Agoshkov, Mikhail Ivanovich

Agoshkov, Mikhail Ivanovich


Born Oct. 30 (Nov. 12), 1905. Soviet scholar in the field of mining. Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1953). Member of the CPSU since 1943. Graduated from the Far Eastern Polytechnical Institute in Vladivostok (1931).

Agoshkov is the author of major works on the technology and economics of exploiting mine deposits and on the application of mathematical economics to mining. He developed a classification of systems of exploiting ore deposits. He received the USSR State Prize in 1951 and has been awarded four orders.


Podzemnaia razrabotka rudnykh mestorozhdenii. Moscow, 1966. (Coauthor.)


Novaia tekhnologiia i sistemy podzemnoi razrabotki rudnykh mestorozhdenii [a collection of articles commemorating the 60th year after the birthday of corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR M. I. Agoshkov]. Moscow, 1965.