the ground.



(di-rek'shŭn), 1. Order for procedure in health care according to mandate of supervisory personnel or dictates of other prevailing authority. 2. Alignment of movement from one bodily locus to another (for example, cephalad, caudad).


Bringing about the free balance of the head on the spine and the resulting release of the erector muscles of the back and legs which establish improved coordination.Mentioned in: Alexander Technique


(di-rek'shŭn) 1. Order for procedure in health care according to mandate of supervisory personnel or dictates of other prevailing authority. 2. Alignment of movement from one bodily locus to another. [L. directione]

Patient discussion about direction

Q. Is it possible to have pin worm on directly on the skin of your fore arms? I've had this condition for more than a year. The only thing that makes a difference is something to kill parasites. Nothing works efficiently. I itch all over beside having big sores on my arms and back. I've hade blood test that show that there are no parasites in the blood. So now what do I do? I am constantly digging this out of my skin, and the buggars jump.A. I'm seeing a dermatologist. They said it wasn't scabies. That's what I thought it was at first. I keep breaking out in new places. The Dr. say's it's dermititous, but I'm seeing something different. Went I first broke out with this I felt crawly in the area I now have the sores.

Q. Can any one direct me to a website which offers information about "must to know during Pregnancy " tips and advices ? i would consider it a great favour and i'd be very thankful .. at the moment i'm about to explode ... i feel like i am far of being ready ... i think that without a good preparation i won't be a good father ... :( A. Hey, Jim.. you can try several links (which are my favorites) here :
http://www.whattoexpect.com/what-to-expect/landing-page.aspx (I suggest you to buy the book version, it's quite complete and informative)
http://www.doctoradhi.com/blog (this is my personal blog, just click on pregnancy tag words, then you can find several article I wrote about pregnancy)

More discussions about direction


Related to Direction: Compass direction, dictionary, Film direction

DIRECTION. The order and government of an institution; the persons who compose the board of directors are jointly called the direction. Direction, in another sense, is nearly synonymous with instruction. (q.v.)

DIRECTION, practice. That part of a bill in chancery which contains the address of the bill to the court; this must of course, contain the appropriate and technical description of the court.

FinancialSeedirectSee DRCTN


Related to direction: Compass direction, dictionary, Film direction
  • noun

Synonyms for direction

noun way


  • way
  • course
  • line
  • road
  • track
  • bearing
  • route
  • path
  • orientation

noun tendency


  • tendency
  • attitude
  • bent
  • current
  • trend
  • leaning
  • drift
  • bias
  • orientation
  • tack
  • tenor
  • proclivity

noun management


  • management
  • government
  • control
  • charge
  • administration
  • leadership
  • command
  • guidance
  • supervision
  • governance
  • oversight
  • superintendence

noun instructions


  • instructions
  • rules
  • information
  • plan
  • briefing
  • regulations
  • recommendations
  • indication
  • guidelines
  • guidance

Synonyms for direction

noun authoritative control over the affairs of others


  • administration
  • government
  • management
  • superintendence
  • supervision

noun the continuous exercise of authority over a political unit


  • administration
  • control
  • governance
  • government
  • rule

noun an act or instance of guiding


  • guidance
  • lead
  • leadership
  • management

noun an authoritative indication to be obeyed


  • behest
  • bidding
  • charge
  • command
  • commandment
  • dictate
  • directive
  • injunction
  • instruction
  • mandate
  • order
  • word

Synonyms for direction

noun a line leading to a place or point


  • way

Related Words

  • itinerary
  • route
  • path
  • bearing
  • heading
  • aim
  • trend
  • course
  • east-west direction
  • north-south direction
  • qibla
  • tendency

noun the spatial relation between something and the course along which it points or moves

Related Words

  • spatial relation
  • position
  • frontage
  • orientation
  • opposition
  • windward
  • leeward
  • seaward
  • compass point
  • point
  • compass north
  • magnetic north
  • north
  • northeast
  • east
  • southeast
  • south
  • southwest
  • west
  • northwest

noun a general course along which something has a tendency to develop

Related Words

  • inclination
  • tendency
  • disposition
  • tenor

noun something that provides direction or advice as to a decision or course of action


  • counseling
  • counselling
  • guidance
  • counsel

Related Words

  • road map
  • guideline
  • subject matter
  • content
  • message
  • substance
  • career counseling
  • cynosure
  • genetic counseling
  • marriage counseling
  • confidential information
  • steer
  • tip
  • wind
  • hint
  • lead

noun the act of managing something


  • management

Related Words

  • social control
  • conducting
  • database management
  • finance
  • homemaking
  • misconduct
  • mismanagement
  • misdirection
  • treatment
  • handling
  • superintendence
  • supervising
  • supervision
  • oversight
  • administration
  • disposal
  • empowerment
  • authorisation
  • authorization
  • disenfranchisement
  • channelisation
  • channelization
  • canalisation
  • canalization
  • steering
  • guidance

noun a message describing how something is to be done


  • instruction

Related Words

  • subject matter
  • content
  • message
  • substance
  • rule
  • prescript
  • rubric
  • misdirection
  • name and address
  • destination
  • address
  • markup
  • prescription
  • recipe
  • formula
  • stage direction
  • style
  • system command

noun the act of setting and holding a course


  • steering
  • guidance

Related Words

  • driving
  • control
  • aim
  • navigation
  • pilotage
  • piloting
  • celestial guidance
  • inertial guidance
  • inertial navigation
  • command guidance
  • terrestrial guidance

noun a formal statement of a command or injunction to do something


  • commission
  • charge

Related Words

  • bid
  • bidding
  • command
  • dictation
  • misdirection

noun the concentration of attention or energy on something


  • centering
  • focus
  • focusing
  • focussing
  • focal point

Related Words

  • engrossment
  • immersion
  • absorption
  • concentration
  • particularism




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