Coking Coals

Coking Coals


coals from which industrially valuable coke can be made under industrial coking conditions. The coal mainly used for coking in the USSR is from grades C (coking), M (metabituminous), LS (lean-sintering), G (gas), and, to some extent, SS (slightly sintering). The particular features of coking coals include the ability to pass into a plastic state and, under certain temperature conditions, to sinter; a high heat of combustion; and a low content of volatiles and inorganic impurities.

In the USSR in the 1960’s the supply of raw materials for coking was significantly expanded as a result of the development of new coal areas, as well as improvement of existing coking methods and the creation of fundamentally new methods. As a result, the proportion of coal of grade G in the charge (mixture of various types of coal) being coked increased; coal of this grade accounts for most of the coal reserves of the main basins. Work is being done on the use of coals that were not used for coking, such as dry-burning, long-flame, brown, anthracites, and semianthracites.


Agroskin, A. A., and A. K. Shelkov. Rasshirenie ugol’noi bazy koksovaniia. Moscow, 1962.
Syskov, K. I., V. Ia. Tsarev, and O. N. Mashenkov. Granulirovanie i koksovanie burykh uglei. Moscow, 1968.
Agroskin, A. A. Khimiia i tekhnologiia uglia, 2nd ed. Moscow, 1969.