Delta Meadows

Delta Meadows

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / California
Location:1 mile east of Locke. Access is mainly by boat; limited vehicle access is off River Road by way of a small gravel road just east of the cross channel.
Facilities:Undeveloped; boat mooring, trails.
Activities:Fishing, boating, hiking, guided tours (by appointment).
Special Features:Delta Meadows preserves a remnant of the Sacramento River Delta as itwas before dams and leeves controlled the annual flooding. Theproperty's waterways contain permanent and seasonal water areas, aswell as adjacent uplands that support a variety of riparian plant andanimal life, including the river otter, the delta smelt and theSacramento chub. The property contains Native American occupancy sites,as well as remnants of such early farming and ranching activities asslough dredging and levee building.
Address:c/o Gold Fields District Office
7806 Folsom-Auburn Rd
Folsom, CA 95630

Size: 472 acres.

See other parks in California.