释义 |
EOU (character, humour)The mnemonic of a mythical ASCII controlcharacter (End Of User) that would make an ASR-33 Teletypeexplode on receipt. This construction parodies the numerousobscure delimiter and control characters left in ASCII fromthe days when it was associated more with wire-serviceteletypes than computers (e.g. FS, GS, RS, US, EM,SUB, ETX, and especially EOT). It is worth rememberingthat ASR-33s were big, noisy mechanical beasts with a lot ofclattering parts; the notion that one might explode wasnowhere near as ridiculous as it might seem to someone sittingin front of a tube or flatscreen today.EOU
Acronym | Definition |
EOU➣Eastern Oregon University | EOU➣Evidence of Use (patent infringement) | EOU➣Etrian Odyssey Untold (gaming) | EOU➣Export Oriented Unit | EOU➣Extensible Authentication Protocol over Udp | EOU➣Ease of Use | EOU➣End of User (mythical ASCII char) | EOU➣Essential Oil University (formerly Applied Essential Oil Research) | EOU➣Enemy Objective Unit (American Embassy Economic Warfare Division) | EOU➣Evil Overlords United (Internet comic) | EOU➣Evaluation and Oversight Unit (United Nations) | EOU➣Economics of One Unit | EOU➣Electro-Optical Unit | EOU➣Excess, Obsolete, Unserviceable (US DoD) |