

单词 cut



C0825100 (kŭt)v. cut, cut·ting, cuts v.tr.1. To penetrate with a sharp edge; strike a narrow opening in.2. To separate into parts with or as if with a sharp-edged instrument; sever: cut cloth with scissors.3. To sever the edges or ends of; shorten: cut one's hair.4. To mow, reap, or harvest: cut grain; cut grass.5. To fell by sawing; hew.6. To have (a new tooth) grow through the gums.7. a. To form or shape by severing or incising: a doll that was cut from paper.b. To form or shape by grinding: cut a diamond.8. a. To form by penetrating, probing, or digging: cut a trench.b. To exhibit the appearance or give the impression of: cuts a fine figure on the dance floor.9. a. To separate from a main body; detach: cut a limb from a tree.b. To separate from a group: cut a calf from a herd.c. To discharge from a group or number: had to cut six players from the team.10. To pass through or across; cross: a sailboat cutting the water.11. Games To divide (a deck of cards) into two parts, as in completing a shuffle or in exposing a card at random.12. To reduce the size, extent, or duration of; curtail or shorten: cut a payroll; cut a budget; cut the cooking time in half.13. a. To remove or delete: cut a line from a poem.b. Computers To remove (a segment) from a document or graphics file for storage in a buffer.14. To lessen the strength of; dilute: cut whiskey with water.15. To dissolve by breaking down the fat of: Soap cuts grease.16. To injure the feelings of; hurt keenly.17. To refuse to speak to or recognize; snub: cut me dead at the party.18. To fail to attend purposely: cut a class.19. Informal To cease; stop: cut the noise; cut an engine.20. Sports a. To strike (a ball) so that it spins in a reverse direction.b. To throw or hit (a ball) on a curving trajectory.21. a. To perform: cut a caper.b. To make out and issue: cut a check to cover travel expenses.22. To arrange or reach (an agreement).23. Slang To be able to manage; handle successfully: couldn't cut the long hours anymore.24. To stop filming (a movie scene).25. a. To record a performance on (a phonograph record or other medium).b. To make a recording of (a song, for example).26. To edit (a movie or audio recording).27. Vulgar Slang To expel (a discharge of intestinal gas).28. To injure (oneself) by penetrating the skin with a sharp object.v.intr.1. To make an incision or a separation: Cut along the dotted line.2. To allow incision or severing: Butter cuts easily.3. To function as a sharp-edged instrument.4. a. To remove part of something, such as a text or film.b. Computers To remove a part of a document or graphics file and store it in a buffer.5. To grow through the gums. Used of teeth.6. To injure someone's feelings: a remark that cut without mercy.7. To change direction abruptly: Cut to the left at the next intersection.8. To go directly and often hastily: cut across a field.9. Games To divide a pack of cards into two parts, especially in order to make a chance decision or selection.10. To make an abrupt transition to another segment of film, video, or audio: cut from one shot to another.11. To be very astute and penetrating: an analysis that cuts deep.12. To inflict self-injury by penetrating the skin with a sharp object.n.1. The act of cutting.2. The result of cutting, especially an opening or wound made by a sharp edge.3. A part that has been cut from a main body: a cut of beef; a cut of cloth.4. A passage made by digging or probing.5. The elimination or removal of a part: a cut in a speech.6. A reduction: a cut in salary.7. Sports The remainder of contestants in a competition, especially in golf, after some have been eliminated: did very well but still missed the cut.8. The style in which a garment is cut: a suit of traditional cut.9. A haircut.10. Informal A portion of profits or earnings; a share.11. A wounding remark; an insult.12. An unexcused absence, as from school or a class.13. A step in a scale of value or quality; degree: a cut above the average.14. Printing a. An engraved block or plate.b. A print made from such a block.15. Sports a. A stroke that causes a ball to spin in a reverse direction.b. A curve in the trajectory of a ball or puck.16. Baseball A swing of a bat.17. Games The act of dividing a deck of cards into two parts, as before dealing.18. One of the objects used in drawing lots.19. A transition between segments of film, video, or audio.20. A movie at a given stage in its editing: approved the final cut for distribution.21. A single selection of music from a recording, especially a phonograph recording.adj.1. Having the ends or edges cut: admired his newly cut hair.2. Having been cut or clipped off: cut grass that blew in the wind.3. Printing Having the page edge slit or trimmed. Used of a book.4. Ground to a specific shape: cut gemstones.5. Slang Circumcised. Used of a man or boy.Phrasal Verbs: cut back1. To shorten by cutting; prune.2. To reduce or decrease: cut back production. cut down1. To kill or strike down.2. To alter by removing extra or additional fittings: cut down a car for racing.3. To reduce the amount taken or used: cutting down on one's intake of rich foods. cut in1. To move into a line of people or things out of turn.2. To interrupt: During the debate my opponent kept cutting in.3. To interrupt a dancing couple in order to dance with one of them.4. To connect or become connected into an electrical circuit.5. To mix in with or as if with cutting motions: Measure out the flour and use a pair of knives to cut the shortening in.6. To include, especially among those profiting. cut off1. To separate from others; isolate.2. To stop suddenly; discontinue.3. To shut off; bar.4. To interrupt the course or passage of: The infielder cut off the throw to the plate.5. To interrupt or break the line of communication of: The telephone operator cut us off.6. To disinherit: cut their heirs off without a cent. cut out1. To remove by or as if by cutting.2. To form or shape by or as if by cutting.3. To take the place of; supplant.4. To suit or fit by nature: I'm not cut out to be a hero.5. To assign beforehand or by necessity; predetermine: We've got our work cut out for us.6. To deprive: felt cut out of all the fun.7. To stop; cease.8. Informal To depart hastily.9. Chiefly Southern US To turn off (a light or television set). cut up Informal 1. To behave in a playful, comic, or boisterous way; clown.2. To criticize severely.Idioms: a cut above One that is superior to another or others. cut a fat hog Texas To take on more than one is able to accomplish: "Boy, has he cut a fat hog, as they say down home" (Hughes Rudd). cut and run To leave an unsettled situation or abandon a risky enterprise. cut a wide swath To make a big display; draw much attention. cut bait To abandon an activity or enterprise. cut both ways To have both favorable and unfavorable results or implications. cut corners To do something in the easiest or most inexpensive way. cut from the same cloth Similar or the same. cut it Informal To perform up to expectations or a required standard; be acceptable. cut loose To speak or act without restraint: cut loose with a string of curses. cut no ice To make no effect or impression: an objection that cut no ice with management. cut off (one's) nose to spite (one's) face To injure oneself in taking revenge against another. cut (one's) losses To withdraw from a losing situation. cut (one's) teeth on To learn or do as a beginner or at the start of one's career. cut short To stop before the end; abbreviate. cut (someone) down to size To deflate the self-importance of (someone). cut the cheese Vulgar Slang To expel intestinal gas. cut the mustard To perform up to expectations or to a required standard. cut to the chase To get to the matter at hand.
[Middle English cutten.]
cut′ta·ble adj.


(kʌt) vb, cuts, cutting or cut1. to open up or incise (a person or thing) with a sharp edge or instrument; gash2. (of a sharp instrument) to penetrate or incise (a person or thing)3. to divide or be divided with or as if with a sharp instrument: cut a slice of bread. 4. (intr) to use a sharp-edged instrument or an instrument that cuts5. (tr) to trim or prune by or as if by clipping: to cut hair. 6. (Agriculture) (tr) to reap or mow (a crop, grass, etc)7. (Veterinary Science) (tr) to geld or castrate8. (sometimes foll by: out) to make, form, or shape by cutting: to cut a suit. 9. (Mining & Quarrying) (tr) to hollow or dig out; excavate: to cut a tunnel through the mountain. 10. to strike (an object) sharply11. (Individual Sports, other than specified) (tr) sport to hit (a ball) with a downward slicing stroke so as to impart spin or cause it to fall short12. (Cricket) cricket to hit (the ball) to the off side, usually between cover and third man, with a roughly horizontal bat13. to hurt or wound the feelings of (a person), esp by malicious speech or action14. (tr) informal to refuse to recognize; snub15. (tr) informal to absent oneself from (an activity, location, etc), esp without permission or in haste: to cut class. 16. (tr) to abridge, shorten, or edit by excising a part or parts17. (often foll by: down) to lower, reduce, or curtail: to cut losses. 18. (tr) to dilute or weaken: heroin that was cut with nontoxic elements. 19. (tr) to dissolve or break up: to cut fat. 20. (when: intr, foll by across or through) to cross or traverse: the footpath cuts through the field. 21. (intr) to make a sharp or sudden change in direction; veer22. (Zoology) to grow (teeth) through the gums or (of teeth) to appear through the gums23. (Film) (intr) films a. to call a halt to a shooting sequenceb. (foll by to) to move quickly to another scene24. (Film) films to edit (film)25. (tr) to switch off (a light, car engine, etc)26. (Music, other) (tr) (of a performer, recording company, etc) to make (a record or tape of a song, concert, performance, etc)27. (Card Games) cards a. to divide (the pack) at random into two parts after shufflingb. (intr) to pick cards from a spread pack to decide dealer, partners, etc28. (General Engineering) (tr) to remove (material) from an object by means of a chisel, lathe, etc29. (General Engineering) (tr) (of a tool) to bite into (an object)30. (Horse Training, Riding & Manège) (intr) (of a horse) to injure the leg just above the hoof by a blow from the opposite foot31. cut a caper cut capers a. to skip or jump playfullyb. to act or behave playfully; frolic32. cut both ways a. to have both good and bad effectsb. to affect both sides of something, as two parties in an argument, etc33. cut a dash to behave or dress showily or strikingly; make a stylish impression34. cut a person dead informal to ignore a person completely35. cut a good figure to appear or behave well36. cut a poor figure to appear or behave badly37. cut and run informal to make a rapid escape38. cut it slang be successful in doing something39. cut it fine informal to allow little margin of time, space, etc40. cut corners to do something in the easiest or shortest way, esp at the expense of high standards: we could finish this project early only if we cut corners. 41. cut loose to free or become freed from restraint, custody, anchorage, etc42. cut no ice informal to fail to make an impression43. cut one's losses to give up spending time, money, or energy on an unprofitable or unsuccessful activity44. cut one's teeth on informal a. to use at an early age or stageb. to practise onadj45. detached, divided, or separated by cutting46. (Botany) botany incised or divided: cut leaves. 47. made, shaped, or fashioned by cutting48. reduced or diminished by or as if by cutting: cut prices. 49. (Veterinary Science) gelded or castrated50. weakened or diluted51. Brit a slang word for drunk52. hurt; resentful53. cut and dried informal settled or arranged in advance54. (Cookery) cut lunch Austral and NZ a sandwich lunch carried from home to work, school, etcn55. the act of cutting56. a stroke or incision made by cutting; gash57. (Cookery) a piece or part cut off, esp a section of food cut from the whole: a cut of meat. 58. the edge of anything cut or sliced59. a passage, channel, path, etc, cut or hollowed out60. an omission or deletion, esp in a text, film, or play61. a reduction in price, salary, etc62. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) a decrease in government finance in a particular department or area, usually leading to a reduction of services, staff numbers, etc63. (Electrical Engineering) short for power cut64. (Forestry) chiefly US and Canadian a quantity of timber cut during a specific time or operation65. informal a portion or share66. informal a straw, slip of paper, etc, used in drawing lots67. (Clothing & Fashion) the manner or style in which a thing, esp a garment, is cut; fashion68. a. Irish informal a person's general appearance: I didn't like the cut of him. b. Irish derogatory a dirty or untidy condition: look at the cut of your shoes. 69. a direct route; short cut70. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) the US name for block1571. (Individual Sports, other than specified) sport the spin of a cut ball72. (Cricket) cricket a stroke made with the bat in a roughly horizontal position73. (Film) films an immediate transition from one shot to the next, brought about by splicing the two shots together74. (Music, other) informal an individual piece of music on a record; track75. words or an action that hurt another person's feelings76. a refusal to recognize an acquaintance; snub77. (Education) informal chiefly US an unauthorized absence, esp from a school class78. (Chemistry) chem a fraction obtained in distillation, as in oil refining79. (General Engineering) the metal removed in a single pass of a machine tool80. (Tools) a. the shape of the teeth of a fileb. their coarseness or fineness81. (Civil Engineering) Brit a stretch of water, esp a canal82. a cut above informal superior (to); better (than)83. (Golf) make the cut golf to better or equal the required score after two rounds in a strokeplay tournament, thus avoiding elimination from the final two rounds84. (Golf) miss the cut golf to achieve a greater score after the first two rounds of a strokeplay tournament than that required to play in the remaining two rounds[C13: probably of Scandinavian origin; compare Norwegian kutte to cut, Icelandic kuti small knife]



v. cut, cut•ting,
adj., n. v.t. 1. to penetrate with or as if with a sharp-edged instrument or object. 2. to divide with or as if with a sharp-edged instrument; sever; carve: to cut a rope. 3. to detach or remove with or as if with a sharp-edged instrument; lop off; extract: to cut a slice of bread; to cut an article from the newspaper. 4. to hew or saw down; fell: to cut timber. 5. to trim by clipping, shearing, paring, or pruning: to cut hair. 6. to mow; reap; harvest: to cut grain. 7. to abridge or shorten; edit by omitting parts: to cut a speech. 8. to lower, reduce, diminish, or curtail: to cut prices. 9. to dilute or adulterate: to cut whiskey. 10. to dissolve: a detergent that cuts grease. 11. to intersect; cross. 12. Informal. to cease; discontinue: Cut the kidding. 13. to halt the running of, as a liquid or an engine; stop. 14. to grow (a tooth) through the gum. 15. to type or write on (a stencil) for mimeographing. 16. to make or fashion by cutting, as a statue, jewel, or garment. 17. to produce a pattern in (glass) by grinding and polishing. 18. to refuse to recognize socially; shun: Her friends began to cut her. 19. to strike sharply, as with a whip. 20. to absent oneself from: to cut classes. 21. a. to stop (a scene or shot being filmed). b. to edit (a film). 22. to wound the feelings of severely. 23. a. to divide (a pack of cards) at random into two or more parts, as by removing cards from the top. b. to take (a card) from a deck. 24. a. to record a selection on (a phonograph record or magnetic tape). b. to make a recording of (a song, album of music, etc.). 25. to castrate or geld. 26. to hit (a ball) so as to change the course and often to cause spin. 27. to hollow out; excavate; dig: to cut a trench. 28. to perform or make: to cut capers; to cut a deal. 29. Computers. to remove (an object) from a file for storage in a buffer. v.i. 30. to penetrate or divide something, as with a sharp-edged instrument. 31. to admit of being cut. 32. to move or cross, esp. in the most direct way: to cut across an empty lot. 33. a. to shift suddenly from one film or television shot to another. b. to stop the action of a scene (used as a command by a director). 34. to make a sudden or sharp change in direction; swerve: We cut to the left. 35. to strike a person, animal, etc., sharply, as with a whip. 36. to wound the feelings severely: His criticism cut deep. 37. to cut a pack of cards. 38. Informal. to leave hastily. 39. (of a horse) to interfere. 40. Computers. to remove an object from a file for storage in a buffer. 41. cut across, to go beyond considerations of; transcend: a tax program that cuts across party lines. 42. cut back, a. to shorten by cutting off the end. b. to curtail or discontinue: to cut back steel production. c. to return to an earlier event, as in the plot of a novel. d. Football. to reverse direction suddenly by moving in the diagonally opposite course. 43. cut down, a. Also, cut down on. to lessen or curtail; decrease: to cut down on snacks. b. to strike and cause to fall. c. to destroy, kill, or disable: The hurricane cut down everything in its path. d. to remodel or reduce in size, as a garment. 44. cut in, a. to move or thrust oneself, a vehicle, etc., abruptly between others. b. to interpose; interrupt: to cut in with a remark. c. to interrupt a dancing couple in order to dance with one of them. d. to include, as in a business deal or card game. e. to blend (shortening) into flour by means of a knife. 45. cut off, a. to intercept. b. to interrupt. c. to stop suddenly; discontinue. d. to halt the operation of; turn off. e. to shut off or shut out. f. to disinherit. g. to sever; separate. 46. cut out, a. to omit, delete, or remove; excise. b. to form by or as if by cutting. c. to refrain from; discontinue; stop: to cut out smoking. d. to oust and replace a rival; supplant. e. to part an animal from a herd. f. to plan; arrange: You have your work cut out for you. g. to move out of one's lane of traffic. h. Slang. to leave suddenly. i. (of an engine, machine, etc.) to stop running. 47. cut up, a. to cut into pieces or sections. b. to lacerate; wound. c. to distress mentally; injure. d. Informal. to play pranks; misbehave. adj. 48. divided into pieces or detached by cutting: cut flowers. 49. fashioned by cutting; having the surface shaped or ornamented by grinding, polishing, etc.: cut diamonds. 50. reduced by or as if by cutting: cut prices. 51. indented or cleft, as a leaf. 52. Slang. drunk. n. 53. the result of cutting, as an incision, wound, passage, or channel. 54. the act of cutting; a stroke or blow, as with a knife or whip. 55. a piece cut off. 56. a share, esp. of earnings or profits: an agent's cut. 57. a haircut, often with a styling. 58. a reduction in price, salary, etc. 59. the manner or fashion in which anything is cut: the cut of a dress. 60. style; manner; kind: a man of his cut. 61. a passage or course straight across or through: a cut through the woods. 62. an excision or omission of a part. 63. a part or quantity of text deleted or omitted. 64. a quantity cut, esp. of lumber. 65. a refusal to recognize an acquaintance. 66. an act, speech, etc., that wounds the feelings. 67. an engraved plate or block of wood used for printing. 68. a printed picture or illustration. 69. an absence, as from a class, at which attendance is required. 70. a part of an animal carcass usu. cut as one piece for meat. 71. a. the act of cutting a ball. b. the spin imparted. 72. a blow with the edge of the blade instead of the tip in fencing. 73. one of several pieces of straw, paper, etc., used in drawing lots. 74. a. the transition from one shot or scene to another in an edited film. b. an edited version of a film. c. an act or instance of editing a film. 75. an individual song, musical piece, etc., on a record or tape. Idioms: 1. a cut above, somewhat superior to. 2. cut a figure, to give a certain impression of oneself: to cut a distinguished figure. 3. cut and run, a. to cut the anchor cable and set sail, as in an emergency. b. to leave as hurriedly as possible; flee. 4. cut both ways, to have or result in advantages as well as disadvantages. 5. cut fine, to calculate precisely, without allowing for possible error or accident. 6. cut it, Informal. to perform effectively or successfully. 7. cut off one's nose to spite one's face, to damage oneself by acting spitefully against another. 8. cut out for, fitted for; capable of: not cut out for a military career. 9. cut short, to end abruptly before completion. 10. cut to the chase, Informal. to get to the point. 11. make the cut, Informal. a. to attain a particular goal; make the grade. b. to survive an elimination process, as of a sports team: Only two of the proposals made the cut. [1175–1225; Middle English cutten, kytten, Old English *cyttan]


Past participle: cut
Gerund: cutting
I cut
you cut
he/she/it cuts
we cut
you cut
they cut
I cut
you cut
he/she/it cut
we cut
you cut
they cut
Present Continuous
I am cutting
you are cutting
he/she/it is cutting
we are cutting
you are cutting
they are cutting
Present Perfect
I have cut
you have cut
he/she/it has cut
we have cut
you have cut
they have cut
Past Continuous
I was cutting
you were cutting
he/she/it was cutting
we were cutting
you were cutting
they were cutting
Past Perfect
I had cut
you had cut
he/she/it had cut
we had cut
you had cut
they had cut
I will cut
you will cut
he/she/it will cut
we will cut
you will cut
they will cut
Future Perfect
I will have cut
you will have cut
he/she/it will have cut
we will have cut
you will have cut
they will have cut
Future Continuous
I will be cutting
you will be cutting
he/she/it will be cutting
we will be cutting
you will be cutting
they will be cutting
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been cutting
you have been cutting
he/she/it has been cutting
we have been cutting
you have been cutting
they have been cutting
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been cutting
you will have been cutting
he/she/it will have been cutting
we will have been cutting
you will have been cutting
they will have been cutting
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been cutting
you had been cutting
he/she/it had been cutting
we had been cutting
you had been cutting
they had been cutting
I would cut
you would cut
he/she/it would cut
we would cut
you would cut
they would cut
Past Conditional
I would have cut
you would have cut
he/she/it would have cut
we would have cut
you would have cut
they would have cut


A rapid movement between scenes, to add pace and excitement to the narrative
Noun1.cut - a share of the profits; "everyone got a cut of the earnings"booty, dirty money, loot, pillage, plunder, prize, swag - goods or money obtained illegallyshare, percentage, portion, part - assets belonging to or due to or contributed by an individual person or group; "he wanted his share in cash"rake-off, vigorish - a percentage (of winnings or loot or profit) taken by an operator or gangster
2.cut - (film) an immediate transition from one shot to the next; "the cut from the accident scene to the hospital seemed too abrupt"transition - a passage that connects a topic to one that followsjump cut - an immediate transition from one scene to another
3.cut - a trench resembling a furrow that was made by erosion or excavationgashfurrow - a long shallow trench in the ground (especially one made by a plow)
4.cut - a step on some scale; "he is a cut above the rest"gradation, step - relative position in a graded series; "always a step behind"; "subtle gradations in color"; "keep in step with the fashions"
5.cut - a wound made by cuttingcut - a wound made by cutting; "he put a bandage over the cut"gash, slash, slicewound, lesion - an injury to living tissue (especially an injury involving a cut or break in the skin)
6.cut - a piece of meat that has been cut from an animal carcasscut of meatroast, joint - a piece of meat roasted or for roasting and of a size for slicing into more than one portionconfit - a piece of meat (especially a duck) cooked slowly in its own fatmeat - the flesh of animals (including fishes and birds and snails) used as foodchop - a small cut of meat including part of a ribchine - cut of meat or fish including at least part of the backboneleg - the limb of an animal used for foodside of meat, side - a lengthwise dressed half of an animal's carcass used for foodforequarter - the front half of a side of meathindquarter - the back half of a side of meatcut of beef - cut of meat from beef cattlerib - cut of meat including one or more ribsentrecote - cut of meat taken from between the ribsshank - a cut of meat (beef or veal or mutton or lamb) from the upper part of the legshin bone, shin - a cut of meat from the lower part of the legbrisket - a cut of meat from the breast or lower chest especially of beefsteak - a slice of meat cut from the fleshy part of an animal or large fishloin - a cut of meat taken from the side and back of an animal between the ribs and the rumpsirloin - the portion of the loin (especially of beef) just in front of the rumptenderloin, undercut - the tender meat of the loin muscle on each side of the vertebral columnneck - a cut of meat from the neck of an animalshoulder - a cut of meat including the upper joint of the forelegcut of veal - cut of meat from a calfcut of mutton - cut of meat from a mature sheepcut of lamb - cut of meat from a lambsaddle - cut of meat (especially mutton or lamb) consisting of part of the backbone and both loinsrack - rib section of a forequarter of veal or pork or especially lamb or muttoncut of pork - cut of meat from a hog or pig
7.cut - a remark capable of wounding mentally; "the unkindest cut of all"stingercontumely, insult, revilement, vilification, abuse - a rude expression intended to offend or hurt; "when a student made a stupid mistake he spared them no abuse"; "they yelled insults at the visiting team"
8.cut - a distinct selection of music from a recording or a compact disccut - a distinct selection of music from a recording or a compact disc; "he played the first cut on the cd"; "the title track of the album"trackexcerpt, excerption, extract, selection - a passage selected from a larger work; "he presented excerpts from William James' philosophical writings"
9.cut - the omission that is made when an editorial change shortens a written passage; "an editor's deletions frequently upset young authors"; "both parties agreed on the excision of the proposed clause"excision, deletionediting, redaction - putting something (as a literary work or a legislative bill) into acceptable form
10.cut - the style in which a garment is cut; "a dress of traditional cut"fashion - the latest and most admired style in clothes and cosmetics and behavior
11.cut - a canal made by erosion or excavationcanal - long and narrow strip of water made for boats or for irrigation
12.cut - a refusal to recognize someone you knowcut - a refusal to recognize someone you know; "the snub was clearly intentional"cold shoulder, snubrebuff, slight - a deliberate discourteous act (usually as an expression of anger or disapproval)
13.cut - in baseballcut - in baseball; a batter's attempt to hit a pitched ball; "he took a vicious cut at the ball"baseball swing, swingstroke, shot - (sports) the act of swinging or striking at a ball with a club or racket or bat or cue or hand; "it took two strokes to get out of the bunker"; "a good shot requires good balance and tempo"; "he left me an almost impossible shot"
14.cut - (sports) a stroke that puts reverse spin on the ballcut - (sports) a stroke that puts reverse spin on the ball; "cuts do not bother a good tennis player"undercutsquash rackets, squash racquets, squash - a game played in an enclosed court by two or four players who strike the ball with long-handled racketsbadminton - a game played on a court with light long-handled rackets used to volley a shuttlecock over a netlawn tennis, tennis - a game played with rackets by two or four players who hit a ball back and forth over a net that divides the courtstroke, shot - (sports) the act of swinging or striking at a ball with a club or racket or bat or cue or hand; "it took two strokes to get out of the bunker"; "a good shot requires good balance and tempo"; "he left me an almost impossible shot"
15.cut - the division of a deck of cards before dealing; "he insisted that we give him the last cut before every deal"; "the cutting of the cards soon became a ritual"cuttingdivision - the act or process of dividingcard game, cards - a game played with playing cards
16.cut - the act of penetrating or opening open with a sharp edge; "his cut in the lining revealed the hidden jewels"cuttingopening - becoming open or being made open; "the opening of his arms was the sign I was waiting for"snick, nick, notch - a small cutgash, slash - a strong sweeping cut made with a sharp instrumentsurgical incision, incision, section - the cutting of or into body tissues or organs (especially by a surgeon as part of an operation)
17.cut - the act of cutting something into parts; "his cuts were skillful"; "his cutting of the cake made a terrible mess"cuttingsevering, severance - the act of severingdivision - the act or process of dividingdissection - cutting so as to separate into piecesscission - the act of dividing by cutting or splittingslicing - the act of cutting into slicesundercut - a cut made underneath to remove material
18.cut - the act of shortening something by chopping off the ends; "the barber gave him a good cut"cutting off, cuttingshortening - act of decreasing in length; "the dress needs shortening"snip, clipping, clip - the act of clipping or snippinghaircut - the act of cutting the hairclipping, trimming, trim - cutting down to the desired size or shapeshearing - removing by cutting off or clipping
19.cut - the act of reducing the amount or number; "the mayor proposed extensive cuts in the city budget"reduction, step-down, diminution, decrease - the act of decreasing or reducing somethingbudget cut - the act of reducing budgeted expenditurespay cut, salary cut - the act of reducing a salarycost cutting - the act of cutting costsprice cut, price cutting - cutting the price of merchandise to one lower than the usual or advertised pricespending cut - the act of reducing spendingtax cut - the act of reducing taxation; "the new administration's large tax cut was highly controversial"
20.cut - an unexcused absence from class; "he was punished for taking too many cuts in his math class"absence - failure to be present
Verb1.cut - separate with or as if with an instrument; "Cut the rope"manicure - trim carefully and neatly; "manicure fingernails"scissor - cut with or as if with scissorsplane, shave - cut or remove with or as if with a plane; "The machine shaved off fine layers from the piece of wood"slice up, slice - cut into slices; "Slice the salami, please"pink - cut in a zigzag pattern with pinking shears, in sewingjag - cut teeth into; make a jagged cutting edgecut up, carve - cut to pieces; "Father carved the ham"carve - form by carving; "Carve a flower from the ice"chip at, carve - engrave or cut by chipping away at a surface; "carve one's name into the bark"dice, cube - cut into cubes; "cube the cheese"julienne - cut into long thin strips; "julienne the potatoes"hack, chop - cut with a hacking toolundercut - cut obliquely into (a tree) below the main cut and on the side toward which the tree will fallhack - cut away; "he hacked his way through the forest"chop, chop up - cut into pieces; "Chop wood"; "chop meat"fell, strike down, cut down, drop - cause to fall by or as if by delivering a blow; "strike down a tree"; "Lightning struck down the hikers"chip, nick - cut a nick intonick, snick - cut slightly, with a razor; "The barber's knife nicked his cheek"knap, break off, chip, cut off - break a small piece off from; "chip the glass"; "chip a tooth"trim, pare - remove the edges from and cut down to the desired size; "pare one's fingernails"; "trim the photograph"; "trim lumber"circumcise - cut the skin over the clitorischamfer, furrow, chase - cut a furrow into a columnsindent - cut or tear along an irregular line so that the parts can later be matched for authentication; "indent the documents"mortice, mortise - cut a hole for a tenon inmow, cut down - cut with a blade or mower; "mow the grass"shear - cut or cut through with shears; "shear the wool off the lamb"gash, slash - cut open; "she slashed her wrists"slash, cut down - cut with sweeping strokes; as with an ax or machetetap - cut a female screw thread with a taphob - cut with a hobdrill, bore - make a hole, especially with a pointed power or hand tool; "don't drill here, there's a gas pipe"; "drill a hole into the wall"; "drill for oil"; "carpenter bees are boring holes into the wall"clip, nip off, snip, snip off, nip - sever or remove by pinching or snipping; "nip off the flowers"dissect - cut open or cut apart; "dissect the bodies for analysis"bisect - cut in half or cut in two; "bisect a line"transect - cut across or divide transversely; "the trails transect the property"trisect - cut in three; "trisect a line"whittle, pare - cut small bits or pare shavings from; "whittle a piece of wood"chatter - cut unevenly with a chattering toolcut away - remove by cutting off or away; "cut away the branch that sticks out"tomahawk - cut with a tomahawksaber, sabre - cut or injure with a saberrebate - cut a rebate in (timber or stone)cradle - cut grain with a cradle scytheincise - make an incision into by carving or cuttingtrench - cut or carve deeply into; "letters trenched into the stone"tail, bob, dock - remove or shorten the tail of an animaldisunite, separate, part, divide - force, take, or pull apart; "He separated the fighting children"; "Moses parted the Red Sea"slice, slit - make a clean cut through; "slit her throat"saw - cut with a saw; "saw wood for the fireplace"lop, sever, discerp - cut off from a whole; "His head was severed from his body"; "The soul discerped from the body"chase - cut a groove into; "chase silver"bevel, chamfer - cut a bevel on; shape to a bevel; "bevel the surface"crosscut, cut across - cut using a diagonal linerip - cut (wood) along the graincut up, carve - cut to pieces; "Father carved the ham"knap, break off, chip, cut off - break a small piece off from; "chip the glass"; "chip a tooth"cut into, delve, dig, turn over - turn up, loosen, or remove earth; "Dig we must"; "turn over the soil for aeration"
2.cut - cut down oncut - cut down on; make a reduction in; "reduce your daily fat intake"; "The employer wants to cut back health benefits"cut down, reduce, trim back, trim down, cut back, trim, bring downshorten - make shorter than originally intended; reduce or retrench in length or duration; "He shortened his trip due to illness"spill - reduce the pressure of wind on (a sail)quench - reduce the degree of (luminescence or phosphorescence) in (excited molecules or a material) by adding a suitable substancecut - have a reducing effect; "This cuts into my earnings"retrench - make a reduction, as in one's workforce; "The company had to retrench"slash - cut drastically; "Prices were slashed"thin out - make sparse; "thin out the young plants"thin - make thin or thinner; "Thin the solution"minify, decrease, lessen - make smaller; "He decreased his staff"detract, take away - take away a part from; diminish; "His bad manners detract from his good character"deflate - reduce or cut back the amount or availability of, creating a decline in value or prices; "deflate the currency"inflate - increase the amount or availability of, creating a rise in value; "inflate the currency"downsize - reduce in size or number; "the company downsized its research staff"subtract - take off or away; "this prefix was subtracted when the word was borrowed from French"knock off, shave - cut the price of
3.cut - turn sharplycut - turn sharply; change direction abruptly; "The car cut to the left at the intersection"; "The motorbike veered to the right"curve, sheer, slew, slue, swerve, trend, veerturn - change orientation or direction, also in the abstract sense; "Turn towards me"; "The mugger turned and fled before I could see his face"; "She turned from herself and learned to listen to others' needs"peel off - leave a formationyaw - swerve off course momentarily; "the ship yawed when the huge waves hit it"
4.cut - make an incision or separation; "cut along the dotted line"cut - allow incision or separation; "This bread cuts easily"
5.cut - discharge from a group; "The coach cut two players from the team"discharge, free - free from obligations or duties
6.cut - form by probing, penetrating, or digging; "cut a hole"; "cut trenches"; "The sweat cut little rivulets into her face"create, make - make or cause to be or to become; "make a mess in one's office"; "create a furor"cut - form or shape by cutting or incising; "cut paper dolls"blast - make with or as if with an explosion; "blast a tunnel through the Alps"
7.cut - style and tailor in a certain fashion; "cut a dress"tailorfashion - the latest and most admired style in clothes and cosmetics and behaviorgore - cut into gores; "gore a skirt"design - create the design for; create or execute in an artistic or highly skilled manner; "Chanel designed the famous suit"
8.cut - hit (a ball) with a spin so that it turns in the opposite direction; "cut a Ping-Pong ball"athletics, sport - an active diversion requiring physical exertion and competitionhit - deal a blow to, either with the hand or with an instrument; "He hit her hard in the face"
9.cut - make out and issuecut - make out and issue; "write out a check"; "cut a ticket"; "Please make the check out to me"make out, write out, issuewrite - communicate or express by writing; "Please write to me every week"check - write out a check on a bank account
10.cut - cut and assemble the components of; "edit film"; "cut recording tape"edit out, editalter, change, modify - cause to change; make different; cause a transformation; "The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"; "The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue"abbreviate, abridge, foreshorten, shorten, contract, reduce, cut - reduce in scope while retaining essential elements; "The manuscript must be shortened"
11.cut - intentionally fail to attend; "cut class"skipmiss - fail to attend an event or activity; "I missed the concert"; "He missed school for a week"bunk off, play hooky - play truant from work or school; "The boy often plays hooky"
12.cut - be able to manage or manage successfully; "I can't hack it anymore"; "she could not cut the long days in the office"hackget by, grapple, make do, cope, manage, contend, deal, make out - come to terms with; "We got by on just a gallon of gas"; "They made do on half a loaf of bread every day"
13.cut - give the appearance or impression of; "cut a nice figure"appear, seem, look - give a certain impression or have a certain outward aspect; "She seems to be sleeping"; "This appears to be a very difficult problem"; "This project looks fishy"; "They appeared like people who had not eaten or slept for a long time"
14.cut - move (one's fist); "his opponent cut upward toward his chin"boxing, pugilism, fisticuffs - fighting with the fistsmove - move so as to change position, perform a nontranslational motion; "He moved his hand slightly to the right"
15.cut - pass directly and often in haste; "We cut through the neighbor's yard to get home sooner"cut - pass through or across; "The boat cut the water"go across, pass, go through - go across or through; "We passed the point where the police car had parked"; "A terrible thought went through his mind"
16.cut - pass through or across; "The boat cut the water"move through, pass across, pass through, transit, pass over - make a passage or journey from one place to another; "The tourists moved through the town and bought up all the souvenirs;" "Some travelers pass through the desert"cut - pass directly and often in haste; "We cut through the neighbor's yard to get home sooner"
17.cut - make an abrupt change of image or sound; "cut from one scene to another"switch, change, shift - lay aside, abandon, or leave for another; "switch to a different brand of beer"; "She switched psychiatrists"; "The car changed lanes"cut - stop filming; "cut a movie scene"cut away - move quickly to another scene or focus when filming; "`cut away now!' the director shouted"cut to - move to another scene when filming; "The camera cut to the sky"
18.cut - stop filming; "cut a movie scene"stop - cause to stop; "stop a car"; "stop the thief"cut - make an abrupt change of image or sound; "cut from one scene to another"
19.cut - make a recording of; "cut the songs"; "She cut all of her major titles again"record, tape - register electronically; "They recorded her singing"cut - record a performance on (a medium); "cut a record"
20.cut - record a performance on (a medium); "cut a record"record, tape - register electronically; "They recorded her singing"burn, cut - create by duplicating data; "cut a disk"; "burn a CD"cut - make a recording of; "cut the songs"; "She cut all of her major titles again"
21.cut - create by duplicating data; "cut a disk"; "burn a CD"burnproduce, create, make - create or manufacture a man-made product; "We produce more cars than we can sell"; "The company has been making toys for two centuries"cut - record a performance on (a medium); "cut a record"
22.cut - form or shape by cutting or incising; "cut paper dolls"create, make - make or cause to be or to become; "make a mess in one's office"; "create a furor"cut - form by probing, penetrating, or digging; "cut a hole"; "cut trenches"; "The sweat cut little rivulets into her face"
23.cut - perform or carry out; "cut a caper"perform, do, execute - carry out or perform an action; "John did the painting, the weeding, and he cleaned out the gutters"; "the skater executed a triple pirouette"; "she did a little dance"
24.cut - function as a cutting instrument; "This knife cuts well"function, operate, work, run, go - perform as expected when applied; "The washing machine won't go unless it's plugged in"; "Does this old car still run well?"; "This old radio doesn't work anymore"
25.cut - allow incision or separation; "This bread cuts easily"cut - make an incision or separation; "cut along the dotted line"be - have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun); "John is rich"; "This is not a good answer"
26.cut - divide a deck of cards at random into two parts to make selection difficult; "Wayne cut"; "She cut the deck for a long time"shuffle, mix, ruffle - mix so as to make a random order or arrangement; "shuffle the cards"
27.cut - cause to stop operating by disengaging a switchcut - cause to stop operating by disengaging a switch; "Turn off the stereo, please"; "cut the engine"; "turn out the lights"switch off, turn off, turn outkill - cause to cease operating; "kill the engine"flip, switch, throw - cause to go on or to be engaged or set in operation; "switch on the light"; "throw the lever"
28.cut - reap or harvest; "cut grain"glean, harvest, reap - gather, as of natural products; "harvest the grapes"
29.cut - fell by sawing; hew; "The Vietnamese cut a lot of timber while they occupied Cambodia"fell, strike down, cut down, drop - cause to fall by or as if by delivering a blow; "strike down a tree"; "Lightning struck down the hikers"
30.cut - penetrate injuriously; "The glass from the shattered windshield cut into her forehead"penetrate, perforate - pass into or through, often by overcoming resistance; "The bullet penetrated her chest"
31.cut - refuse to acknowledge; "She cut him dead at the meeting"disregard, ignore, snubdo by, treat, handle - interact in a certain way; "Do right by her"; "Treat him with caution, please"; "Handle the press reporters gently"
32.cut - shorten as if by severing the edges or ends of; "cut my hair"shorten - make short or shorter; "shorten the skirt"; "shorten the rope by a few inches"shave, trim - cut closely; "trim my beard"French - cut (e.g, beans) lengthwise in preparation for cooking; "French the potatoes"crop - cut short; "She wanted her hair cropped short"
33.cut - weed out unwanted or unnecessary things; "We had to lose weight, so we cut the sugar from our diet"prune, rationalize, rationalisedo away with, eliminate, get rid of, extinguish - terminate, end, or take out; "Let's eliminate the course on Akkadian hieroglyphics"; "Socialism extinguished these archaic customs"; "eliminate my debts"curtail, restrict, curb, cut back - place restrictions on; "curtail drinking in school"cut down, reduce, trim back, trim down, cut, cut back, trim, bring down - cut down on; make a reduction in; "reduce your daily fat intake"; "The employer wants to cut back health benefits"cut out - delete or remove; "Cut out the extra text"; "cut out the newspaper article"
34.cut - dissolve by breaking down the fat of; "soap cuts grease"dissolve, break up, resolve - cause to go into a solution; "The recipe says that we should dissolve a cup of sugar in two cups of water"
35.cut - have a reducing effect; "This cuts into my earnings"cut down, reduce, trim back, trim down, cut, cut back, trim, bring down - cut down on; make a reduction in; "reduce your daily fat intake"; "The employer wants to cut back health benefits"minify, decrease, lessen - make smaller; "He decreased his staff"
36.cut - cease, stop; "cut the noise"; "We had to cut short the conversation"cut offcut off, disrupt, interrupt, break up - make a break in; "We interrupt the program for the following messages"cut off, disrupt, interrupt, break up - make a break in; "We interrupt the program for the following messages"
37.cut - reduce in scope while retaining essential elementscut - reduce in scope while retaining essential elements; "The manuscript must be shortened"abbreviate, abridge, foreshorten, shorten, contract, reducebowdlerise, bowdlerize, expurgate, castrate, shorten - edit by omitting or modifying parts considered indelicate; "bowdlerize a novel"edit out, edit, cut - cut and assemble the components of; "edit film"; "cut recording tape"condense, concentrate, digest - make more concise; "condense the contents of a book into a summary"minify, decrease, lessen - make smaller; "He decreased his staff"
38.cut - lessen the strength or flavor of a solution or mixture; "cut bourbon"dilute, thin, thin out, reduceweaken - lessen the strength of; "The fever weakened his body"water down - make less strong or intense; "water down the mixture"
39.cut - have grow through the gums; "The baby cut a tooth"acquire, develop, produce, grow, get - come to have or undergo a change of (physical features and attributes); "He grew a beard"; "The patient developed abdominal pains"; "I got funny spots all over my body"; "Well-developed breasts"cut - grow through the gums; "The new tooth is cutting"
40.cut - grow through the gums; "The new tooth is cutting"cut - have grow through the gums; "The baby cut a tooth"grow - increase in size by natural process; "Corn doesn't grow here"; "In these forests, mushrooms grow under the trees"; "her hair doesn't grow much anymore"
41.cut - cut off the testicles (of male animals such as horses); "the vet gelded the young horse"gelddemasculinise, demasculinize, emasculate, castrate - remove the testicles of a male animal
Adj.1.cut - separated into parts or laid open or penetrated with a sharp edge or instrument; "the cut surface was mottled"; "cut tobacco"; "blood from his cut forehead"; "bandages on her cut wrists"uncut - not cut
2.cut - fashioned or shaped by cutting; "a well-cut suit"; "cut diamonds"; "cut velvet"uncut, rough - not shaped by cutting or trimming; "an uncut diamond"; "rough gemstones"
3.cut - with parts removed; "the drastically cut film"shortenedabridged - (used of texts) shortened by condensing or rewriting; "an abridged version"
4.cut - made neat and tidy by trimmingcut - made neat and tidy by trimming; "his neatly trimmed hair"trimmed
5.cut - (used of grass or vegetation) cut down with a hand implement or machine; "the smell of newly mown hay"mownbotany, flora, vegetation - all the plant life in a particular region or period; "Pleistocene vegetation"; "the flora of southern California"; "the botany of China"
6.cut - (of pages of a book) having the folds of the leaves trimmed or slit; "the cut pages of the book"uncut - (of pages of a book) having adjacent leaves still joined at the fore edge; "a book with its leaves still uncut"
7.cut - (of a male animal) having the testicles removed; "a cut horse"emasculated, geldedcastrated, unsexed - deprived of sexual capacity or sexual attributes
8.cut - (used of rates or prices) reduced usually sharply; "the slashed prices attracted buyers"slasheddecreased, reduced - made less in size or amount or degree
9.cut - mixed with water; "sold cut whiskey"; "a cup of thinned soup"thinned, weakeneddilute, diluted - reduced in strength or concentration or quality or purity; "diluted alcohol"; "a dilute solution"; "dilute acetic acid"


verb1. slit, saw, score, nick, slice, slash, pierce, hack, penetrate, notch Thieves cut a hole in the fence. You can hear the saw as it cuts through the bone.2. chop, split, divide, slice, segment, dissect, cleave, part Cut the tomatoes into small pieces.3. carve, slice Mr Long was cutting himself a piece of the cake.4. sever, cut in two, sunder I cut the rope with scissors.5. shape, carve, engrave, chisel, form, score, fashion, chip, sculpture, whittle, sculpt, inscribe, hew Geometric motifs are cut into the stone walls.6. slash, nick, wound, lance, gash, lacerate, incise I cut myself shaving.7. clip, mow, trim, dock, prune, snip, pare, lop The previous tenants hadn't even cut the grass.8. trim, shave, hack, snip She cut his ragged hair and shaved off his beard.9. reduce, lower, slim (down), diminish, slash, decrease, cut back, rationalize, ease up on, downsize The first priority is to cut costs.
reduce increase, expand, enlarge, augment
10. abridge, edit, shorten, curtail, condense, abbreviate, précis He has cut the play judiciously.
abridge extend, add to, fill out, expand on, enlarge on
11. delete, take out, excise, edit out, expurgate The audience wants more music and less drama, so we've cut some scenes.12. stop, suspend, interrupt, discontinue They used pressure tactics such as cutting food and water supplies.13. hurt, wound, upset, sting, grieve, pain, hurt someone's feelings The personal criticism has cut him deeply.14. (Informal) ignore, avoid, slight, blank (slang), snub, spurn, freeze (someone) out (informal), cold-shoulder, turn your back on, send to Coventry, look straight through (someone) She just cut me in the street.
ignore receive, greet, embrace, hail, welcome with open arms, accept gladly
15. cross, interrupt, intersect, bisect a straight line that cuts the vertical axis
noun1. incision, nick, rent, stroke, rip, slash, groove, slit, snip The operation involves making several cuts in the cornea.2. gash, nick, wound, slash, graze, laceration He had sustained a cut on his left eyebrow.3. reduction, fall, lowering, slash, decrease, cutback, diminution The economy needs an immediate 2 per cent cut in interest rates.4. (Informal) share, piece, slice, percentage, portion, kickback (chiefly U.S.), rake-off (slang) The lawyers, of course, will take their cut of the profits.5. style, look, form, fashion, shape, mode, configuration The cut of her clothes made her look slimmer and taller.a cut above something or someone (Informal) superior to, better than, more efficient than, more reliable than, streets ahead of, more useful than, more capable than, more competent than He's a cut above the usual boys she goes out with.cut and dried (Informal) clear-cut, settled, fixed, organized, automatic, sorted out (informal), predetermined, prearranged We are aiming for guidelines, not cut and dried answers.cut in interrupt, break in, butt in, interpose 'That's not true,' the duchess cut in suddenly.cut out for something suited, designed, fitted, suitable, adapted, equipped, adequate, eligible, competent, qualified She wasn't cut out for motherhood.cut someone down kill, take out (slang), massacre, slaughter, dispatch, slay (archaic), blow away (slang, chiefly U.S.), mow down He was cut down in a hail of bullets.cut someone down to size make (someone) look small, humble, humiliate, bring low, take (someone) down a peg (informal), abash, crush, put (someone) in their place, take the wind out of (someone's) sails It's high time someone cut that arrogant little creep down to size.cut someone off1. separate, isolate, sever, keep apart The exiles had been cut off from all contact with their homeland.2. interrupt, stop, break in, butt in, interpose 'But sir, I'm under orders to -' Clark cut him off. 'Don't argue with me.'3. disinherit, renounce, disown His father cut him off without a penny.cut someone out (Informal) exclude, eliminate, oust, displace, supersede, supplant He felt that he was being cut out of the decision-making process completely.cut someone short interrupt, stop, break in, butt in, interpose Veronica cut him short by saying, `I don't want to hear about it.'cut someone up slash, injure, wound, knife, lacerate They cut him up with a razor.cut something back1. reduce, check, lower, slash, decrease, curb, lessen, economize, downsize, retrench, draw or pull in your horns (informal) The government has cut back on defence spending.2. trim, prune, shorten Cut back the root of the bulb to within half an inch of the base.cut something down1. reduce, moderate, decrease, lessen, lower Car owners were asked to cut down their travel.2. fell, level, hew, lop A vandal with a chainsaw cut down several trees in the park.cut something off discontinue, disconnect, suspend, halt, obstruct, bring to an end The rebels have cut off the electricity supply from the capital.cut something out1. remove, extract, censor, delete, edit out All the violent scenes had been cut out of the film.2. stop, cease, refrain from, pack in, kick (informal), give up, sever You can cut that behaviour out right now.cut something short bring to an end, stop, check, halt, dock, postpone, terminate, break off, abort, pull the plug on, truncate, leave unfinished His career was cut tragically short by a car crash.cut something up chop, divide, slice, carve, dice, mince Cut the sausages up and cook them over a medium heat.cut up upset, disturbed, distressed, stricken, agitated, heartbroken, desolated, dejected, wretched Terry was very cut up by Jim's death.


verb1. To penetrate with a sharp edge:gash, incise, pierce, slash, slit.2. To separate into parts with or as if with a sharp-edged instrument:carve, cleave, dissever, sever, slice, slit, split.3. To bring down, as with a saw or ax.Also used with down:chop down, fell, hew.4. To turn aside sharply from a straight course:chop, sheer, skew, slue, swerve, veer.Nautical: yaw.5. To decrease, as in length or amount, by or as if by severing or excising:chop, clip, crop, cut back, cut down, lop, lower, pare, prune, shear, slash, trim, truncate.6. To lessen the strength of by or as if by admixture:attenuate, dilute, thin, water (down), weaken.7. To slight (someone) deliberately:rebuff, shun, snub, spurn.Informal: coldshoulder.Idioms: close the door on, give someone the cold shoulder, give someone the go-by, turn one's back on.8. To fail to attend on purpose:truant.Informal: skip.Idioms: go AWOL, play hooky.phrasal verb
cut acrossTo pass through or over:crisscross, cross, crosscut, decussate, intersect.phrasal verb
cut backTo decrease, as in length or amount, by or as if by severing or excising:chop, clip, crop, cut, cut down, lop, lower, pare, prune, shear, slash, trim, truncate.phrasal verb
cut down1. To cause the death of:carry off, cut off, destroy, dispatch, finish (off), kill, slay.Slang: waste, zap.Idioms: put an end to, put to sleep.2. To cause to fall, as from a shot or blow:bring down, down, drop, fell, flatten, floor, ground, knock down, level, prostrate, strike down, throw.Slang: deck.Idiom: lay low.3. To decrease, as in length or amount, by or as if by severing or excising:chop, clip, crop, cut, cut back, lop, lower, pare, prune, shear, slash, trim, truncate.phrasal verb
cut in1. To force or come in as an improper or unwanted element:horn in, intrude, obtrude.2. To interject remarks or questions into another's discourse:break in, chime in, chip in, interrupt.phrasal verb
cut off1. To set apart from a group:close off, insulate, isolate, seclude, segregate, separate, sequester.2. To cause the death of:carry off, cut down, destroy, dispatch, finish (off), kill, slay.Slang: waste, zap.Idioms: put an end to, put to sleep.3. To block the progress of and force to change direction:head off, intercept.phrasal verb
cut out1. To take the place of (another) against the other's will:displace, supplant.2. To desist from, cease, or discontinue (a habit, for example):break, give up, leave off, stop.Slang: kick.3. Informal. To move or proceed away from a place:depart, exit, get away, get off, go, go away, leave, pull out, quit, retire, run (along), withdraw.Informal: push off, shove off.Slang: blow, split, take off.Idioms: hit the road, take leave.phrasal verb
cut up1. Informal. To behave in a rowdy, improper, or unruly fashion:act up, carry on, misbehave.Informal: horse around.2. Informal. To find fault with:blame, censure, criticize, fault, rap.Informal: pan.Slang: knock.noun1. The result of cutting:gash, incision, slash, slice, slit, split.2. A part severed from a whole:piece, portion, section, segment, slice.3. The act or process of decreasing:abatement, curtailment, cutback, decrease, decrement, diminishment, diminution, drain, reduction, slash, slowdown, taper.4. Informal. That which is allotted:allocation, allotment, allowance, dole, lot, measure, part, portion, quantum, quota, ration, share, split.Slang: divvy.5. A deliberate slight:rebuff, snub, spurn.Informal: cold shoulder, go-by.6. An unexcused absence:truancy, truantry.Informal: hooky.


(kat) present participle ˈcutting: past tense past participle cut verb1. to make an opening in, usually with something with a sharp edge. He cut the paper with a pair of scissors. 切,割,剪 切,割,剪 2. to separate or divide by cutting. She cut a slice of bread; The child cut out the pictures; She cut up the meat into small pieces. 切開 切开3. to make by cutting. She cut a hole in the cloth. 剪開 剪开4. to shorten by cutting; to trim. to cut hair; I'll cut the grass. 剪短 剪短5. to reduce. They cut my wages by ten per cent. 削減 削减6. to remove. They cut several passages from the film. 剪輯 剪辑7. to wound or hurt by breaking the skin (of). I cut my hand on a piece of glass. 割破 割破8. to divide (a pack of cards). 切牌 切牌9. to stop. When the actress said the wrong words, the director ordered `Cut!' (電影拍攝時)停拍 (电影拍摄时)停拍 10. to take a short route or way. He cut through/across the park on his way to the office; A van cut in in front of me on the motorway. 抄近路 抄近路11. to meet and cross (a line or geometrical figure). An axis cuts a circle in two places. 剖切(直線或幾何圖形) 相交,相切 12. to stay away from (a class, lecture etc). He cut school and went to the cinema. 曠課 旷课13. (also cut dead) to ignore completely. She cut me dead in the High Street. 完全不理會 假装没看见 noun1. the result of an act of cutting. a cut on the head; a power-cut (= stoppage of electrical power); a haircut; a cut in prices. 傷口,切斷,削減 伤口,切断,削减 2. the way in which something is tailored, fashioned etc. the cut of the jacket. 裁剪 裁剪3. a piece of meat cut from an animal. a cut of beef. 切下的肉塊 切下的肉块ˈcutter noun1. a person or thing that cuts. a wood-cutter; a glass-cutter. 切割者,切割機具 切割者,用于切割的器械 2. a type of small sailing ship. 小艇 小汽艇ˈcutting noun1. a piece of plant cut off and replanted to form another plant. 插條,插枝 插条,插枝 2. an article cut out from a newspaper etc. She collects cuttings about the Royal Family. 剪報 剪报3. a trench dug through a hillside etc, in which a railway, road etc is built. 山丘上開挖的濠溝,路基 (筑路时排除障碍物的)开挖的堑沟,路堑 adjective insulting or offending. a cutting remark. 尖刻的 尖刻的cut glass glass with ornamental patterns cut on the surface, used for drinking glasses etc. 雕花玻璃杯 雕花玻璃杯ˈcut-price cheaper than normal. cut-price goods; a cut-price store. 減價的 减价的ˈcut-throat noun a murderer. 兇手,謀殺者 凶手,谋杀者 adjective fierce; ruthless. cut-throat business competition. 無情的 无情的a cut above (obviously) better than. He's a cut above the average engineer. 優於,好於 优于,好于 cut and dried fixed and definite. cut-and-dried opinions. 已成定局的 已成定局的cut back to reduce considerably: The government cut back (on) public spending (noun ˈcutback) 削減 削减cut both ways to affect both parts of a question, both people involved, good and bad points etc. That argument cuts both ways! (議論)對雙方都起作用,兩面都說得通 (议论)对双方都起作用,两面都说得通 cut a dash to have a smart or striking appearance. He cuts a dash in his purple suit. 惹人注目 大出风头cut down1. to cause to fall by cutting. He has cut down the apple tree. 砍倒 砍倒2. to reduce (an amount taken etc). I haven't given up smoking but I'm cutting down. 削減 削减cut in to interrupt. She cut in with a remark. 插嘴 插嘴cut it fine to allow barely enough time, money etc for something that must be done. 扣得很緊,幾乎不留餘地 扣得很紧,几乎不留余地 cut no ice to have no effect. This sort of flattery cuts no ice with me. 起不起作用,沒有影響 不起作用,无效 cut off1. to interrupt or break a telephone connection. I was cut off in the middle of the telephone call. 中斷或切斷電話線路 电话线路被切断2. to separate. They were cut off from the rest of the army. 隔離 使隔绝3. to stop or prevent delivery of. They've cut off our supplies of coal. 中止,中斷 中止,中断 cut one's losses to decide to spend no more money, effort etc on something which is proving unprofitable. 無利可圖便及時收手 趁早收手(赶紧脱手免受损失),認賠出場 cut one's teeth to grow one's first teeth. The baby's cutting his first tooth. 長出第一顆乳牙 长出牙齿,初试牛刀 cut out1. to stop working, sometimes because of a safety device. The engines cut out (noun ˈcut-out). 停止工作 停止工作2. to stop. I've cut out smoking. 戒除,改掉 戒除,放弃 cut short1. to make shorter than intended. He cut short his holiday to deal with the crisis. 縮短 缩短2. to cause (someone) to stop talking by interrupting them. I tried to apologize but he cut me short. 打斷某人的談話 打断某人的谈话


切zhCN, 切口zhCN, 割伤zhCN
  • I've been cut off → 线路断了
  • A cut and blow-dry, please → 剪短加吹风
  • Don't cut too much off → 不要剪得太短
  • Have you cut my type of hair before? → 你以前理过我这种发型吗?
  • He's cut himself (US)
    He has cut himself (UK) → 他割伤了自己



1. verb To stop doing something. You better cut these antics before your father gets home. Cut the eye-rolling, will you?2. verb To make a recording of something, usually musical. Our band is going out to LA to cut a demo.3. noun A portion of the profits from something, such as a business venture. I better get a cut of this deal—I came up with the original concept!4. noun A single song on an album or other compilation. Here's a cut from their latest record.5. adjective, slang Circumcised. Guys who aren't cut can be self-conscious.6. adjective, slang Having well-defined muscles, especially the abdominals. Did you see that lifeguard with his shirt off? He's really cut!7. adjective, slang Drunk. Do you remember last night at the bar at all? You were really cut!

cut up

1. verb To chop something into smaller pieces. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "cut" and "up." You need to cut up these onions so we can brown them.2. verb To judge or criticize someone or something harshly. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "cut" and "up." I thought I had done a good job on the project, but my boss just cut it up, pointing out every little thing I had overlooked.3. verb To cause someone to laugh. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "cut" and "up." His remark cut up the rest of the group, but I just didn't think it was funny.4. verb To joke or play around. Boys! Stop cutting up and focus on these math problems!5. verb To behave in an angry and perhaps violent manner. In this usage, "up" is typically followed by "rough." Don't leave those guys alone together—they've been known to cut up rough when they disagree with each other.6. noun One prone to joking or playing around. In this usage, the phrase is usually hyphenated. My son is constantly getting in trouble at school because he's such a cut-up.7. adjective Anguished. After the funeral, I was cut up for the rest of the day.8. adjective, slang Having well-defined abdominal muscles. Did you see that lifeguard with his shirt off? He's totally cut up!See also: cut, up


slang Well-defined muscles, especially the abdominals. Did you see that lifeguard with his shirt off? His cuts are ridiculous!See also: cut


1. Mean-spirited. Oh, I stopped listening to Drew a long time ago. All he does is make cutting remarks about our family.2. Sharp or piercing. I buttoned the collar of my coat against the cutting wind.


(oneself) loose (from someone or something) to get out from under the domination of someone or something. At last, she cut herself loose from her mother. She had to cut loose from home. Everyone wished that Todd would cut himself loose from his mother.


verbSee cut up


1. mod. alcohol intoxicated. He got cut on beer, which is unusual for him. 2. tv. to dilute something. She always cuts her eggnog with cola. Yuck! 3. n. a share of the loot or the profits. (Originally underworld.) You’ll get your cut when everybody else does. 4. n. a single song or section of music on a record. This next cut is one everybody likes. 5. tv. to eliminate something; to stop (doing something). Okay, chum, cut the clowning. 6. mod. muscular; with well-defined muscles, especially in reference to the abdominal muscles. He works out and he’s really cut! 7. mod. circumcised. (Not usually prenominal.) I’m not cut and neither is my brother.


n. sharply defined musculature, especially in the abdominal area. Look at the cuts on that guy! What great abs! See also: cut


/give (someone) some slack Slang To make an allowance for (someone), as in allowing more time to finish something.
  • (one's) work is cut out for (one)
  • a cut above
  • a cut above average
  • a cut above somebody/something
  • a cut above the rest
  • a cut below
  • a short cut
  • able to cut
  • able to cut it
  • able to cut something
  • against the grain
  • an atmosphere that you could cut with a knife
  • be a cut above
  • be cut adrift
  • be cut from the same cloth
  • be cut out for
  • be cut out for (something)
  • be cut out for somebody/something
  • be half-cut
  • be not cut out for something
  • be running around like a headless chicken
  • break loose from (something)
  • break/cut/tear loose from somebody/something
  • can't cut the mustard
  • catch some Zs
  • clean-cut
  • clear-cut
  • crew cut
  • cut
  • cut (one) a break
  • cut (one) a check
  • cut (one) dead
  • cut (one) down in (one's) prime
  • cut (one) off at the pass
  • cut (one) off in (one's) prime
  • cut (one) off without a penny
  • cut (one) some slack
  • cut (one) to the quick
  • cut (one's) cloth
  • cut (one's) coat according to (one's) cloth
  • cut (one's) comb
  • cut (one's) eyeteeth
  • cut (one's) losses
  • cut (one's) nose off to spite (one's) face
  • cut (one's) own throat
  • cut (one's) stick
  • cut (one's) teeth
  • cut (one's) teeth in (something)
  • cut (one's) teeth on (something)
  • cut (one's) water off
  • cut (one's) wisdom teeth
  • cut (one's) wolf loose
  • cut (oneself) on (something)
  • cut (someone or something) down to size
  • cut (someone or something) from (something)
  • cut (someone or something) loose
  • cut (someone or something) loose from (something)
  • cut (someone or something) short
  • cut (someone or something) to (someone or something)
  • cut (someone or something) to ribbons
  • cut (someone or something) with (something)
  • cut (someone something) to the bone
  • cut (someone) in on (something)
  • cut (someone) to pieces
  • cut (someone's) throat
  • cut (something) down to (something)
  • cut (something) on (something)
  • cut (something) out of (something)
  • cut a (wide) swath
  • cut a (wide) swath, to
  • cut a break
  • cut a check
  • cut a dash
  • cut a deal
  • cut a dido
  • cut a fat hog
  • cut a figure
  • cut a fine figure
  • cut a fine, poor, sorry, etc. figure
  • cut a muffin
  • cut a path
  • cut a poor figure
  • cut a ribbon
  • cut a rug
  • cut a sorry figure
  • cut a swath through (something)
  • cut a swathe through
  • cut a swathe through something
  • cut a tooth
  • cut a wide swath
  • cut a/the ribbon
  • cut above
  • cut across
  • cut across (something)
  • cut adrift
  • cut along
  • cut along (something)
  • cut and dried
  • cut and paste
  • cut and run
  • cut and run, to
  • cut and thrust
  • cut around
  • cut around (something)
  • cut at
  • cut at (someone or something)
  • cut away
  • cut back
  • cut back to
  • cut back to (someone or something)
  • cut bait
  • cut both ways
  • cut both/two ways
  • cut capers
  • cut class
  • cut coat according to cloth
  • cut corners
  • cut corners, to
  • cut dead
  • cut didoes
  • cut down
  • cut down to
  • cut down to size
  • cut each other's throats
  • cut eyes at
  • cut eyes at (someone or something)
  • cut eyeteeth on
  • cut eyeteeth on (something)
  • cut from
  • cut from the same cloth
  • cut from whole cloth
  • cut ice with (someone)
  • cut in
  • cut in line
  • cut in(to)
  • cut into
  • cut it
  • cut it close
  • cut it fine
  • cut it out
  • Cut it out!
  • cut it/things fine
  • cut loose
  • cut loose from
  • cut losses
  • cut no ice
  • cut no ice with (one)
  • cut no ice with someone
  • cut no ice, to
  • cut nose off to spite face
  • cut of (one's) jib
  • cut of his/her jib, I don't like the
  • cut of one's jib
  • cut off
  • cut off (one's) nose to spite (one's) face
  • cut off at the pass
  • cut off at the pass, to
  • cut off from the (outside) world
  • cut off nose to spite face
  • cut off one's nose to spite one's face
  • cut off one's nose to spite one's face, to
  • cut off with a cent
  • cut off with a shilling
  • cut off with(out) a shilling/cent
  • cut off without a penny
  • cut off your nose to spite your face
  • cut on
  • cut one
  • cut one another's throats
  • cut one loose
  • cut one’s losses
  • cut one’s own throat
  • cut one’s wolf loose
  • cut one's eyeteeth
  • cut one's losses
  • cut one's teeth on
  • cut one's teeth on, to
  • cut oneself on
  • cut out
  • cut out for
  • cut out for (someone or something)
  • cut out for, to be
  • cut out of
  • cut out of whole cloth
  • cut out to be
  • cut out to be (something)
  • cut short
  • cut some Zs
  • cut some Z's
  • cut somebody dead
  • cut somebody down to size
  • cut somebody short
  • cut somebody some slack
  • cut somebody to the quick
  • cut someone a break
  • cut someone dead
  • cut someone down to size
  • cut someone in
  • cut someone in on something
  • cut someone off in their prime
  • cut someone some slack
  • cut someone some slack, to
  • cut someone to the quick
  • cut someone/something loose
  • cut someone's throat
  • cut something short
  • cut something to ribbons
  • cut something to the bone
  • cut teeth
  • cut teeth on
  • cut the apron strings
  • cut the cackle
  • cut the cheese
  • cut the comedy
  • Cut the comedy!
  • cut the cord
  • cut the crap
  • Cut the crap!
  • cut the deadwood out
  • cut the dust
  • cut the funny stuff
  • cut the Gordian knot
  • cut the Gordian knot, to
  • cut the ground from under
  • cut the ground from under (someone)
  • cut the ground from under somebody/somebody's feet
  • cut the ground from under someone
  • cut the ground from under someone's feet
  • cut the ground from under(neath) (one's) feet
  • cut the ground from under, to
  • cut the ground out from under
  • cut the ground out from under (one)
  • cut the ice
  • cut the mustard
  • cut the mustard, to
  • cut the pie up
  • cut the umbilical cord
  • cut throat
  • cut through
  • cut through (something)
  • cut through (something) like a (hot) knife through butter
  • cut through red tape
  • cut ties with (someone)
  • cut to
  • cut to (someone or something)
  • cut to ribbons
  • cut to the bone
  • cut to the chase
  • cut to the pith (of something)
  • cut to the quick
  • cut up
  • cut up about (someone or something
  • cut up about someone/something
  • cut up rough
  • cut up rough/nasty
  • cut water off
  • cut with
  • cut wolf loose
  • cut your cloth
  • cut your coat according to your cloth
  • cut your losses
  • cut your own throat
  • cut your peaches
  • cut your teeth
  • cut your teeth on something
  • cut, pare, etc. something to the bone
  • cut, tear, etc. something to ribbons
  • cut/untie the Gordian knot
  • cut-off point
  • cut-rate
  • cuts
  • diamond cut diamond
  • don't cut no ice
  • don't cut off your nose to spite your face
  • draw straws
  • final cut
  • Fish or cut bait
  • give (one) some slack
  • give one's right arm, to
  • have (one's) work cut out
  • have (one's) work cut out for (one)
  • have one's work cut out for one
  • have work cut out for
  • have your work cut out
  • it cut both ways
  • It cuts both ways
  • It cuts two ways
  • let go
  • like a chicken with its head cut off
  • like a chicken with its head cut off, (run about)
  • long story short
  • make a long story short
  • make the cut
  • measure twice and cut once
  • measure twice, cut once
  • miss the cut
  • not be cut out for something
  • not cut it
  • not cut the mustard
  • one's work is cut out for one
  • out of whole cloth
  • pare (something) to the bone
  • run around like a chicken with its head cut off
  • run around like a chicken with its head cut off and run in circles
  • saw off
  • shortcut
  • tear (someone or something) to ribbons
  • tear loose from (someone or something)
  • the (most) unkindest cut (of all)
  • the cut and thrust
  • the cut and thrust of (something)
  • the cut of someone's jib
  • the most unkindest cut of all
  • to cut a long story short
  • unkindest cut
  • unkindest cut of all, (most)
  • work cut out for one, to have one's
  • wouldn't cut hot butter
  • you could cut (something) with a knife
  • you could cut it with a knife
  • you could cut the atmosphere with a knife



1. Botany incised or divided 2. Veterinary science gelded or castrated 3. Economics a decrease in government finance in a particular department or area, usually leading to a reduction of services, staff numbers, etc. 4. short for power cut5. Chiefly US and Canadian a quantity of timber cut during a specific time or operation 6. Sport the spin of a cut ball 7. Cricket a stroke made with the bat in a roughly horizontal position 8. Films an immediate transition from one shot to the next, brought about by splicing the two shots together 9. Chem a fraction obtained in distillation, as in oil refining 10. the metal removed in a single pass of a machine tool 11. a. the shape of the teeth of a file b. their coarseness or fineness 12. Brit a stretch of water, esp a canal 13. make the cut Golf to better or equal the required score after two rounds in a strokeplay tournament, thus avoiding elimination from the final two rounds 14. miss the cut Golf to achieve a greater score after the first two rounds of a strokeplay tournament than that required to play in the remaining two rounds



a relief printing plate used for reproducing illustrations. Depending on the type of original being reproduced, either a linecut or halftone is made. Linecuts are made from an original consisting of lines, strokes, and solid backgrounds of uniform density (pen-and-ink drawings, engraved prints, sketches); halftones are made from an image with varying densities (photographs, watercolors, or oil paintings).

Cuts are made with wood, linoleum, zinc, brass, copper, or plastic. In making zinc cuts, which are the most widely used, the original is first photographed; using photomechanical methods, it is then transferred onto a zinc plate with a light-sensitive coating, after which the areas between the surfaces to be printed are deepened by chemical or electrochemical etching. Copper cuts are made by hand engraving or etching in a solution of ferric chloride. There is also a quick method, known as single-process etching, for making magnesium and zinc cuts with etching machines. Cuts are also made on electroengraving machines. One cut will print 40,000–50,000 copies.


Geodakov, A. I. Tsinkografiia. Moscow, 1962.
Geodakov, A. I. Proizvodstvo klishe. Moscow, 1972.


[kət] (biochemistry) A double-strand incision in a duplex deoxyribonucleic acid molecule. (chemical engineering) A fraction obtained by a separation process. (crystallography) A section of a crystal having two parallel major surfaces; cuts are specified by their orientation with respect to the axes of the natural crystal, such as X cut, Y cut, BT cut, and AT cut. (graphic arts) A photoengraving used in letterpress printing. (lapidary) The style in which a gem is cut, such as brilliant cut, single cut, or rose cut. (mathematics) A subset of a given set whose removal from the original set leaves a set that is not connected. (metallurgy) fraction (mining engineering) To intersect a vein or a working. To excavate coal. To shear one side of an entry or a crosscut by digging out the coal from floor to roof with a pick. (cell and molecular biology) A double-strand incision in a duplex deoxyribonucleic acid molecule. (nucleonics) The fraction that is removed as product or advanced to the next separative element in an isotope separation process. (textiles) The number of needles per inch in the cylinder or needle bed in a knitting frame.


1. Excavated material. 2. The void resulting from the excavation of material. 3. The depth to which material is to be excavated to bring the surface to a predetermined grade. 4. In the theater, a long slot across the stage floor for the introduction or removal of scenery.


i. To switch off an aircraft engine.
ii. To cut the gun. To close the throttle of an engine.
iii. In air navigation, the intersection of two lines of position; this is the smaller angle between these two lines.


Coordinated Universal Time


(1) Remove. Delete. See cut and paste.

(2) In a video or movie, a sharp transition from one scene to another.

(3) A Unix command that extracts data from a file based on its location within the file.



(kŭt), 1. molecular biology a hydrolytic cleavage of two opposing phosphodiester bonds in a double-stranded nucleic acid. Compare: nick. 2. To sever or divide. 3. To separate into fractions. 4. An informal term for a fraction.


(kŭt)v. cut, cutting, cuts v.tr.1. To penetrate with a sharp edge; strike a narrow opening in.2. To separate into parts with or as if with a sharp-edged instrument; sever: cut cloth with scissors.3. To sever the edges or ends of; shorten: cut one's hair.4. To have (a new tooth) grow through the gums.5. To injure (oneself) by penetrating the skin with a sharp object.v.intr.1. To make an incision or a separation: Cut along the dotted line.2. To allow incision or severing: Butter cuts easily.3. To function as a sharp-edged instrument.4. To grow through the gums. Used of teeth.5. To inflict self-injury by penetrating the skin with a sharp object.n.1. The act of cutting.2. The result of cutting, especially an opening or wound made by a sharp edge.
cut′ta·ble adj.


Drug slang
verb To adulterate a drug—e.g., by adding talcum powder to cocaine.
Forensic pathology
noun Incised wound, see there.
Managed care
noun See Medicare cut
Molecular biology
noun A hydrolytic cleavage of 2 opposing phosphodiester in double-stranded DNA.
noun An interruption of the mucocutaneous surface, usually understood to be a laceration.
Clean with soap and water, alcohol, H2O2, iodine; suture if necessary.
Erythema, swelling, pain; pus drainage may signal infection.


Separation of skin or other tissue made by a sharp edge, producing regular edges.Mentioned in: Wounds


(kŭt) 1. To sever or divide. 2. To separate into fractions.

Patient discussion about cut

Q. can he simply cut down? When a problem drinker take effort to stop his habit, can he simply cut down?A. It can be appreciated if he is not toooooo late. So it depends. If that person has been diagnosed as an alcoholic, the answer is "no." Alcoholics who try to cut down on drinking rarely succeed. Cutting out alcohol--that is, abstaining - is usually the best course for recovery. People who are not alcohol dependent but who have experienced alcohol-related problems may be able to limit the amount they drink. If they can't stay within those limits, they need to stop drinking altogether.

Q. WHAT CAN ; I DO ABOUT BEING ALLERGIC TO FRESH CUT GRASS? A. are you sure you are allergic to that? cause it's important to be specific. the more specific you are the better is to treat it. is it from the grass pollen? is it from a material inside the grass? that sort of things. the best treatment is avoidance. the others..well, look for yourself, no magic solutions here:
i am allergic to peanuts, no peanut butter jelly time for me...
good luck

Q. Why do alcoholic people always failed to realize that cutting with the drinks is out of their capabilities after they are beyond the tipping point of just drinking bears and having fun to the point of being addictive to it ... i mean i see it all the time .. what cause this incapability of facing the truth ? A. DENIAL that they have a problem,most addicts that have accepted the fact that they are powerless over there addition -donot have to think twice about it--very simply put an addict/alcoholic is a man/womam whose life is controlled by drugs/alcohol--they are people in the grip of a continuing and progressive illness whose ends are always thesame--jails/institutions and death.---accepting this is very hard for most people---people cant believe that they donot have control of ther life----all they have to do is find a AA/NA meeting an sit in as a guest,listen to ther storys---mrfoot56

More discussions about cut


TO CUT, crim. law. To wound with an instrument having a sharp edge. 1 Russ. on Cr. 577. Vide To Stab; Wound.


CUTCut Bank (Amtrak station code; Cutbak, MT)
CUTCentral University of Technology (South Africa)
CUTSee You There
CUTCurtin University of Technology (Australia)
CUTCompact Utility Tractor
CUTSee You Tomorrow
CUTCoordinated Universal Time
CUTSee You Then
CUTComing Up Taller (President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities)
CUTCentral Unitaria de Trabajadores (Spanish: Confederation of Workers; various locations)
CUTCleveland Union Terminal (Cleveland, OH)
CUTCincinnati Union Terminal (railroad station; Cincinnati, OH)
CUTCentral Única dos Trabalhadores (Brazil)
CUTComparable Uncontrolled Transaction
CUTChicago Underground Trio (band)
CUTC++ Unit Testing
CUTCodec Under Test
CUTCircuit Under Test
CUTCaribbean Union of Teachers
CUTChurch Universal and Triumphant
CUTConsumer Use Tax
CUTContinuous Use Temperature
CUTCable Under Test
CUTControl Unit Terminal
CUTConfederated Union of Workers (Costa Rica)
CUTUnited Labor Central (Chile)
CUTUnitary Workers Central (Paraguay)
CUTCampaign for Unmetered Telecommunications (UK)
CUTCentral Utah Telephone
CUTCoding and Unit Testing
CUTCode and Unit Test
CUTCross Utilization Training
CUTConsumer Use Testing
CUTDr Halo Cut Image (file format extension)
CUTCustomer User Test
CUTChina United Telecommunications, Ltd
CUTIntersection of two direction finding bearings
CUTCarcass, Ultrasound, and Tenderness (cattle breeding program)


  • all
  • verb
  • noun
  • adj
  • phrase

Synonyms for cut

verb slit


  • slit
  • saw
  • score
  • nick
  • slice
  • slash
  • pierce
  • hack
  • penetrate
  • notch

verb chop


  • chop
  • split
  • divide
  • slice
  • segment
  • dissect
  • cleave
  • part

verb carve


  • carve
  • slice

verb sever


  • sever
  • cut in two
  • sunder

verb shape


  • shape
  • carve
  • engrave
  • chisel
  • form
  • score
  • fashion
  • chip
  • sculpture
  • whittle
  • sculpt
  • inscribe
  • hew

verb slash


  • slash
  • nick
  • wound
  • lance
  • gash
  • lacerate
  • incise

verb clip


  • clip
  • mow
  • trim
  • dock
  • prune
  • snip
  • pare
  • lop

verb trim


  • trim
  • shave
  • hack
  • snip

verb reduce


  • reduce
  • lower
  • slim (down)
  • diminish
  • slash
  • decrease
  • cut back
  • rationalize
  • ease up on
  • downsize


  • increase
  • expand
  • enlarge
  • augment

verb abridge


  • abridge
  • edit
  • shorten
  • curtail
  • condense
  • abbreviate
  • précis


  • extend
  • add to
  • fill out
  • expand on
  • enlarge on

verb delete


  • delete
  • take out
  • excise
  • edit out
  • expurgate

verb stop


  • stop
  • suspend
  • interrupt
  • discontinue

verb hurt


  • hurt
  • wound
  • upset
  • sting
  • grieve
  • pain
  • hurt someone's feelings

verb ignore


  • ignore
  • avoid
  • slight
  • blank
  • snub
  • spurn
  • freeze (someone) out
  • cold-shoulder
  • turn your back on
  • send to Coventry
  • look straight through (someone)


  • receive
  • greet
  • embrace
  • hail
  • welcome with open arms
  • accept gladly

verb cross


  • cross
  • interrupt
  • intersect
  • bisect

noun incision


  • incision
  • nick
  • rent
  • stroke
  • rip
  • slash
  • groove
  • slit
  • snip

noun gash


  • gash
  • nick
  • wound
  • slash
  • graze
  • laceration

noun reduction


  • reduction
  • fall
  • lowering
  • slash
  • decrease
  • cutback
  • diminution

noun share


  • share
  • piece
  • slice
  • percentage
  • portion
  • kickback
  • rake-off

noun style


  • style
  • look
  • form
  • fashion
  • shape
  • mode
  • configuration

phrase a cut above something or someone


  • superior to
  • better than
  • more efficient than
  • more reliable than
  • streets ahead of
  • more useful than
  • more capable than
  • more competent than

phrase cut and dried


  • clear-cut
  • settled
  • fixed
  • organized
  • automatic
  • sorted out
  • predetermined
  • prearranged

phrase cut in


  • interrupt
  • break in
  • butt in
  • interpose

phrase cut out for something


  • suited
  • designed
  • fitted
  • suitable
  • adapted
  • equipped
  • adequate
  • eligible
  • competent
  • qualified

phrase cut someone down


  • kill
  • take out
  • massacre
  • slaughter
  • dispatch
  • slay
  • blow away
  • mow down

phrase cut someone down to size


  • make (someone) look small
  • humble
  • humiliate
  • bring low
  • take (someone) down a peg
  • abash
  • crush
  • put (someone) in their place
  • take the wind out of (someone's) sails

phrase cut someone off: separate


  • separate
  • isolate
  • sever
  • keep apart

phrase cut someone off: interrupt


  • interrupt
  • stop
  • break in
  • butt in
  • interpose

phrase cut someone off: disinherit


  • disinherit
  • renounce
  • disown

phrase cut someone out


  • exclude
  • eliminate
  • oust
  • displace
  • supersede
  • supplant

phrase cut someone short


  • interrupt
  • stop
  • break in
  • butt in
  • interpose

phrase cut someone up


  • slash
  • injure
  • wound
  • knife
  • lacerate

phrase cut something back: reduce


  • reduce
  • check
  • lower
  • slash
  • decrease
  • curb
  • lessen
  • economize
  • downsize
  • retrench
  • draw or pull in your horns

phrase cut something back: trim


  • trim
  • prune
  • shorten

phrase cut something down: reduce


  • reduce
  • moderate
  • decrease
  • lessen
  • lower

phrase cut something down: fell


  • fell
  • level
  • hew
  • lop

phrase cut something off


  • discontinue
  • disconnect
  • suspend
  • halt
  • obstruct
  • bring to an end

phrase cut something out: remove


  • remove
  • extract
  • censor
  • delete
  • edit out

phrase cut something out: stop


  • stop
  • cease
  • refrain from
  • pack in
  • kick
  • give up
  • sever

phrase cut something short


  • bring to an end
  • stop
  • check
  • halt
  • dock
  • postpone
  • terminate
  • break off
  • abort
  • pull the plug on
  • truncate
  • leave unfinished

phrase cut something up


  • chop
  • divide
  • slice
  • carve
  • dice
  • mince

phrase cut up


  • upset
  • disturbed
  • distressed
  • stricken
  • agitated
  • heartbroken
  • desolated
  • dejected
  • wretched

Synonyms for cut

verb to penetrate with a sharp edge


  • gash
  • incise
  • pierce
  • slash
  • slit

verb to separate into parts with or as if with a sharp-edged instrument


  • carve
  • cleave
  • dissever
  • sever
  • slice
  • slit
  • split

verb to bring down, as with a saw or ax


  • chop down
  • fell
  • hew

verb to turn aside sharply from a straight course


  • chop
  • sheer
  • skew
  • slue
  • swerve
  • veer
  • yaw

verb to decrease, as in length or amount, by or as if by severing or excising


  • chop
  • clip
  • crop
  • cut back
  • cut down
  • lop
  • lower
  • pare
  • prune
  • shear
  • slash
  • trim
  • truncate

verb to lessen the strength of by or as if by admixture


  • attenuate
  • dilute
  • thin
  • water
  • weaken

verb to slight (someone) deliberately


  • rebuff
  • shun
  • snub
  • spurn
  • coldshoulder

verb to fail to attend on purpose


  • truant
  • skip

phrase cut across: to pass through or over


  • crisscross
  • cross
  • crosscut
  • decussate
  • intersect

phrase cut back: to decrease, as in length or amount, by or as if by severing or excising


  • chop
  • clip
  • crop
  • cut
  • cut down
  • lop
  • lower
  • pare
  • prune
  • shear
  • slash
  • trim
  • truncate

phrase cut down: to cause the death of


  • carry off
  • cut off
  • destroy
  • dispatch
  • finish
  • kill
  • slay
  • waste
  • zap

phrase cut down: to cause to fall, as from a shot or blow


  • bring down
  • down
  • drop
  • fell
  • flatten
  • floor
  • ground
  • knock down
  • level
  • prostrate
  • strike down
  • throw
  • deck

phrase cut down: to decrease, as in length or amount, by or as if by severing or excising


  • chop
  • clip
  • crop
  • cut
  • cut back
  • lop
  • lower
  • pare
  • prune
  • shear
  • slash
  • trim
  • truncate

phrase cut in: to force or come in as an improper or unwanted element


  • horn in
  • intrude
  • obtrude

phrase cut in: to interject remarks or questions into another's discourse


  • break in
  • chime in
  • chip in
  • interrupt

phrase cut off: to set apart from a group


  • close off
  • insulate
  • isolate
  • seclude
  • segregate
  • separate
  • sequester

phrase cut off: to cause the death of


  • carry off
  • cut down
  • destroy
  • dispatch
  • finish
  • kill
  • slay
  • waste
  • zap

phrase cut off: to block the progress of and force to change direction


  • head off
  • intercept

phrase cut out: to take the place of (another) against the other's will


  • displace
  • supplant

phrase cut out: to desist from, cease, or discontinue (a habit, for example)


  • break
  • give up
  • leave off
  • stop
  • kick

phrase cut out: to move or proceed away from a place


  • depart
  • exit
  • get away
  • get off
  • go
  • go away
  • leave
  • pull out
  • quit
  • retire
  • run
  • withdraw
  • push off
  • shove off
  • blow
  • split
  • take off

phrase cut up: to behave in a rowdy, improper, or unruly fashion


  • act up
  • carry on
  • misbehave
  • horse around

phrase cut up: to find fault with


  • blame
  • censure
  • criticize
  • fault
  • rap
  • pan
  • knock

noun the result of cutting


  • gash
  • incision
  • slash
  • slice
  • slit
  • split

noun a part severed from a whole


  • piece
  • portion
  • section
  • segment
  • slice

noun the act or process of decreasing


  • abatement
  • curtailment
  • cutback
  • decrease
  • decrement
  • diminishment
  • diminution
  • drain
  • reduction
  • slash
  • slowdown
  • taper

noun that which is allotted


  • allocation
  • allotment
  • allowance
  • dole
  • lot
  • measure
  • part
  • portion
  • quantum
  • quota
  • ration
  • share
  • split
  • divvy

noun a deliberate slight


  • rebuff
  • snub
  • spurn
  • cold shoulder
  • go-by

noun an unexcused absence


  • truancy
  • truantry
  • hooky

Synonyms for cut

noun a share of the profits

Related Words

  • booty
  • dirty money
  • loot
  • pillage
  • plunder
  • prize
  • swag
  • share
  • percentage
  • portion
  • part
  • rake-off
  • vigorish

noun (film) an immediate transition from one shot to the next

Related Words

  • transition
  • jump cut

noun a trench resembling a furrow that was made by erosion or excavation


  • gash

Related Words

  • furrow

noun a step on some scale

Related Words

  • gradation
  • step

noun a wound made by cutting


  • gash
  • slash
  • slice

Related Words

  • wound
  • lesion

noun a piece of meat that has been cut from an animal carcass


  • cut of meat

Related Words

  • roast
  • joint
  • confit
  • meat
  • chop
  • chine
  • leg
  • side of meat
  • side
  • forequarter
  • hindquarter
  • cut of beef
  • rib
  • entrecote
  • shank
  • shin bone
  • shin
  • brisket
  • steak
  • loin
  • sirloin
  • tenderloin
  • undercut
  • neck
  • shoulder
  • cut of veal
  • cut of mutton
  • cut of lamb
  • saddle
  • rack
  • cut of pork

noun a remark capable of wounding mentally


  • stinger

Related Words

  • contumely
  • insult
  • revilement
  • vilification
  • abuse

noun a distinct selection of music from a recording or a compact disc


  • track

Related Words

  • excerpt
  • excerption
  • extract
  • selection

noun the omission that is made when an editorial change shortens a written passage


  • excision
  • deletion

Related Words

  • editing
  • redaction

noun the style in which a garment is cut

Related Words

  • fashion

noun a canal made by erosion or excavation

Related Words

  • canal

noun a refusal to recognize someone you know


  • cold shoulder
  • snub

Related Words

  • rebuff
  • slight

noun in baseball


  • baseball swing
  • swing

Related Words

  • stroke
  • shot

noun (sports) a stroke that puts reverse spin on the ball


  • undercut

Related Words

  • squash rackets
  • squash racquets
  • squash
  • badminton
  • lawn tennis
  • tennis
  • stroke
  • shot

noun the division of a deck of cards before dealing


  • cutting

Related Words

  • division
  • card game
  • cards

noun the act of penetrating or opening open with a sharp edge


  • cutting

Related Words

  • opening
  • snick
  • nick
  • notch
  • gash
  • slash
  • surgical incision
  • incision
  • section

noun the act of cutting something into parts


  • cutting

Related Words

  • severing
  • severance
  • division
  • dissection
  • scission
  • slicing
  • undercut

noun the act of shortening something by chopping off the ends


  • cutting off
  • cutting

Related Words

  • shortening
  • snip
  • clipping
  • clip
  • haircut
  • trimming
  • trim
  • shearing

noun the act of reducing the amount or number

Related Words

  • reduction
  • step-down
  • diminution
  • decrease
  • budget cut
  • pay cut
  • salary cut
  • cost cutting
  • price cut
  • price cutting
  • spending cut
  • tax cut

noun an unexcused absence from class

Related Words

  • absence

verb separate with or as if with an instrument

Related Words

  • manicure
  • scissor
  • plane
  • shave
  • slice up
  • slice
  • pink
  • jag
  • cut up
  • carve
  • chip at
  • dice
  • cube
  • julienne
  • hack
  • chop
  • undercut
  • chop up
  • fell
  • strike down
  • cut down
  • drop
  • chip
  • nick
  • snick
  • knap
  • break off
  • cut off
  • trim
  • pare
  • circumcise
  • chamfer
  • furrow
  • chase
  • indent
  • mortice
  • mortise
  • mow
  • shear
  • gash
  • slash
  • tap
  • hob
  • drill
  • bore
  • clip
  • nip off
  • snip
  • snip off
  • nip
  • dissect
  • bisect
  • transect
  • trisect
  • whittle
  • chatter
  • cut away
  • tomahawk
  • saber
  • sabre
  • rebate
  • cradle
  • incise
  • trench
  • tail
  • bob
  • dock
  • disunite
  • separate
  • part
  • divide
  • slit
  • saw
  • lop
  • sever
  • discerp
  • bevel
  • crosscut
  • cut across
  • rip
  • cut into
  • delve
  • dig
  • turn over
  • scratch out
  • cut out

verb cut down on


  • cut down
  • reduce
  • trim back
  • trim down
  • cut back
  • trim
  • bring down

Related Words

  • shorten
  • spill
  • quench
  • cut
  • retrench
  • slash
  • thin out
  • thin
  • minify
  • decrease
  • lessen
  • detract
  • take away
  • deflate
  • inflate
  • downsize
  • subtract
  • knock off
  • shave

verb turn sharply


  • curve
  • sheer
  • slew
  • slue
  • swerve
  • trend
  • veer

Related Words

  • turn
  • peel off
  • yaw

verb make an incision or separation

Related Words

  • cut

verb discharge from a group

Related Words

  • discharge
  • free

verb form by probing, penetrating, or digging

Related Words

  • create
  • make
  • cut
  • blast

verb style and tailor in a certain fashion


  • tailor

Related Words

  • fashion
  • gore
  • design

verb hit (a ball) with a spin so that it turns in the opposite direction

Related Words

  • athletics
  • sport
  • hit

verb make out and issue


  • make out
  • write out
  • issue

Related Words

  • write
  • check

verb cut and assemble the components of


  • edit out
  • edit

Related Words

  • alter
  • change
  • modify
  • abbreviate
  • abridge
  • foreshorten
  • shorten
  • contract
  • reduce
  • cut

verb intentionally fail to attend


  • skip

Related Words

  • miss
  • bunk off
  • play hooky

verb be able to manage or manage successfully


  • hack

Related Words

  • get by
  • grapple
  • make do
  • cope
  • manage
  • contend
  • deal
  • make out

verb give the appearance or impression of

Related Words

  • appear
  • seem
  • look

verb move (one's fist)

Related Words

  • boxing
  • pugilism
  • fisticuffs
  • move

verb pass directly and often in haste

Related Words

  • cut
  • go across
  • pass
  • go through

verb pass through or across

Related Words

  • move through
  • pass across
  • pass through
  • transit
  • pass over
  • cut

verb make an abrupt change of image or sound

Related Words

  • switch
  • change
  • shift
  • cut
  • cut away
  • cut to

verb stop filming

Related Words

  • stop
  • cut

verb make a recording of

Related Words

  • record
  • tape
  • cut

verb record a performance on (a medium)

Related Words

  • record
  • tape
  • burn
  • cut

verb create by duplicating data


  • burn

Related Words

  • produce
  • create
  • make
  • cut

verb form or shape by cutting or incising

Related Words

  • create
  • make
  • cut

verb perform or carry out

Related Words

  • perform
  • do
  • execute

verb function as a cutting instrument

Related Words

  • function
  • operate
  • work
  • run
  • go

verb allow incision or separation

Related Words

  • cut
  • be

verb divide a deck of cards at random into two parts to make selection difficult

Related Words

  • shuffle
  • mix
  • ruffle

verb cause to stop operating by disengaging a switch


  • switch off
  • turn off
  • turn out

Related Words

  • kill
  • flip
  • switch
  • throw

verb reap or harvest

Related Words

  • glean
  • harvest
  • reap

verb fell by sawing

Related Words

  • fell
  • strike down
  • cut down
  • drop

verb penetrate injuriously

Related Words

  • penetrate
  • perforate

verb refuse to acknowledge


  • disregard
  • ignore
  • snub

Related Words

  • do by
  • treat
  • handle

verb shorten as if by severing the edges or ends of

Related Words

  • shorten
  • shave
  • trim
  • French
  • crop

verb weed out unwanted or unnecessary things


  • prune
  • rationalize
  • rationalise

Related Words

  • do away with
  • eliminate
  • get rid of
  • extinguish
  • curtail
  • restrict
  • curb
  • cut back
  • cut down
  • reduce
  • trim back
  • trim down
  • cut
  • trim
  • bring down
  • cut out

verb dissolve by breaking down the fat of

Related Words

  • dissolve
  • break up
  • resolve

verb have a reducing effect

Related Words

  • cut down
  • reduce
  • trim back
  • trim down
  • cut
  • cut back
  • trim
  • bring down
  • minify
  • decrease
  • lessen

verb cease, stop


  • cut off

Related Words

  • cut off
  • disrupt
  • interrupt
  • break up

verb reduce in scope while retaining essential elements


  • abbreviate
  • abridge
  • foreshorten
  • shorten
  • contract
  • reduce

Related Words

  • bowdlerise
  • bowdlerize
  • expurgate
  • castrate
  • shorten
  • edit out
  • edit
  • cut
  • condense
  • concentrate
  • digest
  • minify
  • decrease
  • lessen

verb lessen the strength or flavor of a solution or mixture


  • dilute
  • thin
  • thin out
  • reduce

Related Words

  • weaken
  • water down

verb have grow through the gums

Related Words

  • acquire
  • develop
  • produce
  • grow
  • get
  • cut

verb grow through the gums

Related Words

  • cut
  • grow

verb cut off the testicles (of male animals such as horses)


  • geld

Related Words

  • demasculinise
  • demasculinize
  • emasculate
  • castrate

adj separated into parts or laid open or penetrated with a sharp edge or instrument


  • uncut

adj fashioned or shaped by cutting


  • uncut
  • rough

adj with parts removed


  • shortened

Related Words

  • abridged

adj made neat and tidy by trimming


  • trimmed

adj (used of grass or vegetation) cut down with a hand implement or machine


  • mown

Related Words

  • botany
  • flora
  • vegetation

adj (of pages of a book) having the folds of the leaves trimmed or slit


  • uncut

adj (of a male animal) having the testicles removed


  • emasculated
  • gelded

Related Words

  • castrated
  • unsexed

adj (used of rates or prices) reduced usually sharply


  • slashed

Related Words

  • decreased
  • reduced

adj mixed with water


  • thinned
  • weakened

Related Words

  • dilute
  • diluted




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