Collected Decrees of the Government of Theussr

Collected Decrees of the Government of Theussr


an official publication of the Administrative Board of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, in which are printed decrees (postanovleniia) of general significance or normative character. The Collected Decrees has been published since 1938. It has two parts. The first contains decrees of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and joint decrees of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, and the Central Committee of the Komsomol. The second part contains international documents—for example, agreements or conventions to which the Soviet Union is a signatory. The procedure for the publication of the Collected Decrees was established by decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on Mar. 20,1959 (Collected Decrees of the Government of the USSR, 1959, no. 6, art. 37).