

单词 eyelids



  1. Eyelids drooped as though the lashes weighed intolerably —Truman Capote
  2. Eyelids fluttering, as if assailed by gnats —Leonard Michaels
  3. Eyelids heavy as if from too much dreaming. His dreaming lay like the edges of a deep slumber on the rim of his eyelids —Anais Nin
  4. Eyelids … hung askew over her cloudy gray eyes [too weak to be raised or lowered] like broken blinds in the windows of a condemned house —Gerald Kersh
  5. Eyelids like thin gray leather —Ken Kesey
  6. Eyelids pale like a chicken’s —V. S. Pritchett
  7. Eyelids translucent as crepe —Jayne Anne Phillips
  8. Eyelids which looked like walnut shells —Julia O’Faolain
  9. Eyes … double-lidded like the eyes of the black bull snake —Will Weaver
  10. Heavy eyelids … like small, brown, wrinkled egg-shells —Brian Glanville
  11. Lids … like furrows in deeply plowed soil —Anon
  12. Lower lids as straight as ruler-edges —Dashiell Hammett
  13. Eyelids flutter like butterflies that children have impaled alive on pins —Erich Maria Remarque
  14. The thick red-lined lids hung over the eyeballs like blinds of which the cords are broken —Edith Wharton




skin folds around the eyes in vertebrate animals and man. Eyelids serve to protect the eyeball from external injury, to moisten it with lachrymal fluid, and to remove foreign bodies from the eye. The majority of animals have paired (upper and lower), movable eyelids. In a number of sharks, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and some mammals, there is also a third movable eyelid—the nictitating membrane. In most mammals the third eyelid lacks musculature and is therefore immovable; in primates and in man it is reduced and forms a semilunar fold in the inner corner of the eye.

Eyelids in man consist of upper and lower movable skin folds that cover the eyeball when closed and circumscribe the eye aperture. The boundary of the upper lid is the recess between the orbit and the eyeball; the lower lid is separated from the cheek by a poorly defined furrow. The eyelids consist of skin, subcutaneous tissue, a muscle layer, a cartilaginous plate, and the conjunctiva. The skin of the eyelids is thin and turns into conjunctiva along the edges, where the eyelashes grow and the openings of the glands are located. The blood vessel network of the eyelids is well developed; sensory innervation is effected by branches of the trigeminal nerve; motor innervation is by the facial nerve.

Of greatest anthropological interest is the upper lid, the skin of which can form various types of folds—superior (suprapalpebral), median (palpebral), and inferior (tarsal). The last type of fold is more developed in the outer part of the eye and is manifested more strongly with age. Also distinguished is the Mongolian fold (epicanthic), which partially covers the lacrimal caruncle and is usually a continuation of the palpebral fold. The epicanthic fold is especially widespread among representatives of the Mongoloid race (up to 60 percent or more, especially frequent in women and children); it is absent among Caucasoids and Negroids (except for Bushmen).


Roginskii, Ia. Ia., and M. G. Levin. Antropologiia, 2nd ed. Moscow, 1963.


eyelidsJet engine reverser or afterburner nozzle halves similar to an eyelid in appearance.



A pair of movable folds of skin which act as protective coverings of the eye. The upper eyelid extends downward from the eyebrow and is the more moveable of the two. When the eye is open and looking straight ahead, it just covers the upper part of the cornea; when it is closed, it covers the whole cornea. The lower eyelid reaches just below the cornea when the eye is open and rises only slightly when it shuts. Each eyelid consists of the following layers, starting anteriorly: (1) skin, (2) a layer of subcutaneous connective tissue, (3) a layer of striated muscle fibres of the orbicularis muscle, (4) a layer of submuscular connective tissue, (5) a fibrous layer, including the tarsal plates, (6) a layer of smooth muscle, (7) the palpebral conjunctiva. Syn. blephara; lids; palpebrae. See ablephary; blepharitis; ciliosis; ectropion; entropion; epicanthus; lid eversion; eyelid lamella; lagophthalmos; palpebral ligament; myokymia; orbital septum; phthiriasis; Cogan's lid twitch sign; Collier's sign; Dalrymple's sign; inferior palpebral sulcus; superior palpebral sulcus; tarsorrhaphy; tarsus; xanthelasma.
eyelids lamella The eyelid is sometimes conceptualized as consisting of an anterior and a posterior lamella. The anterior lamella consists of the skin, the layer of subcutaneous connective tissue and the layer of striated muscle fibres of the orbicularis muscle. The posterior lamella consists of the tarsal plates, a layer of smooth muscle (Müller's palpebral muscle), and the palpebral conjunctiva.
eyelids retractor muscles The eyelid muscles that open the palpebral aperture. The upper eyelid is elevated by the levator palpebrae superioris muscle and the superior tarsal muscle (of Müller) and the lower eyelid is depressed by the inferior tarsal muscle (of Müller).

Patient discussion about eyelids

Q. eyelids what causes your eye lids too twitch? my left eye lid has been twitching on and off for about a week what causes it and how can i get it to stop.A. Not an answer, just another question - how long can this go on? My eyelid has been twitching, (likely lack of sleep) for almost a month now. Any treatment that I should seek?

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