Champy fixative

Cham·py fix·a·tive

(sham'pē), a mixture of potassium bichromate, chromic acid, and osmic acid; considered an excellent cytologic fixative with advantages and disadvantages similar to those of Flemming fixative; it differs from Flemming fixative in substituting bichromate for acetic acid.

Cham·py fix·a·tive

(shahm-pē' fiks'ă-tiv) A mixture of potassium bichromate, chromic acid, and osmic acid, considered an excellent cytologic fixative with advantages and disadvantages similar to those of Flemming fixative; it differs from Flemming fixative in substituting bichromate for acetic acid.


Christian, French physician, 1885–. Champy fixative - cytologic fixative.