

单词 coke



C0466600 (kōk) A trademark for a soft drink. See tonic.

coke 1

C0466600 (kōk)n. The solid residue of impure carbon obtained from bituminous coal and other carbonaceous materials after removal of volatile material by destructive distillation. It is used as a fuel and in making steel.tr. & intr.v. coked, cok·ing, cokes To convert or be converted into coke.
[Perhaps from Middle English colk, core.]

coke 2

C0466600 (kōk) Slang n. Cocaine.tr.v. coked, cok·ing, cokes To affect or intoxicate with cocaine.


(kəʊk) n1. (Chemistry) a solid-fuel product containing about 80 per cent of carbon produced by distillation of coal to drive off its volatile constituents: used as a fuel and in metallurgy as a reducing agent for converting metal oxides into metals2. (Chemistry) any similar material, such as the layer formed in the cylinders of a car engine by incomplete combustion of the fuelvbto become or convert into coke[C17: probably a variant of C14 northern English dialect colk core, of obscure origin]


(kəʊk) n (Recreational Drugs) slang short for cocaine


(kəʊk) n (Brewing) trademark short for Coca-Cola


(kʊk; kəʊk) n1. (Biography) Sir Edward. 1552–1634, English jurist, noted for his defence of the common law against encroachment from the Crown: the Petition of Right (1628) was largely his work2. (Biography) Thomas William, 1st Earl of Leicester, known as Coke of Holkham. 1752–1842, English agriculturist: pioneered agricultural improvement and considerably improved productivity at his Holkham estate in Norfolk



n., v. coked, cok•ing. n. 1. the solid carbonaceous product obtained by destructive distillation of coal: used chiefly as a fuel and reducing agent in metallurgy. v.t., v.i. 2. to convert into or become coke. [1375–1425; late Middle English colke, coke= Old English col coal + -(o)ca -ock] coke′like`, cok′y, adj.



n., v. coked, cok•ing. Slang. n. 1. cocaine. v.t. 2. to affect with a narcotic drug, esp. with cocaine (usu. fol. by up). [1905–10, Amer.; short for cocaine]



n. Sir Edward, 1552–1634, English jurist.


Past participle: coked
Gerund: coking
I coke
you coke
he/she/it cokes
we coke
you coke
they coke
I coked
you coked
he/she/it coked
we coked
you coked
they coked
Present Continuous
I am coking
you are coking
he/she/it is coking
we are coking
you are coking
they are coking
Present Perfect
I have coked
you have coked
he/she/it has coked
we have coked
you have coked
they have coked
Past Continuous
I was coking
you were coking
he/she/it was coking
we were coking
you were coking
they were coking
Past Perfect
I had coked
you had coked
he/she/it had coked
we had coked
you had coked
they had coked
I will coke
you will coke
he/she/it will coke
we will coke
you will coke
they will coke
Future Perfect
I will have coked
you will have coked
he/she/it will have coked
we will have coked
you will have coked
they will have coked
Future Continuous
I will be coking
you will be coking
he/she/it will be coking
we will be coking
you will be coking
they will be coking
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been coking
you have been coking
he/she/it has been coking
we have been coking
you have been coking
they have been coking
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been coking
you will have been coking
he/she/it will have been coking
we will have been coking
you will have been coking
they will have been coking
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been coking
you had been coking
he/she/it had been coking
we had been coking
you had been coking
they had been coking
I would coke
you would coke
he/she/it would coke
we would coke
you would coke
they would coke
Past Conditional
I would have coked
you would have coked
he/she/it would have coked
we would have coked
you would have coked
they would have coked
Noun1.coke - carbon fuel produced by distillation of coalcoke - carbon fuel produced by distillation of coalfuel - a substance that can be consumed to produce energy; "more fuel is needed during the winter months"; "they developed alternative fuels for aircraft"
2.Coke - Coca Cola is a trademarked colaCoca Colacola, dope - carbonated drink flavored with extract from kola nuts (`dope' is a southernism in the United States)
3.coke - street names for cocainenose candy, snow, blow, Ccocain, cocaine - a narcotic (alkaloid) extracted from coca leaves; used as a surface anesthetic or taken for pleasure; can become powerfully addictive
Verb1.coke - become coke; "petroleum oils coke after distillation"chemical science, chemistry - the science of matter; the branch of the natural sciences dealing with the composition of substances and their properties and reactionschange state, turn - undergo a transformation or a change of position or action; "We turned from Socialism to Capitalism"; "The people turned against the President when he stole the election"


(kəuk) noun a type of fuel obtained from coal. 焦炭 焦炭





One who is addicted to cocaine. Ralph used to be a cokeaholic, that's why he went to rehab.


One who is addicted to cocaine. Ralph used to be a cokehead, that's why he went to rehab.


A spoon used in the snorting of cocaine. Is it true that he's finally put down the cokespoon and got some help?


(kokəˈhɑlɪk) n. a cocaine addict. (Drugs.) When I realized I was a cokeaholic, I decided to stop, but I couldn’t.


n. a heavy cocaine user; a cocaine addict. (Drugs.) We get a few depressed cokeheads in the emergency room who have tried suicide.


and (flake) spoon n. a small spoon used to carry powdered cocaine to a nostril. (Drugs.) The principal wrote a letter to Mrs. Simpson telling her that Jimmy had brought a cokespoon to school. She used an old-fashioned flake spoon right until she died.



substance obtained by the destructive distillationdistillation,
process used to separate the substances composing a mixture. It involves a change of state, as of liquid to gas, and subsequent condensation. The process was probably first used in the production of intoxicating beverages.
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 of bituminous coalcoal,
fuel substance of plant origin, largely or almost entirely composed of carbon with varying amounts of mineral matter. Types

There is a complete series of carbonaceous fuels, which differ from each other in the relative amounts of moisture, volatile matter,
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. Coke bears the same relation to coal as does charcoalcharcoal,
substance obtained by partial burning or carbonization (destructive distillation) of organic material. It is largely pure carbon. The entry of air during the carbonization process is controlled so that the organic material does not turn to ash, as in a conventional
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 to wood. A hard, gray, massive, porous fuel, coke is the solid residue remaining after bituminous coal is heated to a high temperature out of contact with air until substantially all components that easily vaporize have been driven off. The residue is chiefly carbon, with minor amounts of hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur, and oxygen. Also present in coke is the mineral matter in the original coal, chemically altered and decomposed.

Since the vapor-producing constituents are driven off during coke production, coke is an ideal fuel for stoves and furnaces in which the environment is unsuitable for the complete burning of bituminous coal itself. In the form of oven coke it is primarily used when a porous fuel with few impurities and high carbon content is desired, as in the blast furnaceblast furnace,
structure used chiefly in smelting. The principle involved in this means of extracting metals is that of the reduction of the ores by the action of carbon monoxide, i.e., the removal of oxygen from the metal oxide in order to obtain the metal.
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 to make iron. Coke is also used in other metallurgical processes, such as the manufacture of ferro-alloys, lead, and zinc, and in kilns to make lime and magnesium. Exceptionally large strong coke is known as foundry coke and is used in foundry cupolas to smelt iron ores. The smallest sizes of coke are used to heat buildings.

The majority of coke produced in the United States comes from byproduct coke ovens. The coke is prepared in retorts or furnaces of silica brick, and the byproducts (chiefly ammonia, coal tar, and gaseous compounds) are saved. These volatile gases are collected and sent to the byproduct plant where various byproducts are recovered. In nonrecovery coke plants, originally referred to as beehive ovens, the coal is carbonized in large oven chambers; the partially combusted gases collect in a common tunnel and exit via a stack. In recovery coke plants the waste gas exits into a waste heat recovery boiler which converts the excess heat into steam for power generation.

Petroleum coke is the solid residue left by the cracking process of oil refining. Natural coke, or carbonite, is formed by metamorphismmetamorphism,
in geology, process of change in the structure, texture, or composition of rocks caused by agents of heat, deforming pressure, shearing stress, hot, chemically active fluids, or a combination of these, acting while the rock being changed remains essentially in the
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 from bituminous coal when intrusive igneous rock cuts across a vein of coal.



a man-made solid fuel of high strength; it is produced by heating natural fuels or products of their processing to high temperatures (950°–1050°C) in the absence of air. A distinction is made among coal, pitch, and petroleum coke, depending on the type of the raw material. Most coke is produced from coal.

Coal coke is used mainly in the blast furnace process for smelting iron (metallurgical coke). Here the coke is used simultaneously as a fuel and as an agent for reducing the iron ore. Coke is used in significantly smaller quantities in the foundry process (foundry coke) for the sintering of ores and in the chemical industry and nonferrous metallurgy.

The production of coal coke began in the 18th century, when it became necessary to replace charcoal, which was becoming increasingly scarce, for use in blast furnaces. The first industrial melting with coke was carried out in Great Britain in 1735. By 1970, world coke production was more than 300 million tons per year. In the USSR, which holds first place in coke production, 79.75 million tons were produced in 1972.

Coal coke has the form of elongated gray clumps. True relative density, 1.80–1.95 g/cm3; apparent density, taking the pores into account, 0.8–1.0 g/cm3; average porosity, about 50 percent; bulk weight, 400–500 kg/m3; heat of combustion, about 29 megajoules per kg (MJ/kg, or 7,000 kcal/kg); heat of combustion of combustible mass, about 33 MJ/kg (about 8,000 kcal/kg).

The carbon content in the combustible mass of coke is about 96 percent, and the volatiles yield is 0.8–1.0 percent. The moisture content in coke with dry quenching does not exceed 0.5 percent; with wet quenching, usually 2–4 percent. The sulfur content in metallurgical coke from Donets coals is 1.5–1.9 percent, and from Kuznetsk coals it is 0.4–0.5 percent; for foundry coke, it should not exceed 1.2 percent. The phosphorus content in coke in smelting Bessemer pig iron should not exceed 0.015 percent. The ash content of metallurgical coke should not exceed 9–10.5 percent. As the quantity of these components increases, the quality of the metal deteriorates, the consumption of coke and the charge increases, and the output of the blast furnace is sharply reduced.

Pitch coke and petroleum coke, in comparison with coal coke, have a very low ash content—usually not more than 0.3 percent (up to 0.8 percent for petroleum coke). Pitch coke is produced by coking; high-melting coal-tar pitch in compartment-type Dinas brick ovens. Petroleum coke is produced by coking liquid petroleum residues and pitches in metal coke vats or special furnaces. Petroleum coke is also formed during cracking and pyrolysis of products of petroleum distillation. Pitch coke and petroleum coke are the main raw material for producing electrodes.


Spravochnik koksokhimika, vol. 2. Moscow, 1965.
Goftman, M. V. Prikladnaia khimiia tverdogo topliva. Moscow, 1963.



[kōk] (materials) A coherent, cellular, solid residue remaining from the dry (destructive) distillation of a coking coal or of pitch, petroleum, petroleum residues, or other carbonaceous materials; contains carbon as its principal constituent, together with mineral matter and volatile matter.


A contaminant in the lubrication system that is a solid carbon residue left when all the volatile parts of mineral oil have been removed. Coke must be removed from the system.


1. a solid-fuel product containing about 80 per cent of carbon produced by distillation of coal to drive off its volatile constituents: used as a fuel and in metallurgy as a reducing agent for converting metal oxides into metals 2. any similar material, such as the layer formed in the cylinders of a car engine by incomplete combustion of the fuel


1. Sir Edward. 1552--1634, English jurist, noted for his defence of the common law against encroachment from the Crown: the Petition of Right (1628) was largely his work 2. Thomas William, 1st Earl of Leicester, known as Coke of Holkham. 1752--1842, English agriculturist: pioneered agricultural improvement and considerably improved productivity at his Holkham estate in Norfolk



(kōk) Slang n. Cocaine.tr.v. coked, coking, cokes To affect or intoxicate with cocaine.
One of the most common street terms for cocaine, or, less commonly, crack cocaine

Patient discussion about coke

Q. what is the connection between gout and drinking cokes? There was an article in your magazine earlier this year about how drinking cokes could affect gout....can I get a copy of that artical?A. Men who consume two or more sugary soft drinks a day have an 85% higher risk of gout compared with those who drink less than one a month.
This is because soft drinks contain large quantities of high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), a common sweetener in soft drinks, which results in Hyperuricemia in blood.
Hyperuricemia, in turn predispose the body for gout.
(taken from : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gout )

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COKECoca-Cola Bottling Co (stock symbol)


  • all
  • noun
  • verb

Words related to coke

noun carbon fuel produced by distillation of coal

Related Words

  • fuel

noun Coca Cola is a trademarked cola


  • Coca Cola

Related Words

  • cola
  • dope

noun street names for cocaine


  • nose candy
  • snow
  • blow
  • C

Related Words

  • cocain
  • cocaine

verb become coke

Related Words

  • chemical science
  • chemistry
  • change state
  • turn




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