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ac·cus·tomed A0047700 (ə-kŭs′təmd)adj.1. Being in the habit: I am accustomed to sleeping late.2. Having been adapted to the existing environment and conditions: eyes not accustomed to desert sun.3. Frequently practiced, used, or experienced; customary: answered with his accustomed modesty. See Synonyms at usual.accustomed (əˈkʌstəmd) adj1. usual; customary2. (foll by: to) used or inured (to)3. (foll by: to) in the habit (of): accustomed to walking after meals. ac•cus•tomed (əˈkʌs təmd) adj. 1. customary; usual; habitual: in their accustomed manner. 2. habituated; acclimated (usu. fol. by to): accustomed to staying up late. [1400–50] ac•cus′tomed•ness, n. ThesaurusAdj. | 1. | accustomed - (often followed by `to') in the habit of or adapted to; "accustomed to doing her own work"; "I've grown accustomed to her face"unaccustomed - not habituated to; unfamiliar with; "unaccustomed to wearing suits" | | 2. | accustomed - commonly used or practiced; usual; "his accustomed thoroughness"; "took his customary morning walk"; "his habitual comment"; "with her wonted candor"habitual, wonted, customaryusual - occurring or encountered or experienced or observed frequently or in accordance with regular practice or procedure; "grew the usual vegetables"; "the usual summer heat"; "came at the usual time"; "the child's usual bedtime" |
accustomedadjective1. used, trained, familiar, disciplined, given to, adapted, acquainted, in the habit of, familiarized, seasoned, inured, habituated, exercised, acclimatized I was accustomed to being the only child amongst adults. used unfamiliar, unused, unaccustomed2. usual, established, expected, general, common, standard, set, traditional, normal, fixed, regular, ordinary, familiar, conventional, routine, everyday, customary, habitual, wonted He took up his accustomed position at the fire. usual odd, strange, rare, unusual, occasional, peculiar, unfamiliar, abnormal, uncommon, infrequent, unaccustomedaccustomedadjective1. Commonly practiced or used:customary, habitual, regular, usual, wonted.2. Familiar through repetition:chronic, habitual, routine.3. In the habit:habituated, used, wont.Translationsaccustom (əˈkastəm) verb to make (especially oneself) familiar with or used to. He soon accustomed himself to the idea. 使...習慣於 使...习惯于acˈcustomed adjective usual. his accustomed seat. 慣常的 通常的,习惯的 accustomed to familiar with or used to. I am not accustomed to being treated like this. 習慣於 使习惯于accustomed
accustom (one) to (something)To familiarize one with something. You need to accustom the new interns to the layout of the building. Seth will accustom you to this project before our next meeting. Accustom yourself to the new software before we start using it more frequently.See also: accustomaccustomed toFamiliar or comfortable with something. This phrase is often used to describe aspects of one's daily routine. Now that she is no longer in school, Stella has become accustomed to staying up late and sleeping until noon. I never thought I would become accustomed to working in a warehouse, but now I almost enjoy it.See also: accustomed*accustomed to someone or something and *accustomed to doing something used to someone or something; used to or in the habit of doing something. (*Typically: be ~; become ~; grow ~.) The children are accustomed to eating late in the evening.See also: accustomedaccustomed toUsed to something or someone; having the habit of doing something. For example, In Spain we gave up our usual schedule and became accustomed to eating dinner at 10 p.m. Professor Higgins in the musical My Fair Lady (1956) ruefully sang the song "I've Grown Accustomed to Her Face" after his protégé Eliza walked out on him. [Second half of 1400s] See also: accustomedaccustomed
Synonyms for accustomedadj usedSynonyms- used
- trained
- familiar
- disciplined
- given to
- adapted
- acquainted
- in the habit of
- familiarized
- seasoned
- inured
- habituated
- exercised
- acclimatized
Antonyms- unfamiliar
- unused
- unaccustomed
adj usualSynonyms- usual
- established
- expected
- general
- common
- standard
- set
- traditional
- normal
- fixed
- regular
- ordinary
- familiar
- conventional
- routine
- everyday
- customary
- habitual
- wonted
Antonyms- odd
- strange
- rare
- unusual
- occasional
- peculiar
- unfamiliar
- abnormal
- uncommon
- infrequent
- unaccustomed
Synonyms for accustomedadj commonly practiced or usedSynonyms- customary
- habitual
- regular
- usual
- wonted
adj familiar through repetitionSynonymsadj in the habitSynonymsSynonyms for accustomedadj (often followed by 'to') in the habit of or adapted toAntonymsadj commonly used or practicedSynonymsRelated Words |