

单词 colitis




C0475700 (kə-lī′tĭs)n. Inflammation of the colon. Also called colonitis.


(kɒˈlaɪtɪs; kə-) or


n (Pathology) inflammation of the colon colitic adj


(kəˈlaɪ tɪs, koʊ-)

n. inflammation of the colon. [1855–60]


Inflammation of the large intestine or colon. It may result from a viral or bacterial infection, causing pain and severe diarrhea.
Noun1.colitis - inflammation of the coloninflammatory bowel diseaseCrohn's disease, regional enteritis, regional ileitis - a serious chronic and progressive inflammation of the ileum producing frequent bouts of diarrhea with abdominal pain and nausea and fever and weight lossirritable bowel syndrome, mucous colitis, spastic colon - recurrent abdominal pain and diarrhea (often alternating with periods of constipation); often associated with emotional stressulcerative colitis - a serious chronic inflammatory disease of the large intestine and rectum characterized by recurrent episodes of abdominal pain and fever and chills and profuse diarrheainflammation, redness, rubor - a response of body tissues to injury or irritation; characterized by pain and swelling and redness and heat




inflammation of the colon, or large intestineintestine,
muscular hoselike portion of the gastrointestinal tract extending from the lower end of the stomach (pylorus) to the anal opening. In humans this fairly narrow (about 1 in./2.
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. The term "colitis" may be used to refer to any of a number of disorders involving the colon. Symptoms include diarrhea (often with blood and mucus), abdominal pain, and fever.

Ulcerative colitis is a serious chronic inflammation and ulceration of the lining of the colon and rectum. Another form of colitis, called Crohn's disease, has similar signs and includes thickening of the intestinal wall. The disease typically occurs in the small intestine near the point where it joins the colon, but the colon and other parts of the gastrointestinal tract may be affected as well. The term "inflammatory bowel disease" has been used to refer to both ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, the causes of which are unknown. A less severe disorder, known as irritable bowel syndromeirritable bowel syndrome
(IBS), condition characterized by constipation, diarrhea, or alternating constipation and diarrhea in the absence of any disease process. It is usually accompanied by abdominal pain, especially in the lower left quadrant, bloating, and flatulence.
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, or IBS, was formerly called mucous colitis.

Colitis is sometimes caused by infections with viruses, parasites, or bacteria. For example, two distinct types of dysenterydysentery
, inflammation of the intestine characterized by the frequent passage of feces, usually with blood and mucus. The two most common causes of dysentery are infection with a bacillus (see bacteria) of the Shigella group, and infestation by an ameba,
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 are caused by amebas and bacteria. Infectious forms of colitis are often the result of poor hygienic practices. Prolonged use of antibiotics can also cause colitis, either by direct irritation of the colon or by killing bacteria that normally live in the intestine, allowing the toxin-producing bacterium Clostridium difficile to proliferate. Colitis is also sometimes caused by diverticulitis (see under diverticulosisdiverticulosis,
a disorder characterized by the presence of diverticula, which are small, usually multiple saclike protrusions through the wall of the colon (large intestine).
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) or by colon cancercolon cancer,
cancer of any part of the colon (often called the large intestine). Colon cancer is the second most common cancer diagnosed in the United States. Epidemiological evidence has shown that a diet high in fat and low in fruits, vegetables, and fiber contributes to the
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inflammation of the colon.

Colitis is one of the commonest diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It may be caused by infection (dysentery bacilli, salmonellas, amoebas, balantidia), poor food habits, or poisoning (by mercury and other chemicals). It can result from uremic autointoxication or as an independent disease of autoimmune nature (for example, nonspecific ulcerative colitis); in addition, it can arise secondarily from digestive disorders of the stomach and small intestine (gastric achylia, pancreatitis, gastroenteritis). Depending on the cause and severity of the colitis, the changes in the colon may vary from superficial catarrh to necrotic-ulcerative inflammation.

Colitis may be either acute or chronic. Acute colitis is accompanied by general malaise, loss of appetite, spastic abdominal pains, diarrhea, and, sometimes (especially in dysentery), painful straining at stool (tenesmus). The temperature may rise in acute colitis of infectious origin. The feces are pulpy or liquid and mixed with mucus (in severe cases, with mucus and blood). Acute colitis may become chronic.

Chronic colitis is accompanied by loss of appetite, nausea, and general weakness. Dull or paroxysmal abdominal pains often appear before or after defecation. Stool disturbances generally appear as an alternation of constipation and diarrhea. There is a sensation that the abdomen will burst, accompanying borborygmus and copious gas formation. With diarrhea, stools may be passed three or four times a day; they are generally pulpy or liquid and, in severe cases, mixed with mucus and streaks of blood. In spastic colitis, the fecal matter takes the form of small hard lumps. The abdomen is somewhat distended and tender upon palpation along the colon (with spastic constriction). The diagnosis of colitis is confirmed by X-ray examination, proctosigmoidoscopy, and laboratory analysis of the fecal matter.

The treatment of acute colitis (and exacerbations of chronic colitis) involves a starvation or semistarvation diet for one or two days, followed by a mostly protein diet, if fermentative processes are predominant in the intestine, or a carbohydrate diet, if putrefactive processes are predominant. Thereafter, a special colitis diet is recommended (strained, steamed, nourishing foods, with the exception of fruits, vegetables, and fresh milk). Antimicrobial and antiparasitic preparations and preparations that normalize the intestinal flora are indicated for infectious colitis. Therapeutic enemas are prescribed to act on the mucosae in cases of inflammation of the rectum and sigmoid colon. Antispasmodic and cholinolytic agents are used for spasms. Physical therapy (thermal procedures) and sanatorium-health resort treatment (Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk, Piatigorsk, Borzhomi, Morshin) are prescribed for patients with chronic colitis. Surgery is sometimes performed in cases of severe ulcerative colitis. The prevention of gastrointestinal infections, the treatment of diseases of the alimentary canal, and proper diet are helpful in preventing the occurrence of the condition.


Men’shikov, F. K. Bolezni kishechnika. Moscow, 1962.
Bolezni organov pishchevareniia. Edited by S. M. Ryss. Leningrad, 1966.



[kə′līd·əs] (medicine) Inflammation of the large bowel, or colon.


, colonitis inflammation of the colon




 [ko-li´tis] inflammation of the colon. There are many types of colitis, each with different etiologies; the differential diagnosis involves the clinical history, stool examinations, sigmoidoscopy, and radiologic studies such as a lower gastrointestinal series. One of the most common types is idiopathic ulcerative colitis, which is characterized by extensive ulcerations along the mucosa and submucosa of the bowel. Other types often can be traced to such etiologic factors as bacteria and viruses, drugs such as antibiotics, and radiation from x-rays or radioactive materials. Strong emotions can cause hypermotility of the gut and thereby produce symptoms typical of colitis. True colitis should be distinguished from irritable bowel syndrome (formerly referred to by other names such as mucous colitis, irritable colon, and spastic colon); in the latter condition there is no actual inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa. Almost all forms of colitis cause lower abdominal pain, bleeding from the bowel, and diarrhea. The patient may have as many as 20 bowel movements a day, resulting in serious depletion of body fluids and electrolytes. Treatment is aimed at eliminating or mitigating the underlying cause of the inflammatory process, resting and soothing the inflamed bowel, and restoring the nutritional status and fluid and electrolyte balance to normal.antibiotic-associated colitis colitis associated with antimicrobial therapy, most commonly with lincomycin or clindamycin, but also with other broad-spectrum antibiotics, such as ampicillin and tetracycline. It can range from mild nonspecific colitis and diarrhea to severe fulminant colitis" >pseudomembranous colitis with profuse watery diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and fever. The inflammation may be caused by a toxin produced by Clostridium difficile, a microorganism that is normally present in the resident bowel flora of infants, but is rarely found in adults. Presumably, the disruption of the normal flora allows the growth of C. difficile.collagenous colitis a type of colitis of unknown etiology characterized by deposits of collagenous material beneath the epithelium of the colon, with crampy abdominal pain and watery diarrhea.Crohn's colitis Crohn's disease.diversion colitis inflammation in a nonfunctioning colonic pouch created by corrective surgery; it resolves following restoration of intestinal continuity.ischemic colitis acute vascular insufficiency of the colon, usually involving the portion supplied by the inferior mesenteric artery; symptoms include pain at the left iliac fossa, bloody diarrhea, low-grade fever, abdominal distention, and abdominal tenderness. The classic radiologic sign is thumbprinting, due to localized elevation of the mucosa by submucosal hemorrhage or edema. Ulceration may follow.pseudomembranous colitis a severe acute inflammation of the bowel mucosa, with the formation of pseudomembranous plaques; it is usually associated with antimicrobial therapy (colitis" >antibiotic-associated colitis). The common symptoms are watery diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and fever. The pathologic lesions are yellow-green pseudomembranous plaques of mucinous inflammatory exudate distributed in patches over the colonic mucosa and sometimes also in the small intestine. Called also pseudomembranous enterocolitis.radiation colitis colitis resulting from radiation therapy to the abdominal region; it is manifested clinically by tenesmus, pain, rectal bleeding, diarrhea, and telangiectases. Malabsorption, ulceration, and partial or complete obstruction may follow.ulcerative colitis see ulcerative colitis.


(kō-lī'tis), Inflammation of the colon. [G. kōlon, colon, + -itis, inflammation]


(kə-lī′tĭs)n. Inflammation of the colon. Also called colonitis.


GI disease Inflammation of the large intestine, which is divided into structural and/or functional subtypes—ulcerative, Crohn's, infectious, pseudomembranous, spastic Clinical Rectal bleeding, abdominal colic, diarrhea Diagnosis Visualization by colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy; barium enema, virtual colonoscopy Management Differs by type, and includes medical or surgical management. See Chemical colitis, Crohn's colitis, Collagenous colitis, Diversion colitis, Enterocolitis, Indeterminant colitis, Irritable bowel syndrome, Ischemic colitis, Neutropenic colitis with aplastic anemia, Pseudomembranous colitis, Ulcerative colitis.


(kō-lī'tis) Inflammation of the colon. [G. kōlon, colon, + -itis, inflammation]


Inflammation of the COLON. See ULCERATIVE COLITIS.


Inflammation of the colon or large bowel which has several causes. The lining of the colon becomes swollen, and ulcers often develop. The ability of the colon to absorb fluids is also affected, and diarrhea often results.Mentioned in: Analgesics, Opioid, Antibiotic-Associated Colitis, Antidiarrheal Drugs, Antihelminthic Drugs, Balantidiasis, Cephalosporins, Diarrhea, Escherichia Coli, Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs, Shigellosis


(kō-lī'tis) Inflammation of the colon. [G. kōlon, colon, + -itis, inflammation]

Patient discussion about Colitis

Q. What are the symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis? I am 40 years old and suffer from a lot of stomach aches and diarrhea. Do I have Ulcerative Colitis? What are its symptoms?A. Here's a pretty good article that covers symptoms of UC:

Q. What is the connection between bowel disease and arthritis? My son suffers from ulcerative colitis, and the doctor said that his recent joint pain can be as a result of the colitis. Why is that?A. Although ulcerative colitis happens mainly in the colon, it is a systemic disease, and patients may present with symptoms and complications outside the colon. These include musculoskeletal complications such as arthritis (for instance- ankylosing spondylitis). The exact mechanism of this injury is unknown.

More discussions about Colitis


Related to colitis: irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis
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Related to colitis: irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis
  • noun

Synonyms for colitis

noun inflammation of the colon


  • inflammatory bowel disease

Related Words

  • Crohn's disease
  • regional enteritis
  • regional ileitis
  • irritable bowel syndrome
  • mucous colitis
  • spastic colon
  • ulcerative colitis
  • inflammation
  • redness
  • rubor




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