Cooley anemia

thal·as·se·mi·a ma·jor

[MIM*141800-142310 passim] the syndrome of severe anemia resulting from the homozygous state of one of the thalassemia genes or one of the hemoglobin Lepore genes with onset, in infancy or childhood, of pallor, icterus, weakness, splenomegaly, cardiac enlargement, thinning of inner and outer tables of skull, microcytic hypochromic anemia with poikilocytosis, anisocytosis, stippled cells, target cells, and nucleated erythrocytes; types of hemoglobin are variable and depend on the gene involved. Synonym(s): Cooley anemia

thal·as·se·mi·a ma·jor

(thal'ă-sē'mē-ă mā'jŏr) The syndrome of severe anemia resulting from the homozygous state of one of the thalassemia genes or one of the hemoglobin Lepore genes, with onset, in infancy or childhood, of pallor, icterus, weakness, splenomegaly, cardiac enlargement, thinning of inner and outer tables of the skull, and microcytic hypochromic anemia with poikilocytosis, anisocytosis, stippled cells, target cells, and nucleated erythrocytes; types of hemoglobin are variable and depend on the gene involved.
Synonym(s): Cooley anemia, thalassaemia major.


Thomas B., U.S. pediatrician, 1871-1945. Cooley anemia - the syndrome of severe anemia with multiple organ disorders. Synonym(s): thalassemia majorCooley trait - Synonym(s): thalassemia minor

thal·as·se·mi·a ma·jor

(thal'ă-sē'mē-ă mā'jŏr) [MIM*141800142310 passim, MIM*141800, MIM*141800-142310 passim] Syndrome of severe anemia resulting from homozygous state of one of the thalassemia genes or one of the hemoglobin Lepore genes with onset, in infancy or childhood, of pallor, icterus, weakness, splenomegaly, cardiac enlargement, thinning of inner and outer tables of skull, and other findings.
Synonym(s): Cooley anemia, thalassaemia major.