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eosinophilic pustular folliculitis e·o·sin·o·phil·ic pus·tu·lar fol·lic·u·li·tisa dermatosis characterized by sterile pruritic papules and pustules that coalesce to form plaques with papulovesicular borders; spontaneous exacerbations and remissions may be accompanied by peripheral leukocytosis, eosinophilia, or both, and may result in eventual destruction of hair follicles and formation of eosinophilic abscesses. The disease has been reported in AIDS, and a possibly separate form of eosinophilic pustular folliculitis occurs in infants. Synonym(s): Ofuji diseasee·o·sin·o·phil·ic pus·tu·lar fol·lic·u·li·tis (ē'ō-sin-ō-fil'ik pŭs'chŭ-lăr fŏ-lik'yū-lī'tis) A dermatosis characterized by sterile pruritic papules and pustules that coalesce to form plaques with papulovesicular borders; spontaneous patients exacerbations and remissions may be accompanied by peripheral leukocytosis, eosinophilia, or both, and may result in eventual destruction of hair follicles and formation of eosinophilic abscesses. The disease has been reported in AIDS, and a possibly separate form of eosinophilic pustular folliculitis occurs in infants. Synonym(s): Ofuji disease. eosinophilic pustular folliculitis, EPFAn itchy papular, plaquelike, or pustular rash of uncertain cause, often occurring on the face. It is found in patients of Asian descent, in those with HIV/AIDS, after exposure to some drugs, and after parasitic infestations. Synonym: Ofuji's diseasee·o·sin·o·phil·ic pus·tu·lar fol·lic·u·li·tis (ē'ō-sin-ō-fil'ik pŭs'chŭ-lăr fŏ-lik'yū-lī'tis) Dermatosis characterized by sterile pruritic papules and pustules that coalesce to form plaques with papulovesicular borders. |