Egor Nechaev

Nechaev, Egor Efimovich


Born Apr. 13 (25), 1859, in the village of Kharitonovo, Tver’ Province; died Nov. 23, 1925, in Pavlovskii Posad, in what is now Moscow Oblast. Soviet Russian poet. Member of the CPSU (1925).

From the age of nine until the age of 57, Nechaev was a glassblower. His poems were first published in 1891. A self-taught man, he was the author of the revolutionary poems “The Voice of the Soul” and “Forward.” He published the collections Labor Songs and Evening Songs in 1913. Before 1917 his poems primarily dealt with the worker’s labor. After the revolution, his main theme was the liberated worker. Nechaev’s best collection is From the Songs of an Old Worker (1922). His prose writings of the 1920’s were devoted to the hard life of the glassworkers in the past. Nechaev translated the poetry of T. G. Shevchenko, Ia. Rainis, Ia. Kupala, Ia. Kolas, and others.


Izbrannoe. [Introductory article by A. L. Tregubov.] Moscow, 1955.
Gutari. Moscow, 1947. [“Stikhotvoreniia.”] In U istokov russkoi proletarskoi poezii. [Introductory article by A. Bikhter.] Moscow-Leningrad, 1965.


Istoriia russkoi literatury kontsa XIX-nachala XX veka: Bibliograficheskii ukazatel’. Moscow-Leningrad. 1963.