

单词 asl



abbr.1. age/sex/location2. American Sign Language


abbreviation for 1. above sea level 2. age, sex, and location


abbreviation for American Sign Language. See Ameslan


American Sign Language.
Noun1.ASL - the sign language used in the United StatesASL - the sign language used in the United StatesAmerican sign languagefinger alphabet, manual alphabet - an alphabet used by the deaf; letters are represented by finger positionssign language, signing - language expressed by visible hand gestures



Algebraic Specification Language



Abbreviation for American Sign Language.


Abbreviation for American Sign Language.

American Sign Language



A nonverbal method of communicating in which the hands and fingers are used to indicate words and concepts. Synonym: Ameslan


ASLAmerican Sign Language
ASLAbove Sea Level
ASLAge/Sex/Location? (chat)
ASLAzienda Sanitaria Locale
ASLAdditional Support for Learning (various locations)
ASLAssociation for Symbolic Logic
ASLArchitektur, Stadtplanung, Landschaftsplanung (German: Architecture, Urban Planning, Landscape Planning)
ASLAdvanced Science Letters (journal)
ASLAdvanced Squad Leader (Multi-Man Publishing magazine)
ASLAdvanced Squad Leader (board game)
ASLAmerican Soccer League
ASLArterial Spin Labeling (medical imaging method)
ASLApache Software License (Apache Software Foundation)
ASLAge Sex Location
ASLAdobe Styles
ASLApplication Scripting Language
ASLAutomatic Sound Leveliser
ASLAutomatic Speed Limiter
ASLArithmetic Shift Left
ASLAutomatic Sound Levelizer
ASLAxpo Super League (sports; Switzerland)
ASLArchdiocese of Saint Louis (St. Louis, MO)
ASLAutonomous Systems Lab
ASLAcadian Seaplants Limited (Canada)
ASLApplication Services Library
ASLAnimal Science Lab (various schools)
ASLAppalachian School of Law
ASLAdaptive Systems Laboratory (various universities)
ASLAstaro Security Linux
ASLArt Students League
ASLA Static Lullaby (band)
ASLAuto Service Leasing
ASLauthorized stockage list (Army)
ASLACPI Source Language
ASLAverage Service Life (depreciation)
ASLApplied Science Laboratories
ASLApproved Supplier List
ASLAirway Surface Liquid (physiology)
ASLAnti-Secession Law (China)
ASLArchipelagic Sea Lane (US DoD)
ASLAssociation Sports et Loisirs (French: Sports & Recreation Association)
ASLAnti-Saloon League (1893-1933; Ohio)
ASLActive Status List
ASLAssistant Squad Leader
ASLAustralian Society for Limnology
ASLAdaptive Switch Laboratories, Inc.
ASLAccount Spending Limit (Sprint)
ASLAlbuquerque Seismological Laboratory
ASLAssociation pour la Sauvegarde du Léman
ASLAtmospheric Surface Layer
ASLAssociations Syndicales Libres
ASLAssistant Scout Leader
ASLAuthorized Stock(age) List
ASLAnton Szandor LaVey (High Priest of the Church of Satan)
ASLApplied Superconductor Ltd. (UK)
ASLAdaptive Speed Leveling (US Robotics)
ASLAssociation des Sciences du Langage (French: Association of Language Sciences)
ASLAfter School Learning
ASLAssistant Secretary for Legislation
ASLAircraft Services Lemwerder GmbH
ASLArctic Submarine Laboratory (NOSC)
ASLArray Support Library
ASLAssembler Source Language
ASLAssign Switch Locator (SL) Routing (US DoD)
ASLAiken-Augusta Swim League
ASLAction Specification Language
ASLAggregate Stop Loss (Insurance industry term)
ASLAmerican Scientific Lighting
ASLAverage Staffing Levels
ASLAnna Sobol Levy (foundation; New York, NY)
ASLAlbert Sloman Library (UK)
ASLActive Supplier List
ASLAtmospheric Sciences Laboratory
ASLAssociation du Syndrome de Lowe
ASLApproved Source List
ASLAmerican School of London
ASLAssociation Strümpell-Lorrain
ASLArt Slide Library (Brown University; Rhode Island)
ASLApollo Scientific Ltd. (UK)
ASLAlbuquerque Soccer League
ASLAsk Sponsored Listing (online advertising)
ASLAlliance Systems Ltd. (UK)
ASLApplying the Science of Learning
ASLActive Speech Level
ASLAction Semantics Language (extension of UML which allows executable models)
ASLAeronautical Systems Laboratory
ASLAmerican Strength Legends
ASLAda Structured Library
ASLAbout Spanish Language
ASLAllowable Supply List
ASLApplication-Specific Language
ASLAdapter Scripting Language (programming)
ASLAccounting Solutions Limited
ASLAudiophile Systems Ltd
ASLArt and Science Laboratory
ASLAnarchist Soccer League
ASLAnderson Strickler, LLC
ASLAstro Space Locator (software)
ASLAnalyser Sales Ltd
ASLAutomated Securities Lending
ASLAssigned Stockage List
ASLAeronautical Structures Laboratory
ASLAdvanced Simulation Laboratory
ASLAquitaine Services Logistique (France)
ASLAnalytical Service Laboratory (International Rice Research Institute; Philippines)
ASLApproval Services Laboratory
ASLAuthorised Signatory List
ASLAntenna Software Ltd
ASLAmador Stage Lines, Inc.
ASLAlternate Storage Location
ASLAcquisition Summary Listing
ASLAdvanced Software Logic, Inc.
ASLAffordable Sound and Light
ASLAllery Scotts Ltd
ASLAdventure Seekers Ltd
ASLArmor School Library (Ft Knox, KY, USA)
ASLAustralasian Suomalaisten Liitto
ASLAmorphous Silicon Laboratory
ASLAlarm Systems Limited
ASLAdvanced Solutions Limited
ASLAmiga Standard Library (UI development)
ASLAlpha Systems Laboratories
ASLAppropriation Summary Ledger
ASLAnalytical Chemistry and Nanosciences Short Lectures
ASLAtomic Space Lab (cartoon)
ASLArchitecture Simulation Laboratory
ASLAmwell Services Ltd
ASLAsia Supreme Life
ASLAzimuth Steering Line (US Air Force; fighter plane guide)
ASLAvionics System LAN
ASLAutobacs Sportscar Laboratory, Co, Ltd
ASLActive Service List (computer networking)
ASLAutonomous Script Language
ASLAssigned Stockage Level
ASLAviation Support and Logistics
ASLAgencement Sonorisation Lumière (French lighting company)


  • noun

Synonyms for ASL

noun the sign language used in the United States


  • American sign language

Related Words

  • finger alphabet
  • manual alphabet
  • sign language
  • signing




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