

单词 chandragupta



C0237900 (chŭn′drə-go͝op′tə) Died c. 297 bc. King of northern India (322?-298) and founder of a dynasty of Hindu kings of India that ruled until c. 185 bc.


(ˌtʃʌndrəˈɡʊptə) n (Biography) Greek name Sandracottos. died ?297 bc, ruler of N India, who founded the Maurya dynasty (325) and defeated Seleucus (?305)



(Chandragupta Maurya) (chändrəgo͝op`tə), fl. c.321 B.C.–c.298 B.C., Indian emperor, founder of the MauryaMaurya
, ancient Indian dynasty, c.325–c.183 B.C., founded by Chandragupta (Chandragupta Maurya). He conquered the Magadha kingdom and established his capital at Pataliputra (now Patna). His son, Bindusara (d. c.
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 dynasty and grandfather of AśokaAśoka
or Ashoka,
d. c.232 B.C., Indian emperor (c.273–c.232 B.C.) of the Maurya dynasty; grandson of Chandragupta. One of the greatest rulers of ancient India, he brought nearly all India, together with Baluchistan and Afghanistan, under one sway for the
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. He conquered the Magadha kingdom (in modern Bihar and Jharkhand) and eventually controlled all India N of the Vindhya Hills. In c.305, Chandragupta, with a huge army, defeated Seleucus ISeleucus I
(Seleucus Nicator) , d. 280 B.C., king of ancient Syria. An able general of Alexander the Great, he played a leading part in the wars of the Diadochi. In the new partition of the empire in 312 B.C. he received Babylonia.
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 (Nicator) who had invaded NW India in an attempt to regain Alexander the Great's Indian provinces. Seleucus had to yield parts of Afghanistan to Chandragupta, and some sort of marriage alliance followed. From Megasthenes, a Seleucid envoy at the court of Chandragupta, comes much of the information about the period. The emperor dwelt in an enormous, ornate palace at Pataliputra (Patna) and administered a highly bureaucratic government. He was advised by Kautilya (also called Chanakya), a very able but unscrupulous Brahman, to whom is attributed the Arthasastra, a guide to statecraft. Chandragupta established a vast secret service system and, fearing assassination, rarely left his palace. Jain tradition says that he abdicated his throne, became a Jain monk, and fasted to death.



the name of two ancient Indian rulers belonging to the Gupta dynasty.

Chandragupta I. Ruled from 320 to about 340, according to some sources.

Descended from a family of minor rulers of Magadha, Chandragupta I strengthened his position and became ruler of all Magadha by military conquest and the conduct of a successful foreign policy; particularly important was his marriage to Princess Kumara Devi of the Lichchhavi tribe. Chandragupta founded the Gupta empire; the Gupta Era, which began with his accession, was widely used as a chronological frame of reference in ancient and medieval India.

Chandragupta II. Grandson of Chandragupta I. Ruled from 380 to 415, according to some sources.

Chandragupta II ascended the throne after deposing his older brother Ramagupta. He thus inherited a fully developed empire, which he subsequently greatly enlarged. His most important territorial gain was the conquest of the “state of the western rulers” (Gujarat), which gave the empire access to the Arabian Sea. Chandragupta’s reign marked the height of Gupta power and was a period of economic well-being for ancient India. Moreover, his rule, which has come to be known as the Golden Age of the Guptas, was a time during which ancient Indian culture flourished.


Greek name Sandracottos. died ?297 bc, ruler of N India, who founded the Maurya dynasty (325) and defeated Seleucus (?305)




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