

单词 fear



F0060300 (fîr)n.1. a. A very unpleasant or disturbing feeling caused by the presence or imminence of danger: Our fears intensified as the storm approached.b. A state or condition marked by this feeling: living in constant fear of attack; saved as much as he could for fear of losing his job.2. A feeling of disquiet or apprehension: a fear of looking foolish.3. A reason for dread or apprehension: Being alone is my greatest fear.4. Extreme reverence or awe, as toward a deity.v. feared, fear·ing, fears v.tr.1. To be afraid or frightened of: a boy who fears spiders. 2. To be uneasy or apprehensive about: We all feared what we would see when the grades were posted.3. To consider probable; expect: I fear you are wrong. I fear I have bad news for you.4. To revere or be in awe of (a deity, for example).v.intr.1. To be afraid: Your injury is minor. Don't fear.2. To be uneasy or apprehensive: We fear for the future of the business.
[Middle English fer, from Old English fǣr, danger, sudden calamity; see per- in Indo-European roots.]
fear′er n.Synonyms: fear, fright, dread, terror, horror, panic, alarm, trepidation, apprehension
These nouns denote the agitation and anxiety caused by the presence or imminence of danger. Fear is the most general term: a morbid fear of snakes; was filled with fear as the car skidded off the road. Fright is sudden, intense, usually momentary fear: "Pulling open the door, she started back in fright at the unknown face before hers" (Donna Morrissey).
Dread is visceral fear, especially in anticipation of something dangerous or unpleasant: felt a mounting dread as the battle approached; approached the oral exam with dread. Terror is intense, overpowering fear: "And now at the dead hour of the night ... so strange a noise as this excited me to uncontrollable terror" (Edgar Allan Poe).
Horror is a combination of fear and aversion or repugnance: reacted with horror to the news of the atrocities. Panic is sudden frantic fear, often affecting many people at the same time: The shoppers fled in panic at the sound of gunshots. Alarm is anxious concern caused by the first realization of danger or a setback: I watched with alarm as the sky darkened. Trepidation and apprehension are more formal terms for dread: "I awaited the X-ray afterward with trepidation" (Atul Gawande)."Now there were just the two of them ... and they were headed for the hospital ... and she was what calmed his apprehension and allowed him to be brave" (Philip Roth).


(fɪə) n1. a feeling of distress, apprehension, or alarm caused by impending danger, pain, etc2. a cause of this feeling3. awe; reverence: fear of God. 4. concern; anxiety5. possibility; chance: there is no fear of that happening. 6. for fear of for fear that for fear lest to forestall or avoid7. no fear certainly not8. put the fear of God into to frightenvb9. to be afraid (to do something) or of (a person or thing); dread10. (tr) to revere; respect11. (tr; takes a clause as object) to be sorry: used to lessen the effect of an unpleasant statement: I fear that you have not won. 12. (foll by: for) to feel anxiety about something13. an archaic word for frighten[Old English fǣr; related to Old High German fāra, Old Norse fār hostility, Latin perīculum danger] ˈfearer n ˈfearless adj ˈfearlessly adv ˈfearlessness n



n. 1. a distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain, etc., whether the threat is real or imagined; the feeling or condition of being afraid. 2. a specific instance of or propensity for such a feeling: a fear of heights. 3. concern; solicitude: a fear for someone's safety. 4. reverential awe. 5. something that causes fright or apprehension. v.t. 6. to regard with fear: to fear flying. 7. to be worried or afraid. 8. to have reverential awe of. 9. Archaic. to experience fear in (oneself). v.i. 10. to be afraid. [before 900; Middle English fere, Old English fær sudden attack or danger]



n. Cape, a cape in SE North Carolina at the mouth of Cape Fear River.


See also phobias.
horripilationthe raising of the hairs on the skin as a response to cold or fear; goose bumps or goose pimples.panophobia1. a nonspecific fear, a state of general anxiety.
2. an abnormal fear of everything. Also panphobia, pantaphobia, pantophobia. — panophobe, n. — panophobic, adj.
phobophobia1. an abnormal fear of being af raid; a fear of fear itself.
2. a fear of phobias.
polyphobiaan abnormal fear of many things.




  1. Afraid, as children in the dark —Dante Gabriel Rossetti
  2. An air of terrifying finality, like the clap of doom —Herbert Lieberman
  3. (A vague, uncatalogued) apprehension, as cold and disquieting as a first snowflake smudging the window of a warm and complacent room —Derek Lambert
  4. As courage imperils life, fear protects it —Leonardo Da Vinci
  5. As easily daunted as an elephant in the presence of a mouse —Ben Ames Williams
  6. Brute terrors, like the scurrying of rats in a deserted attic, filled the more remote chambers of his brain —Robert Louis Stevenson
  7. Cowardice, like alcoholism, is a lifelong condition —Susan Walton, New York Times/Hers, June 4, 1987

    The cowardice Walton is comparing to alcoholism is that which drives the person who always does what is expected and when.

  8. Cowardly as the hyena —Beryl Markham
  9. His cowardice … fixed him like an invisible cement, or like a nail —Cynthia Ozick
  10. Dreaded (her) like fire —Alexander Pushkin
  11. The dread in his lungs lay heavy as cold mud —Peter Matthiessen
  12. An eddy of fear swirled around her, like dust rising off the floor in some barren drafty place —Cornell Woolrich
  13. Fear … a little like the fear of a lover who realizes that he is falling out of love —May Sarton
  14. Fear … came and went like the throb of a nerve in an open tooth —James Warner Bellah
  15. Fear … clutching at his heart … as if tigers were tearing him —Willa Cather
  16. Fear … compressed me like a vise —Aharon Appelfeld
  17. Fear fell [on crowd] like the shadow of a cloud —John Greenleaf Whittier
  18. Fear … gnaws like pain —Dame Edith Sitwell
  19. Fearing them as much … as a nervous child with memory filled with ghost-stories fears a dark room —W. H. Hudson
  20. Fear is like a cloak which old men huddle about their love, as if to keep it warm —William Wordsworth
  21. Fear … lay on me like a slab of stone —Norman Mailer
  22. (In my body is a) fear like metal —Marilyn Hacker
  23. The fear of failure … blew like a Siberian wind on our unprotected backs —John Le Carré
  24. Fear oozed out (of the woods), as out of a cracked bottle —Dorothy Canfield Fisher
  25. Fear ran through him like a sickness —Brian Moore
  26. Fears … fell from him like dreams from a man waking up in bed —G. K. Chesterton
  27. Fear … sat heavy in the center of his body like a ball of badly digested food —George Garrett
  28. Fears came scurrying out from their hiding places like mice —Paige Mitchell
  29. Fear … seized all his bones like water —Hugh Walpole
  30. Fear shot through me like a jolt of electricity —Sue Grafton
  31. Fear spread like a common chill —Paige Mitchell

    See Also: SPREADING

  32. The fear [of death]… stood silent behind them like an inflexible and cold-eyed taskmaster —Joseph Conrad
  33. Fear stuck in his throat like a cotton hook —Charles Johnson
  34. Fear swelled like some terrible travail —Heinrich Böll
  35. Fear tangled his legs like a barricade —Harris Downey
  36. Fear tastes like a rusty knife —John Cheever
  37. Fear trills like an alarm bell you cannot shut off —John Updike
  38. Fear worked like yeast in my thoughts, and the fermentation brought to the surface, in great gobs of scum, the images of disaster —Evelyn Waugh
  39. Fear wrapped itself around his chest like a wide leather strap tightened by a maniac —François Camoin
  40. Feeling as if an ice pick had been plunged into his liver —Peter Benchley
  41. (I had) a feeling in my knees like a steering wheel with a shimmy —Rex Stout
  42. Feel like clammy fingers were poking at my very heart —Borden Deal
  43. Feel like a tight-rope walk high over hell —Kenneth Fearing
  44. Feels fear, like a water bubble in his throat —Jessie Schell
  45. Felt a chill … like swimming into a cold pocket in a lake —Tobias Wolff
  46. Felt a driblet of fear … like a glug of water backing up the momentarily opened drain and polluting the bath with a dead spider, three lice, a rat turd, and things he couldn’t stand to name or look at —Bernard Malamud
  47. Felt like a deer stepping out before the rifle of the hunter —Piers Anthony
  48. Felt like a nightmare that had yet to be dreamt —Stanislaw J. Lem
  49. Felt (the beginning of) panic, like a giant hand squeezing my heart —Frank Conroy
  50. Felt panicky, like he was in a bad dream where he did and said all the wrong things and couldn’t stop —Dan Wakefield
  51. Felt the chill of mortality … like a toddler gifted with some scraping edge of adult comprehension —Penelope Gilliatt

    See Also: DEATH

  52. Felt the sick, oppressive crush of dread, like pinpoint ashes —Sylvia Berkman
  53. A foreboding, dusky and cold like the room, crept to her side —Hugh Walpole
  54. Frightened as Macbeth before the ghost of Banquo —Louis Veuillot
  55. Frightened as though he had suddenly found himself at the edge of a precipice —Honore dé Balzac
  56. Frightened … like a man who is told he has a mortal illness, yet can cure it by jumping off a fifty-foot cliff into the water. “No,” he says, “I’ll stay in bed. I’d rather die.” —Norman Mailer
  57. Frightening … like one of those films where ghostly hands suddenly reach in and switch off all the lights —Robert E. Sherwood
  58. Fright stabbed his stomach like a sliver of glass —Arthur Miller
  59. Full of dread and timidness as conscripts to a firing squad doing —Richard Ford
  60. Gives me the creeps … like petting snakes —Raymond Chandler
  61. Glances round him like a lamb at a convocation of wolves —T. Coraghessan Boyle
  62. (Mildred’s) heart leapt with relief like a bird in her breast —Noël Coward
  63. A hiss of terror, like air whistling out of a punctured tire —Cornell Woolrich
  64. Horror should rise up like a clot of blood in the throat —Dylan Thomas
  65. [A group of children] huddled in a corner … like so many wide-eyed, trembling mice —Gregory McDonald
  66. I carry a scared silence with me like my smell —W. D. Snodgrass
  67. I pretend that my right foot is like a bottle. I pour my fears down into the toes and cork the whole thing at the ankle, so none of my fears can escape into the rest of me —Dorothy B. Francis
  68. My heart begins to pound like a thief s with the police after him —Isaac Bashevis Singer
  69. My heart in my throat like a wad of sour grease —George Garrett
  70. Panic, like a rabbit in front of the dogs —Peter Meinke
  71. Panic rose as thick as honey in my throat —R. Wright Campbell
  72. Panic shook her … as awful as if she had been tottering on a cliff in a roaring wind —Belva Plain
  73. Panic that was like asphyxiation —Penelope Gilliatt
  74. Ran terror-stricken, as if death were pursuing me —Aharon Megged
  75. Scared as a piss ant —Anon
  76. Scared … like a rabbit that spies a dog —Shelby Hearon
  77. Shivered with fear like a thin dog in the cold —Stephen Vincent Benét
  78. Take fear for granted like a drunken uncle —George Garrett
  79. Terrifying, like a Samurai sword in motion —Robert Silverberg
  80. Terrifying … like fingers clamped upon your throat —Beryl Markham
  81. Terror ebbed like water from a basin —Julia O’Faolain
  82. Terror … filled me as the sound of an explosion would fill a room —Scott Spencer
  83. The terror inside him acted like radar —James Mitchell
  84. Terror [of some hard to accomplish task] mocked, like some distant mountain peak —John Fowles
  85. Terrors that brushed her like a curtain windblown against her back —Andre Dubus
  86. (They) trail their fear behind them like a heavy shadow —Heinrich Böll



(See also ANXIETY.)

have one’s heart in one’s mouth To be frightened or scared, fearful or afraid, anxious or tense. The allusion is to the supposed leaping of the heart into the mouth upon experiencing a sudden jolt or start.

Having their heart at their very mouth for fear, they did not believe that it was Jesus. (Nicholas Udall, Erasmus upon the New Testament, translated 1548)

make the hair stand on end To terrify, to scare or frighten, to fill with fear. The allusion is to the way an animal’s hair, especially that on the back of the neck, involuntarily stiffens and becomes erect in the face of danger.

As for the particulars, I’m sure they’d make your hair stand on end to hear them. (Frances Burney, Evelina, 1778)

shake in one’s shoes To be petrified, terrified, panic-stricken; to be scared out of one’s wits. The expression is often applied figuratively to corporate as well as individual bodies.

It had set the whole Liberal party “shaking in its shoes.” (Punch, March 15, 1873)

Variations are quake or shake in one’s boots.

shake like an aspen leaf To tremble, quake; to shiver, quiver. This metaphor derives from the aspen tree with its delicate leaves perched atop long flexible stems that flutter even in the slightest breeze. The expression was used as early as 1386 by Chaucer in his Canterbury Tales.


Fear can be a noun or a verb.

1. used as a noun

Fear is an unpleasant feeling that you have when you think you are in danger.

They huddled together, quaking with fear.She was brought up with no fear of animals.

You do not say that someone 'feels fear'. You say that they are afraid or are frightened.

They were afraid of you. They knew you had killed many men.Everyone here is frightened of the volcano.See afraid - frightened
2. used as a verb

If you fear someone or something, you are afraid of them.

...a woman whom he disliked and feared.He fears nothing.


Past participle: feared
Gerund: fearing
I fear
you fear
he/she/it fears
we fear
you fear
they fear
I feared
you feared
he/she/it feared
we feared
you feared
they feared
Present Continuous
I am fearing
you are fearing
he/she/it is fearing
we are fearing
you are fearing
they are fearing
Present Perfect
I have feared
you have feared
he/she/it has feared
we have feared
you have feared
they have feared
Past Continuous
I was fearing
you were fearing
he/she/it was fearing
we were fearing
you were fearing
they were fearing
Past Perfect
I had feared
you had feared
he/she/it had feared
we had feared
you had feared
they had feared
I will fear
you will fear
he/she/it will fear
we will fear
you will fear
they will fear
Future Perfect
I will have feared
you will have feared
he/she/it will have feared
we will have feared
you will have feared
they will have feared
Future Continuous
I will be fearing
you will be fearing
he/she/it will be fearing
we will be fearing
you will be fearing
they will be fearing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been fearing
you have been fearing
he/she/it has been fearing
we have been fearing
you have been fearing
they have been fearing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been fearing
you will have been fearing
he/she/it will have been fearing
we will have been fearing
you will have been fearing
they will have been fearing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been fearing
you had been fearing
he/she/it had been fearing
we had been fearing
you had been fearing
they had been fearing
I would fear
you would fear
he/she/it would fear
we would fear
you would fear
they would fear
Past Conditional
I would have feared
you would have feared
he/she/it would have feared
we would have feared
you would have feared
they would have feared
Noun1.fear - an emotion experienced in anticipation of some specific pain or danger (usually accompanied by a desire to flee or fight)fear - an emotion experienced in anticipation of some specific pain or danger (usually accompanied by a desire to flee or fight)fearfulness, frightemotion - any strong feelingalarm, consternation, dismay - fear resulting from the awareness of dangercreeps - a feeling of fear and revulsion; "he gives me the creeps"frisson, quiver, shudder, tingle, chill, thrill, shiver - an almost pleasurable sensation of fright; "a frisson of surprise shot through him"horror - intense and profound fearhysteria - excessive or uncontrollable fearaffright, panic, terror - an overwhelming feeling of fear and anxietypanic attack, scare - a sudden attack of fearstage fright - fear that affects a person about to face an audienceapprehension, apprehensiveness, dread - fearful expectation or anticipation; "the student looked around the examination room with apprehension"timidity, timidness, timorousness - fear of the unknown or unfamiliar or fear of making decisionsintimidation - the feeling of being intimidated; being made to feel afraid or timidcold sweat - the physical condition of concurrent perspiration and chill; associated with fearfearlessness, bravery - feeling no fear
2.fear - an anxious feeling; "care had aged him"; "they hushed it up out of fear of public reaction"concern, careanxiety - a vague unpleasant emotion that is experienced in anticipation of some (usually ill-defined) misfortune
3.fear - a feeling of profound respect for someone or somethingfear - a feeling of profound respect for someone or something; "the fear of God"; "the Chinese reverence for the dead"; "the French treat food with gentle reverence"; "his respect for the law bordered on veneration"reverence, veneration, aweemotion - any strong feeling
Verb1.fear - be afraid or feel anxious or apprehensive about a possible or probable situation or event; "I fear she might get aggressive"worry - be worried, concerned, anxious, troubled, or uneasy; "I worry about my job"
2.fear - be afraid or scared offear - be afraid or scared of; be frightened of; "I fear the winters in Moscow"; "We should not fear the Communists!"dreadpanic - be overcome by a sudden fear; "The students panicked when told that final exams were less than a week away"
3.fear - be sorry; used to introduce an unpleasant statement; "I fear I won't make it to your wedding party"regret - express with regret; "I regret to say that you did not gain admission to Harvard"
4.fear - be uneasy or apprehensive about; "I fear the results of the final exams"
5.fear - regard with feelings of respect and reverencefear - regard with feelings of respect and reverence; consider hallowed or exalted or be in awe of; "Fear God as your father"; "We venerate genius"reverence, venerate, revereesteem, respect, value, prise, prize - regard highly; think much of; "I respect his judgement"; "We prize his creativity"saint, enshrine - hold sacredworship - show devotion to (a deity); "Many Hindus worship Shiva"


noun1. dread, horror, panic, terror, dismay, awe, fright, tremors, qualms, consternation, alarm, trepidation, timidity, fearfulness, blue funk (informal), apprehensiveness, cravenness I shivered with fear at the sound of gunfire.2. bugbear, bête noire, horror, nightmare, anxiety, terror, dread, spectre, phobia, bogey, thing (informal) Flying was his greatest fear.3. anxiety, concern, worry, doubt, nerves (informal), distress, suspicion, willies (informal), creeps (informal), butterflies (informal), funk (informal), angst, unease, apprehension, misgiving(s), nervousness, agitation, foreboding(s), uneasiness, solicitude, blue funk (informal), heebie-jeebies (informal), collywobbles (informal), disquietude His fear might be groundless.4. possibility, likelihood There was no fear of her weeping.5. awe, wonder, respect, worship, dread, reverence, veneration There is no fear of God before their eyes.verb1. be afraid of, dread, be scared of, be frightened of, shudder at, be fearful of, be apprehensive about, tremble at, be terrified by, have a horror of, take fright at, have a phobia about, have qualms about, live in dread of, be in a blue funk about (informal), have butterflies in your stomach about (informal), shake in your shoes about If people fear you they respect you.2. worry, suspect, anticipate, be afraid, expect, foresee, apprehend She feared she was coming down with flu.3. revere, respect, reverence, venerate, stand in awe of They feared God in a way which most modern men can hardly imagine.4. regret, feel, suspect, have a feeling, have a hunch, have a sneaking suspicion, have a funny feeling I fear that a land war now looks probable.fear for something or or someone worry about, be concerned about, be anxious about, tremble for, be distressed about, feel concern for, be disquieted over He fled, saying he feared for his life.Related words
fear phobophobia
"Let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself" [Franklin D. Roosevelt Inaugural Address]
"I cannot do this. This is too much for me. I shall ruin myself if I take this risk. I cannot take the leap, it's impossible. All of me will be gone if I do this and I cling to myself" [J.N. Figgis]
"Perfect love casteth out fear" Bible: 1 John
"Perfect fear casteth out love" [Cyril Connolly]


nounGreat agitation and anxiety caused by the expectation or the realization of danger:affright, alarm, apprehension, dread, fearfulness, fright, funk, horror, panic, terror, trepidation.Slang: cold feet.Idiom: fear and trembling.verbTo be afraid of:dread.Idiom: have one's heart in one's mouth.


(fiə) noun (a) feeling of great worry or anxiety caused by the knowledge of danger. The soldier tried not to show his fear; fear of water. 憂慮 忧虑 verb1. to feel fear because of (something). She feared her father when he was angry; I fear for my father's safety (= I am worried because I think he is in danger). 擔憂 担忧2. to regret. I fear you will not be able to see him today. 遺憾 遗憾ˈfearful adjective1. afraid. a fearful look. 害怕的 害怕的2. terrible. The lion gave a fearful roar. 可怕的 可怕的3. very bad. a fearful mistake! 極壞的 极坏的ˈfearfully adverb 可怕地 可怕地ˈfearless adjective without fear; brave. a fearless soldier. 大膽的 大胆的ˈfearlessly adverb 大膽地 大胆地for fear of so as not to. She would not go swimming for fear of catching a cold. 以免 以免in fear of in a state of being afraid of. He lived in fear of his mother. 害怕 害怕




  • (there's) no fear of (something)
  • be in fear of (one's) life
  • be/go in fear of your life
  • blanch with (an emotion)
  • fear for
  • fear for (someone or something)
  • fear no colors
  • fear of missing out
  • fear the worst
  • Fools rush in where angels fear to tread
  • for fear of
  • for fear of (something)
  • for fear of something/of doing something
  • for fear that (something)
  • go in fear of (one's) life
  • he that is down need fear no fall
  • I’m shaking in fear
  • I'm shaking (in fear)
  • in fear and trembling
  • in fear and trembling of (someone or something)
  • never fear
  • No fear!
  • put the fear of God in
  • put the fear of God in (one)
  • put the fear of God in someone
  • put the fear of God into
  • put the fear of God into (one)
  • put the fear of God into somebody
  • put the fear of God into someone
  • strike fear into (one)
  • strike fear into (one's) heart
  • strike fear, terror, etc. into somebody/somebody's heart
  • there's no fear of something
  • without fear or favor
  • without fear or favour



[fir] (psychology) Emotional and physiologic response to recognized sources of danger.



(1) In psychology, a negative emotion toward a real or imagined danger that threatens an individual’s life, personality, or values, including ideals, goals, and principles.

(2) One of the main tenets of existentialism introduced by S. Kierkegaard, who distinguished between a common, empirical fear (in German, Furcht) brought about by a concrete object or condition and an indefinite and uncontrollable dread (in German, Angst). Dread is a metaphysical fear unknown to animals. Its object is nothing, and it results from man being mortal and knowing it. For M. Heidegger dread functions to disclose the final potential of existence—death. J.-P. Sartre defines metaphysical, existential fear (angoisse) as anxiety before one’s own self, potential, and freedom.

(3) Early psychoanalysis distinguished between a rational fear in the face of external danger and a deep, irrational fear. The latter was interpreted to be a result of unrealized ambitions and a repression of unsatisfied desires. Modern neo-Freudianism interprets fear in terms of anxiety, which is a state of general irrationality associated with the irrational nature of bourgeois society. It is also considered to be the main source of neuroses.

Many theories on the origin of religion regard the emotion of fear to be a reason for the development of religious ideas and beliefs. This trend of thought was developed by Lucretius and Democritus in antiquity and D. Hume, P. Holbach, and L. Feuerbach in modern times.

What does it mean when you dream about your fears?

Fearful dreams are quite common, reflecting either anxiety about concrete problems in the world or anxieties arising from inner tensions. For a deeper understanding, the dreamer should attempt to identify the source of fear in the dream.


(dreams)If you are experiencing great fear in your dreams, you are having nightmares. These types of dreams are positive because your unconscious mind is trying to tell you something. If you have repressed issues, they may be coming to the surface. Think about the fear in your dreams and try to be honest with yourself. Face your fears and as a great American president once said “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” Having fearful dreams seems to be relatively common. Most dreams are unpleasant and that is the nature of our private unconscious. Issues and concerns, repressed emotions, and daily stress all contribute to an uneasy sleep and to fear-filled dreams.



 [fēr] the unpleasant emotional state consisting of psychological and psychophysiological responses to a real external threat or danger. See also anxiety. Fear is a nursing diagnosis accepted by the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, who defined it as a response to a perceived threat that is consciously recognized as a danger. Causative factors may include separation from one's support system in a potentially threatening situation such as hospitalization, diagnostic test, or treatment; knowledge deficit or unfamiliarity; language barrier; sensory impairment; and phobic stimulus or phobia.
Persons experiencing fear may verbalize increased tension, apprehension, diminished self-assurance, panic, or a jittery feeling. Objective signs include increased alertness; concentration on the source of fear; attack and fight-or-flight behaviors; and evidence of sympathetic nerve stimulation such as cardiovascular excitation, superficial vasoconstriction, and dilation of the pupils. Interventions are aimed at helping the individual to identify effective and ineffective coping behaviors, promote effective coping strategies, and maintain psychological equilibrium.


(fēr), Apprehension; dread; alarm; by having an identifiable stimulus, fear is differentiated from anxiety which has no easily identifiable stimulus. [A.S. faer]


(fēr) Apprehension; dread; alarm; by having an identifiable stimulus, fear is differentiated from anxiety, which has no easily identifiable stimulus. [A.S. faer]


The response to a real or imagined perception of danger. An abnormal degree of fear, or a fear inappropriate to its cause is called a phobia. Fear is accompanied by physical symptoms such as rapid heart action, muscle tension especially in the abdomen, dryness of the throat and sweating. These symptoms are mainly caused by ADRENALINE. It is believed that separate nuclei in the amygdala mediate different aspects of fear-conditioned behaviour.


(fēr) Apprehension; dread; alarm; by having an identifiable stimulus. [A.S. faer]

Patient discussion about fear

Q. am sexy yet fear ladies A. you are not very descriptive but from what i understand you have a very common problem and the best solution is going to therapy. a psychologist will diagnose you, see where the fear is coming from and help you getting over it. good luck!

Q. I fear whether this could affect my fetus too? hi everyone …..My growing confusion for the pregnancy is being messed up with the infection of Lyme, I feel my hands not in order with pain in joints and it was there before pregnancy but I did not pay attention and I am now in the first trimester and this Lyme infection is adding fuel to the fire. I fear whether this could affect my fetus too. I discussed with the doctor but didn’t get valuable input and I have been asked to wait for some more time. She didn’t refer me to the specialist also. This is causing me great concern/…………..I feel depressed………..A. Hey…be cool….nothing like that…..It seems your ignorance has taken the form of depression, but just to make it clear, I too was infected with Lyme in my 2 nd pregnancy and my son is now learning guitar from his dad. I too had same doubt 6 years before and it all ruined down and I am pregnant again. I just followed my Gynecologist advice and didn’t doubt her. I am not a qualified professional to talk about the problem in detail but a women having had that trouble but had healthy pregnancy without any problem.

Q. i have fear from hightes ... is there any way how to treat it and make it go a way or at least help me a bit A. Yes. It's possible to treat it, usually through sessions with a psychologist in the form of behavioral therapy or psychotherapist. It should be done by a professional, of course.
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More discussions about fear


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FEARFinding Excuses and Reasons
FEARFail Early and Responsibly (Robert Kiyosak methodology)
FEARFrantic Efforts to Appear Recovered (Alcoholics Anonymous chat slang)
FEARFighting Ego against Reality (Alcoholics Anonymous chat slang)
FEARFrantic Effort to Appear Real (Alcoholics Anonymous Slang)
FEARFeelings Every Alcoholic Rejects (Alcoholics Anonymous chat slang)
FEARFew Ever Arrive Rejoicing (Alcoholics Anonymous chat slang)
FEARFear Expressed Allows Relief (Alcoholics Anoymous chat slang)
FEARFinding Everything and Realizing (Ian Brown music video)
FEARFace Everything and Rejoice
FEARFalse Emotions Appearing Real
FEARFuture Events Appearing Real
FEARForget Everything and Relax
FEARForgetting Everything is All Right
FEARFlexible Embodied Animat Architecture (language independent open-source project for the creation of portable AI)
FEARFalse Expectations About Reality
FEARFelines Enraged About Rodents (book - Ragweed)
FEARFor Every & All Religion
FEARFuture Events Appear Real
FEARFar East Adventure Racers (Hong Kong)
FEARFrantic Effort to Avoid Reality


Related to fear: phobia
  • all
  • noun
  • verb
  • phrase

Synonyms for fear

noun dread


  • dread
  • horror
  • panic
  • terror
  • dismay
  • awe
  • fright
  • tremors
  • qualms
  • consternation
  • alarm
  • trepidation
  • timidity
  • fearfulness
  • blue funk
  • apprehensiveness
  • cravenness

noun bugbear


  • bugbear
  • bête noire
  • horror
  • nightmare
  • anxiety
  • terror
  • dread
  • spectre
  • phobia
  • bogey
  • thing

noun anxiety


  • anxiety
  • concern
  • worry
  • doubt
  • nerves
  • distress
  • suspicion
  • willies
  • creeps
  • butterflies
  • funk
  • angst
  • unease
  • apprehension
  • misgiving(s)
  • nervousness
  • agitation
  • foreboding(s)
  • uneasiness
  • solicitude
  • blue funk
  • heebie-jeebies
  • collywobbles
  • disquietude

noun possibility


  • possibility
  • likelihood

noun awe


  • awe
  • wonder
  • respect
  • worship
  • dread
  • reverence
  • veneration

verb be afraid of


  • be afraid of
  • dread
  • be scared of
  • be frightened of
  • shudder at
  • be fearful of
  • be apprehensive about
  • tremble at
  • be terrified by
  • have a horror of
  • take fright at
  • have a phobia about
  • have qualms about
  • live in dread of
  • be in a blue funk about
  • have butterflies in your stomach about
  • shake in your shoes about

verb worry


  • worry
  • suspect
  • anticipate
  • be afraid
  • expect
  • foresee
  • apprehend

verb revere


  • revere
  • respect
  • reverence
  • venerate
  • stand in awe of

verb regret


  • regret
  • feel
  • suspect
  • have a feeling
  • have a hunch
  • have a sneaking suspicion
  • have a funny feeling

phrase fear for something or or someone


  • worry about
  • be concerned about
  • be anxious about
  • tremble for
  • be distressed about
  • feel concern for
  • be disquieted over

Synonyms for fear

noun great agitation and anxiety caused by the expectation or the realization of danger


  • affright
  • alarm
  • apprehension
  • dread
  • fearfulness
  • fright
  • funk
  • horror
  • panic
  • terror
  • trepidation
  • cold feet

verb to be afraid of


  • dread

Synonyms for fear

noun an emotion experienced in anticipation of some specific pain or danger (usually accompanied by a desire to flee or fight)


  • fearfulness
  • fright

Related Words

  • emotion
  • alarm
  • consternation
  • dismay
  • creeps
  • frisson
  • quiver
  • shudder
  • tingle
  • chill
  • thrill
  • shiver
  • horror
  • hysteria
  • affright
  • panic
  • terror
  • panic attack
  • scare
  • stage fright
  • apprehension
  • apprehensiveness
  • dread
  • timidity
  • timidness
  • timorousness
  • intimidation
  • cold sweat


  • fearlessness
  • bravery

noun an anxious feeling


  • concern
  • care

Related Words

  • anxiety

noun a feeling of profound respect for someone or something


  • reverence
  • veneration
  • awe

Related Words

  • emotion

verb be afraid or feel anxious or apprehensive about a possible or probable situation or event

Related Words

  • worry

verb be afraid or scared of


  • dread

Related Words

  • panic

verb be sorry

Related Words

  • regret

verb regard with feelings of respect and reverence


  • reverence
  • venerate
  • revere

Related Words

  • esteem
  • respect
  • value
  • prise
  • prize
  • saint
  • enshrine
  • worship




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