Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary

Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary

Parks Directory of the United States / Marine SanctuariesAddress:113 Harbor Way, Suite 150
Santa Barbara, CA 93109

Location:25 miles off the coast of Santa Barbara, California.
Activities:Boating, diving, kayaking, spearfishing, bird-watching, camping, and wildlife cruises.
Special Features:Since the end of the fur trade, researchers have documented the dramatic recovery of the pinniped population. Four types of pinnipeds currently breed in sanctuary waters: the California sea lion, the northern fur seal, the northern elephant seal, and the harbor seal. Twenty-seven species of whales and dolphins, 6 species of seals and sea lions, and more than 60 species of marine birds have been observed in sanctuary waters. The brown pelican, an endangered species, maintains its only Pacific breeding colony on Anacapa Island. Description:Description: The Sanctuary protects 1,658 square miles of waters surrounding Anacapa, Santa Cruz, Santa Rosa, San Miguel, and Santa Barbara islands. Sanctuary boundaries extend from mean high tide to six nautical miles (seven miles) seaward. Facilities:A visitor center is located on the top floor of the Santa Barbara Maritime Museum. Visitors can learn more about the habitats and natural resources of the Channel Islands through interpretive exhibits, computer stations with internet access, and telescopes set up for island viewing. Common Species: California sea lion, elephant and harbor seal, rockfish, abalone, bocaccio rockfish, and the blue shark. Environmental Issues: Commercial and recreational fishing, oil and gas development, commercial shipping lanes in close waters, and non-point source pollution. Habitats: Seagrass meadows, kelp forests, rock shelves, tide pools, rubble piles, sandy beaches, and rocky shores. Access: The Islands are accessible via personal boats and scheduled cruises.
Year Designated: 1980.

See other parks in California.