

单词 chance



luck or fortune; a risk or hazard; accident; fortuity: We meet, not really by chance.
Not to be confused with:chants – psalms, canticles, or songs that are sung in a rhythmic, monotonous tone: chants of a bird


C0235700 (chăns)n.1. a. The unknown and unpredictable element in happenings that seems to have no assignable cause.b. A force assumed to cause events that cannot be foreseen or controlled; luck: Chance will determine the outcome.2. often chances The likelihood of something happening; possibility or probability: Chances are good that you will win. Is there any chance of rain?3. An accidental or unpredictable event: "He sprang to his feet and turned to run. At the same moment by a lucky chance the moon broke through the clouds" (Arthur Conan Doyle).4. A favorable set of circumstances; an opportunity: a chance to escape.5. A risk or hazard; a gamble: took a chance that the ice would hold me.6. Games A raffle or lottery ticket.7. Baseball An opportunity to make a putout or an assist that counts as an error if unsuccessful.adj. Caused by or ascribable to chance; unexpected, random, or casual: a chance encounter; a chance result.tr.v. chanced, chanc·ing, chanc·es 1. To take the risk or hazard of: We thought we could jump over the puddle, but we were not willing to chance it.2. To have the fortune (to be or do something); happen: "My eye chanced to fall on the wizened houseplant on the windowsill" (Elisabeth Brink).3. Used with the impersonal subject it and a following clause or infinitive to indicate the occurrence of a usually unexpected or chance event: "Now it chanced that this car-line was owned by gentlemen who were trying to make money" (Upton Sinclair).Phrasal Verb: chance on (or upon) To find or meet accidentally; happen upon: While in Paris we chanced on two old friends.Idioms: by chance1. Without plan; accidentally: They met by chance on a plane.2. Possibly; perchance: Is he, by chance, her brother? on the off chance In the slight hope or possibility.
[Middle English, unexpected event, from Old French, from Vulgar Latin *cadentia, from Latin cadēns, cadent-, present participle of cadere, to fall, befall; see kad- in Indo-European roots.]Synonyms: chance, random, casual, haphazard, desultory
These adjectives apply to what is determined not by deliberation but by happenstance. Chance stresses lack of intention or premeditation: a chance meeting with a friend.
Random implies the absence of a specific pattern or objective: at the mercy of random events.
Casual stresses the indiscriminate or unpredictable nature of chance events: "the casual mutation of one of your liver cells from normal to cancerous" (John Barth).
Haphazard implies a carelessness or lack of control: "If unmarried significant others are invited to participate in the family support groups at all, it tends to be on a haphazard, informal basis" (Kristin Henderson).
Desultory denotes a sporadic or aimless sequence of events: "I lay on a shared cot listening to desultory gunfire" (Jan Clausen). See Also Synonyms at happen, opportunity.


(tʃɑːns) n1. a. the unknown and unpredictable element that causes an event to result in a certain way rather than another, spoken of as a real forceb. (as modifier): a chance meeting. fortuitous2. fortune; luck; fate3. an opportunity or occasion4. a risk; gamble: you take a chance with his driving. 5. (Statistics) the extent to which an event is likely to occur; probability6. an unpredicted event, esp a fortunate one: that was quite a chance, finding him here. 7. archaic an unlucky event; mishap8. by chance a. accidentally: he slipped by chance. b. perhaps: do you by chance have a room?. 9. chances are… the chances are… it is likely (that)…10. on the chance acting on the possibility; in case11. the main chance the opportunity for personal gain (esp in the phrase an eye to the main chance)vb12. (tr) to risk; hazard: I'll chance the worst happening. 13. to happen by chance; be the case by chance: I chanced to catch sight of her as she passed. 14. chance on chance upon to come upon by accident: he chanced on the solution to his problem. 15. chance one's arm to attempt to do something although the chance of success may be slight[C13: from Old French cheance, from cheoir to fall, occur, from Latin cadere] ˈchanceful adj ˈchanceless adj


(tʃæns, tʃɑns)

n., v. chanced, chanc•ing,
adj. n. 1. the unpredictable and uncontrollable element of an occurrence. 2. luck or fortune: a game of chance. 3. a possibility or probability of anything happening: a fifty-percent chance of success. 4. an opportunity: Now is your chance. 5. a risk or hazard: Take a chance. 6. a ticket in a lottery or prize drawing. 7. chances, probability: The chances are that the train hasn't left yet. 8. Archaic. an unfortunate event; mishap. v.i. 9. to happen or occur by chance: It chanced that our arrivals coincided. v.t. 10. to take the chances or risks of; risk (often fol. by it): I'll have to chance it, whatever the outcome. 11. chance on or upon, to meet unexpectedly and accidentally. adj. 12. not planned or expected; accidental: a chance occurrence. Idioms: 1. by chance, unintentionally; accidentally. 2. on the (off) chance, counting on the (slight) possibility. [1250–1300; Middle English < Old French ch(e)ance < Vulgar Latin *cadentia event, happening] chance′ful, adj.


See also gambling.
casualismthe doctrine that events are ruled by chance.casualtya chance happening. See also injury.consiliencea chance happening or coincidence. See also agreement.fortuitismthe doctrine that chance is involved in natural events rather than absolute determinism. See also evolution. — fortuist, n.fortuitya chance event, discovery, or occurrence. — fortuitousness, n. — fortuitous, adj.lubricitythe condition of being uncertain or unstable. — lubricious, adj.serendipitya talent for making fortunate discoveries while searching for other things. — serendipitous, adj.


1. 'chance'

If it is possible that something will happen, you can say that there is a chance that it will happen or a chance of it happening.

There is a chance that I will have to stay longer.If we play well there is a chance of winning 5-0.

If something is fairly likely to happen, you can say that there is a good chance that it will happen.

There was a good chance that I would be discovered.We've got a good chance of winning.

If something is unlikely to happen, you can say that there is little chance that it will happen. If you are sure that it will not happen, you can say that there is no chance that it will happen.

There's little chance that the situation will improve.There's no chance of going home.

If someone is able to do something on a particular occasion, you can say that they have the chance to do it.

You will be given the chance to ask questions.Visitors have the chance to win a camera.
2. 'by chance'

If something happens by chance, it was not planned.

Many years later he met her by chance at a dinner party.
3. 'luck'

If you say that something happens by chance, you are not saying whether it is a good thing or a bad thing. If something good happens without being planned, you refer to it as luck, not 'chance'.

I couldn't believe my luck.Good luck!


– opportunity">opportunity – chance1. 'occasion'

An occasion is a particular time when something happens.

I remember the occasion very well.There are occasions when you must refuse.

You often say that something happens on a particular occasion.

I think it would be better if I went alone on this occasion.I met him only on one occasion.

An occasion is also an important event, ceremony, or celebration.

It was a wonderful end to an unforgettable occasion.They have fixed the date for the big occasion.
2. 'opportunity' and 'chance'

Don't use occasion to refer to a situation in which it is possible for someone to do something. Instead, use opportunity or chance.

I am very grateful to have had the opportunity of working with Paul.She put the phone down before I had a chance to reply.See chance


Past participle: chanced
Gerund: chancing
I chance
you chance
he/she/it chances
we chance
you chance
they chance
I chanced
you chanced
he/she/it chanced
we chanced
you chanced
they chanced
Present Continuous
I am chancing
you are chancing
he/she/it is chancing
we are chancing
you are chancing
they are chancing
Present Perfect
I have chanced
you have chanced
he/she/it has chanced
we have chanced
you have chanced
they have chanced
Past Continuous
I was chancing
you were chancing
he/she/it was chancing
we were chancing
you were chancing
they were chancing
Past Perfect
I had chanced
you had chanced
he/she/it had chanced
we had chanced
you had chanced
they had chanced
I will chance
you will chance
he/she/it will chance
we will chance
you will chance
they will chance
Future Perfect
I will have chanced
you will have chanced
he/she/it will have chanced
we will have chanced
you will have chanced
they will have chanced
Future Continuous
I will be chancing
you will be chancing
he/she/it will be chancing
we will be chancing
you will be chancing
they will be chancing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been chancing
you have been chancing
he/she/it has been chancing
we have been chancing
you have been chancing
they have been chancing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been chancing
you will have been chancing
he/she/it will have been chancing
we will have been chancing
you will have been chancing
they will have been chancing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been chancing
you had been chancing
he/she/it had been chancing
we had been chancing
you had been chancing
they had been chancing
I would chance
you would chance
he/she/it would chance
we would chance
you would chance
they would chance
Past Conditional
I would have chanced
you would have chanced
he/she/it would have chanced
we would have chanced
you would have chanced
they would have chanced
Noun1.chance - a possibility due to a favorable combination of circumstanceschance - a possibility due to a favorable combination of circumstances; "the holiday gave us the opportunity to visit Washington"; "now is your chance"opportunitypossibleness, possibility - capability of existing or happening or being true; "there is a possibility that his sense of smell has been impaired"brass ring - a rich opportunity or a prize; "he missed the brass ring at the Miami convention"day - a period of opportunity; "he deserves his day in court"; "every dog has his day"clean slate, fresh start, tabula rasa - an opportunity to start over without prejudicehearing, audience - an opportunity to state your case and be heard; "they condemned him without a hearing"; "he saw that he had lost his audience"hunting ground - a place where opportunities aboundoccasion - an opportunity to do something; "there was never an occasion for her to demonstrate her skill"opening - opportunity especially for employment or promotion; "there is an opening in the sales department"room - opportunity for; "room for improvement"say - the chance to speak; "let him have his say"shot, crack - a chance to do something; "he wanted a shot at the champion"street - a situation offering opportunities; "he worked both sides of the street"; "cooperation is a two-way street"throw - a single chance or instance; "he couldn't afford $50 a throw"
2.chance - an unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that causes an event to result one way rather than anotherchance - an unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that causes an event to result one way rather than another; "bad luck caused his downfall"; "we ran into each other by pure chance"fortune, hazard, luckphenomenon - any state or process known through the senses rather than by intuition or reasoningmischance, mishap, bad luck - an unpredictable outcome that is unfortunate; "if I didn't have bad luck I wouldn't have any luck at all"even chance, tossup, toss-up - an unpredictable phenomenon; "it's a toss-up whether he will win or lose"
3.chance - a risk involving danger; "you take a chance when you let her drive"danger, risk, peril - a venture undertaken without regard to possible loss or injury; "he saw the rewards but not the risks of crime"; "there was a danger he would do the wrong thing"
4.chance - a measure of how likely it is that some event will occur; a number expressing the ratio of favorable cases to the whole number of cases possible; "the probability that an unbiased coin will fall with the head up is 0.5"probabilityquantity, measure, amount - how much there is or how many there are of something that you can quantifyconditional probability, contingent probability - the probability that an event will occur given that one or more other events have occurredcross section - (physics) the probability that a particular interaction (as capture or ionization) will take place between particles; measured in barnsexceedance - (geology) the probability that an earthquake will generate a level of ground motion that exceeds a specified reference level during a given exposure time; "the concept of exceedance can be applied to any type of environmental risk modeling"fair chance, sporting chance - a reasonable probability of successfat chance, slim chance - little or no chance of successjoint probability - the probability of two events occurring togetherrisk of exposure, risk - the probability of being exposed to an infectious agentrisk of infection, risk - the probability of becoming infected given that exposure to an infectious agent has occurred
5.chance - the possibility of future success; "his prospects as a writer are excellent"prospectpotential, potentiality, potency - the inherent capacity for coming into being
Verb1.chance - be the case by chance; "I chanced to meet my old friend in the street"hap, happen, occur, come about, take place, go on, pass off, fall out, pass - come to pass; "What is happening?"; "The meeting took place off without an incidence"; "Nothing occurred that seemed important"happen - chance to be or do something, without intention or causation; "I happen to have just what you need!"
2.chance - take a risk in the hope of a favorable outcomechance - take a risk in the hope of a favorable outcome; "When you buy these stocks you are gambling"adventure, gamble, run a risk, take a chance, take chances, risk, hazardattempt, essay, try, assay, seek - make an effort or attempt; "He tried to shake off his fears"; "The infant had essayed a few wobbly steps"; "The police attempted to stop the thief"; "He sought to improve himself"; "She always seeks to do good in the world"go for broke - risk everything in one big effort; "the cyclist went for broke at the end of the race"luck it, luck through - act by relying on one's luck
3.chance - come upon, as if by accident; meet with; "We find this idea in Plato"; "I happened upon the most wonderful bakery not very far from here"; "She chanced upon an interesting book in the bookstore the other day"find, bump, encounter, happen
Adj.1.chance - occurring or appearing or singled out by chance; "seek help from casual passers-by"; "a casual meeting"; "a chance occurrence"casualunplanned - without apparent forethought or prompting or planning; "an unplanned economy"; "accepts an unplanned order"; "an unplanned pregnancy"; "unplanned remarks"


noun1. probability, odds, possibility, prospect, liability, likelihood This partnership has a good chance of success.
probability certainty, impossibility, surety, improbability, unlikelihood
2. opportunity, opening, occasion, time, scope, window All eligible people will get a chance to vote.3. accident, fortune, luck, fate, destiny, coincidence, misfortune, providence I met him quite by chance.
accident design, intention
4. risk, speculation, gamble, hazard I certainly think it's worth taking a chance.
adjective1. accidental, random, casual, incidental, unforeseen, unintentional, fortuitous, inadvertent, serendipitous, unforeseeable, unlooked-for He describes their chance meeting as intense.
accidental planned, expected, designed, arranged, deliberate, foreseen, intentional
verb1. happen A man I chanced to meet proved to be a most unusual character.2. risk, try, stake, venture, gamble, hazard, wager No sniper would chance a shot from amongst that crowd.Related words
adjective fortuitous


noun1. The quality shared by random, unintended, or unpredictable events or this quality regarded as the cause of such events:fortuitousness, fortuity, fortune, hap, hazard, luck.2. The likeliness of a given event occurring:likelihood, odds, possibility, probability, prospect (used in plural).3. An unexpected random event:accident, fluke, fortuity, hap, happenchance, happenstance, hazard.4. A favorable or advantageous combination of circumstances:break, occasion, opening, opportunity.Informal: shot.5. A possibility of danger or harm:gamble, hazard, risk.verb1. To take place by chance:befall, hap, happen.2. To run the risk of:adventure, hazard, risk, venture.phrasal verb
chance on or upon
To find or meet by chance:bump into, come across, come on (or upon), find, happen on (or upon), light on (or upon), run across, run into, stumble on (or upon), tumble on.Archaic: alight on (or upon).Idiom: meet up with.adjective1. Occurring unexpectedly:accidental, casual, contingent, fluky, fortuitous, inadvertent, odd.2. Having no particular pattern, purpose, organization, or structure:desultory, haphazard, hit-or-miss, indiscriminate, random, spot, unplanned.


(tʃaːns) noun1. luck or fortune. It was by chance that I found out the truth. 運氣 运气2. an opportunity. Now you have a chance to do well. 機會 机会3. a possibility. He has no chance of winning. 可能性 可能性4. (a) risk. There's an element of chance in this business deal. 危險 危险 verb1. to risk. I may be too late but I'll just have to chance it. 碰運氣 冒...的险2. to happen accidentally or unexpectedly. I chanced to see him last week. 碰巧 碰巧 adjective happening unexpectedly. a chance meeting. 偶然的 偶然的ˈchancy adjective risky or uncertain. a chancy arrangement. 危險的,不可靠的 危险的,不确实的 chance on/upon1. to meet by accident. I chanced on a friend of yours. 碰巧遇見 碰巧遇见2. to discover by accident. I chanced upon some information. 偶然發現 偶然发现by any chance used in enquiring about the possibility of something. Are you by any chance free tonight? 有可能 或许,可能 by chance by luck; without planning. They met by chance. 剛好 偶然地,意外地 an even chance equal probability for and against. We have an even chance of success. 同等機會 同等机会the chances are it is likely (that). The chances are he can't come tomorrow. 可能 可能




chance something

to risk doing something; to try doing something while being aware of the risk involved. I don't usually ride horses, but this time I will chance it. Bob didn't have a ticket, but he went to the airport anyway, chancing a cancellation.
  • a chance in a million
  • a fighting chance
  • a one in a million chance
  • a one-in-a-million chance
  • a snowball's chance in hell
  • a sporting chance
  • an eye for the main chance
  • an eye on/for/to the main chance
  • as chance/luck would have it
  • as much chance as a wax cat in hell
  • at the last chance saloon
  • be in with a chance
  • blow (one's) chance
  • Buckley's chance
  • by any chance
  • by chance
  • chance
  • chance (one's) arm
  • chance it
  • chance of a lifetime
  • chance on
  • chance on (someone or something)
  • chance upon (someone or something)
  • chance would be a fine thing
  • chance your arm
  • chances are
  • dog's chance
  • eye for/to the main chance, to have an
  • eye to the main chance, have an
  • fancy (one's) chances
  • fancy chances
  • fancy your chances
  • fancy your/somebody's chances
  • fat chance
  • fifty-fifty chance
  • fighting chance
  • fighting chance, a
  • ghost of a chance
  • give (one) half a chance
  • give (someone or something) a chance
  • give (someone) a second chance
  • give (someone) another chance
  • Give me a chance!
  • give somebody half a chance
  • given half a/the chance
  • half a chance
  • have a dog's chance
  • have a fighting chance
  • have an even chance
  • have an even chance of (doing something)
  • have an eye for the main chance
  • have an eye on/for/to the main chance
  • have an eye to/for the main chance
  • have Buckley's (chance)
  • have no chance in hell
  • in the last chance saloon
  • in with a chance
  • jump at
  • jump at the chance (to do something)
  • jump at the chance, to
  • last call
  • last chance (for/at/to do something)
  • leap at the chance (to do something)
  • leap at the opportunity
  • leave (something) to chance
  • leave to chance
  • let slip by
  • let the chance slip by
  • let through
  • never give a sucker an even chance
  • no chance
  • not a cat in hell's chance
  • not a chance
  • Not a chance!
  • not a dog's chance
  • not a ghost of a chance
  • not have a (snowball's) chance in hell
  • not have a cat in hell's chance
  • not have a chance in hell (of doing something)
  • not have a ghost of a chance
  • not have a snowball's chance in hell
  • not have a snowball's chance in hell and not a hope in hell
  • not have a/the ghost of a chance
  • not have an earthly chance
  • not have the ghost of a chance
  • not stand an earthly chance
  • of a lifetime
  • off chance
  • on the (off) chance
  • on the chance
  • on the chance that
  • on the off chance
  • on the off-chance
  • on the outside chance
  • once-in-a-lifetime chance
  • one chance in a million
  • outside chance
  • risk of rain
  • slim chance
  • snowball’s chance in hell
  • snowball's chance in hell, a
  • snowball's chance in hell, no more than/not a
  • sporting chance
  • sporting chance, a
  • stand a chance
  • take (one's) chances
  • take a chance
  • take a chance on
  • take a chance on (someone or something)
  • take chances
  • take one's chances
  • take the chance (to do something)
  • take your chances
  • the chance, etc. of a lifetime
  • the last chance saloon
  • Tinker to Evers to Chance
  • You pays your money and you takes your chance
  • you pays your money, and you takes your chance(s)



in mathematics: see probabilityprobability,
in mathematics, assignment of a number as a measure of the "chance" that a given event will occur. There are certain important restrictions on such a probability measure.
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  1. the PROBABILITYof an event, such as the occurrence of heads or tails on the toss of a coin.
  2. social or physical outcomes which are unforseen and perhaps inherently unpredictable.
Chance arises from the existence of physical or social processes which involve random events, a multiplicity of interacting variables in ‘open systems’ (including the changeability of actors' choices), and because actors’ intentions often have UNANTICIPATED CONSEQUENCES. While an inherent CONTINGENCY in social events is seen by some theorists as ruling out general theories, this neglects the availability of generalized ‘probabilistic’ accounts and the fact that it is the goal of general theories to abstract from particular events (and provide EXPLANATION or analytical frameworks), not necessarily to predict or control events.

Coping with chance in social life is a source of MAGIC and RELIGION and the basis of important leisure forms, including games of chance and GAMBLING. See also RISK SOCIETY.


See also Fate.Charity (See GENEROSITY.)Bridoison, Taiel dejudge who casts dice to decide cases. [Fr. Lit.: Pantagruel]Fata Morganalake-dwelling sorceress and personification of chance. [Ital. Lit.: Orlando Innamorato]Fortunagoddess of chance. [Rom. Myth.: Kravitz, 58]Jimmy the Greekrenowned American oddsmaker. [Am. Culture: Wallechinsky, 468]Russian roulettesuicidal gamble involving a six-shooter, loaded with one bullet. [Folklore: Payton, 590]Sorsgod of chance. [Rom. Myth.: Espy, 42–43]Three Princes of Serendipalways make discoveries by accident. [Br. Lit.: Three Princes of Serendip]Urim and Thumminoracular gems used for casting lots, set in Aaron’s breastplate. [O.T.: Exodus 28:30; Leviticus 8:8]



(chants), G.Q., 20th-century British radiologist. See: Chance fracture.
The likelihood that a thing has happened unpredictably without human intervention or observable cause; random variation within a population


Statistics The likelihood that a thing has happened unpredictably without human intervention or observable cause. See Monte Carlo simulation, Random.


1. That which occurs randomly. 2. An accident.

Patient discussion about chance

Q. What are the chances that my children will have autism? My fiancé and I are planning on having children eventually. In his family, three of the five children have autism. My side is clear. What are the chances of us having a child with autism??A. Autism is related to several genes and not just one. Therefore you can’t really tell if your children be autistic or not- it depends on how much “autistic genes” you and your fiancé have and how much of it you will inherit to your children. Regardless, you should check out this website:

Q. What are my genetic chances to get arthritis? 3 of my grandparents have arthritis but my parents don't. what are my chances to get it as well?A. thanks dagmar! how do you get your arthritis info? know any good articles?

Q. What should I expect from my pregnancy for the chances of RA? My mother is having rheumatoid arthritis for the past 23 years. After I was born she started having high muscle aches basically at knees. After diagnosis it was confirmed for RA. She says that this pain and the swelling of knees started after my birth. Now I am pregnant and she remains worried about my pregnancy and the chances of RA. I am too getting worried now with my growing weakness and pain in my joints. What should I expect from my pregnancy for the chances of RA?A. Savannah, first congratulations for your pregnancy!
Actually RA is an autoimmune disease, the exact cause of RA is still unknown, but many researchers believe that one of the factor is genetic factor. since your mom had been diagnosed with RA, it means that you're in risk of having RA also.
Now that you're pregnant, you need to consult with your doctors about your risk factors. it doesn't always have to be you're also having RA. but during pregnancy, because of the body weight gain, it can make the RA more manifest, because of the weight load the affected joint has to bear.
If you are diagnosed also with RA, you need to consult with your ob-gyn doctor for the drugs of choice that is safe for the pregnancy.

More discussions about chance


CHANCE, accident. As the law punishes a crime only when there is an intention to commit it, it follows that when those acts are done in a lawful business or pursuit by mere chance or accident, which would have been criminal if there had been an intention, express or implied, to commit them, there is no crime. For example, if workmen were employed in blasting rocks in a retired field, and a person not knowing of the circumstance should enter the field, and be killed by a piece of the rock, there would be no guilt in the workmen. 1 East, P. C. 262 Poster, 262; 1 Hale's P. C. 472; 4 Bl. Com. 192. Vide Accident.



CHANCECenter for Housing and New Community Economics (University of New Hampshire)
CHANCECollaboration for Health, Activity and Nutrition in Children's Environments (Cornell University)
CHANCECompetence-building and Higher Awareness about Networking and Collaboration for Europe


  • all
  • noun
  • adj
  • verb
  • phrase

Synonyms for chance

noun probability


  • probability
  • odds
  • possibility
  • prospect
  • liability
  • likelihood


  • certainty
  • impossibility
  • surety
  • improbability
  • unlikelihood

noun opportunity


  • opportunity
  • opening
  • occasion
  • time
  • scope
  • window

noun accident


  • accident
  • fortune
  • luck
  • fate
  • destiny
  • coincidence
  • misfortune
  • providence


  • design
  • intention

noun risk


  • risk
  • speculation
  • gamble
  • hazard

adj accidental


  • accidental
  • random
  • casual
  • incidental
  • unforeseen
  • unintentional
  • fortuitous
  • inadvertent
  • serendipitous
  • unforeseeable
  • unlooked-for


  • planned
  • expected
  • designed
  • arranged
  • deliberate
  • foreseen
  • intentional

verb happen


  • happen

verb risk


  • risk
  • try
  • stake
  • venture
  • gamble
  • hazard
  • wager

Synonyms for chance

noun the quality shared by random, unintended, or unpredictable events or this quality regarded as the cause of such events


  • fortuitousness
  • fortuity
  • fortune
  • hap
  • hazard
  • luck

noun the likeliness of a given event occurring


  • likelihood
  • odds
  • possibility
  • probability
  • prospect

noun an unexpected random event


  • accident
  • fluke
  • fortuity
  • hap
  • happenchance
  • happenstance
  • hazard

noun a favorable or advantageous combination of circumstances


  • break
  • occasion
  • opening
  • opportunity
  • shot

noun a possibility of danger or harm


  • gamble
  • hazard
  • risk

verb to take place by chance


  • befall
  • hap
  • happen

verb to run the risk of


  • adventure
  • hazard
  • risk
  • venture

phrase chance on: to find or meet by chance


  • bump into
  • come across
  • come on
  • find
  • happen on
  • light on
  • run across
  • run into
  • stumble on
  • tumble on
  • alight on

adj occurring unexpectedly


  • accidental
  • casual
  • contingent
  • fluky
  • fortuitous
  • inadvertent
  • odd

adj having no particular pattern, purpose, organization, or structure


  • desultory
  • haphazard
  • hit-or-miss
  • indiscriminate
  • random
  • spot
  • unplanned

Synonyms for chance

noun a possibility due to a favorable combination of circumstances


  • opportunity

Related Words

  • possibleness
  • possibility
  • brass ring
  • day
  • clean slate
  • fresh start
  • tabula rasa
  • hearing
  • audience
  • hunting ground
  • occasion
  • opening
  • room
  • say
  • shot
  • crack
  • street
  • throw

noun an unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that causes an event to result one way rather than another


  • fortune
  • hazard
  • luck

Related Words

  • phenomenon
  • mischance
  • mishap
  • bad luck
  • even chance
  • tossup
  • toss-up

noun a risk involving danger

Related Words

  • danger
  • risk
  • peril

noun a measure of how likely it is that some event will occur


  • probability

Related Words

  • quantity
  • measure
  • amount
  • conditional probability
  • contingent probability
  • cross section
  • exceedance
  • fair chance
  • sporting chance
  • fat chance
  • slim chance
  • joint probability
  • risk of exposure
  • risk
  • risk of infection

noun the possibility of future success


  • prospect

Related Words

  • potential
  • potentiality
  • potency

verb be the case by chance

Related Words

  • hap
  • happen
  • occur
  • come about
  • take place
  • go on
  • pass off
  • fall out
  • pass

verb take a risk in the hope of a favorable outcome


  • adventure
  • gamble
  • run a risk
  • take a chance
  • take chances
  • risk
  • hazard

Related Words

  • attempt
  • essay
  • try
  • assay
  • seek
  • go for broke
  • luck it
  • luck through

verb come upon, as if by accident


  • find
  • bump
  • encounter
  • happen

adj occurring or appearing or singled out by chance


  • casual

Related Words

  • unplanned




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