Coleman State Park
Coleman State Park
Location:Off NH Route 26, 12 miles east of Colebrook.
Facilities:24 primitive campsites (no hookups), flush toilets, playground, picnic area, groupuse area, boat launch (small boats only; speed restricted), boatrentals.
Activities:Camping, boating, canoeing, fishing, hiking, hunting, cross-country skiing, snowmobiling.
Special Features:Park is located on Little Diamond Pond in New Hampshire's remote northcountry and has excellent trout fishing. The park is at the northernterminus of the Androscoggin Trail, a hiking path that extends 55 milessouth to Berlin.
Address:Rt 26
Little Diamond Pond Rd
Stewartstown, NH 03597
Size: 1,573 acres.
See other parks in New Hampshire.