

单词 epc
释义 DictionarySeeRFID



(1) (Entertainment PC) See HTPC.

(2) (Evolved Packet Core) See LTE architecture.

(3) (Electronic Product Code) A standard code for RFID tags administered by GS1 and GS1 US (www.gs1.org). The EPC ranges from 64 to 256 bits and contains, at minimum, the product number, serial number, company ID and EPC version.

A Unique EPC for Everything
Unlike UPC barcodes, which do not have serial numbers, the EPC enables tracking of each physical item for everything we can conceivably ever make. A 96-bit EPC can uniquely identify 16 million products in each of 268 million companies, and each product can have 68 billion serial numbers. See Gen 2 and RFID. Contrast with UPC.



Abbreviation for:
early prostate cancer
enhanced primary care
Emergency Protection Co-ordinator
endothelial precursor cells
endocrine pancreatic cancer
endplate current
Energy Performance Certificate 
erosive prepyloric changes
European Pancreatic Club
Euthanasia Prevention Coalition
evidence-based practice centre
exocrine pancreatic cancer
external pneumatic compression


EPCEnergy Performance Certificate (UK)
EPCEvolved Packet Core (3GPP)
EPCEvangelical Presbyterian Church
EPCEndothelial Progenitor Cell
EPCEuropean Patent Convention (treaty establishing European Patent Office)
EPCElectronic Product Code (EPCglobal, Inc.)
EPCElectronic Parts Catalogue
EPCEngineering Process Control
EPCEpidemiologiskt Centrum
EPCEngineering, Procurement & Construction
EPCEuropean Payments Council
EPCElectronic Poetry Center
EPCElectronic Power Control
EPCEicosapentaenoic Acid
EPCEuropean Policy Centre (Belgium)
EPCEnergy Performance Contract
EPCEnhanced Primary Care (various organizations)
EPCElectronic Pressure Control
EPCEstate Planning Council (various locations)
EPCEpilepsia Partialis Continua (neurology)
EPCÉcole de Psychologie Clinique (French: School of Clinical Psychology)
EPCEconomic Policy Committee
EPCEarnings Per Click (Web advertising)
EPCEducation Policy Committee (various schools)
EPCEpithelioma Papulosum Cyprini
EPCExecutive Personal Computers (St. Louis, MO)
EPCEvidence-based Practice Centers
EPCÉglise Presbytérienne Camerounaise (French: Presbyterian Church in Cameroon; Cameroon)
EPCEthylene-Propylene Copolymer
EPCEqual Protection Clause
EPCEuropean Payment Council
EPCElectronic Product Code
EPCEasy Printer Care
EPCEnd Point Control
EPCEntertainment Personal Computer
EPCEmbedded Processor Complex
EPCEuropean Pancreatic Club
EPCEuropean Paralympic Committee
EPCElectronic Power Conditioner
EPCEastern Provincial Council (various locations)
EPCEuro Parking Collection
EPCEuropean Publishers Council
EPCEnvironmental Protection Committee
EPCEuropean Political Cooperation (EU)
EPCEvent-Driven Process Chain
EPCEnd Point Control (computing)
EPCEconomic Policy Council
EPCEnvironmental Protection Council
EPCElectrical Power Conference
EPCEmmanuel Presbyterian Church (various locations)
EPCÉco Provence Construction (French construction company)
EPCEvery Penny Counts
EPCElectronic Power Converter
EPCEnterprise Product Catalog
EPCEmergency Preparedness Coordinator
EPCEmergency Preparedness Canada (Department of National Defence)
EPCExplosifs et Produits Chimiques (French: Explosives and Chemical Products)
EPCEntérobactéries Productrices de Carbapénèmases (French: Carbapenemase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae)
EPCEmergency Protective Custody
EPCEmergency Planning Commission
EPCEstes Park Center (Colorado)
EPCEducational Psychology Counseling (various schools)
EPCEuropean Political Community (European Union)
EPCEnsemble de Parachutage du Combattant (French paratroopers)
EPCEqual Per Capita
EPCEnterprise Planning and Control
EPCExtra-Pair Copulation
EPCError Protection Code
EPCEducational Policies Commission
EPCEuropéenne de Plats Cuisinés (French: European Dishes)
EPCEnvironmental Partnership Council (Japan)
EPCEuthanasia Prevention Coalition (Canada)
EPCEvery Person Counts (various organizations)
EPCExposure Point Concentration
EPCEmergency Power Cut
EPCEl Psy Congroo (gaming)
EPCEngagement Planning and Control (ATWCS subsystem)
EPCElevator Pitch Contest (various schools)
EPCEco-Patent Commons (intellectual property)
EPCElephant Pepper Camp (Kenya)
EPCÉcole par Correspondance (French: Correspondence School)
EPCEmployee Participation Circle (Universal Products, Inc.)
EPCElectronic Publishing Center
EPCElectrical Product Center
EPCEmbedded Personal Computer
EPCEffecting Positive Change
EPCElection Protection Coalition
EPCExploration Permit for Coal (mining term, Australia)
EPCEducation Practices Commission (Florida)
EPCEnhanced Porosity Concrete
EPCEducational Planning Center (Kearney, NE)
EPCEnd Products Committee (US Navy)
EPCElectronic Posting Credit (advertising)
EPCElectronic Pre Collation
EPCEnquête Permanente Cancer
EPCEpoxy Polymer Concrete
EPCEmulsion Polymers Council
EPCExternal Power Contactor
EPCExpandable Pattern Casting
EPCEngineering Production Certificate
EPCÉcole Publique Conventionnée (French: Public School Convention)
EPCEsfahan Petrochemical Company
EPCEldon Pothole Club (UK)
EPCEquipment Product Code (FCC)
EPCExperimental Physics Center (Beijing, China)
EPCEditorial Processing Center
EPCExtended Precision Computation
EPCEarly Pentagon Connectivity
EPCEuropean Palaeoclimate and Man Project
EPCElectronic Plane Conversion
EPCEarth Penetrator Case
EPCEast Process Cell
EPCEducation Productivity Council
EPCEdmonton Police Cadets
EPCEight Pool du Calaisis (French billiards association)
EPCEl Poder Cubano
EPCEuropean Police Chiefs
EPCEngineered Pest Control
EPCEtch Profile Control (semiconductor gate etching)
EPCExtended High Power Command
EPCEngagement Planning Console (ATWCS)
EPCEngine Performance Check
EPCEpinay Poker Club (France)
EPCExport Promotions Council of Kenya (Nairobi, Kenya)




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