Fluxed Sinter
Fluxed Sinter
a composite cinder-like iron ore with a high content of basic oxides (CaO, MgO) in the form of chemical compounds formed during heating of the agglomerated charge with the addition of fluxes, such as limestone or dolomite. This procedure makes it possible to eliminate raw fluxes from the blast-furnace charge, with a corresponding improvement in the performance of blast-furnace smelting. Practically all iron-ore sinter produced in modern metallurgy (1973) is fluxed sinter.
Bazilevich, S. V., and E. F. Vegman. Aglomeratsiia. Moscow, 1967.Shiriaev, P. A., and E. N. Iarkho. Metallurgicheskaia i ekonomicheskaia otsenka zheleznykh rud. Moscow, 1971.