Egorev, Vladimir Nikolaevich

Egor’ev, Vladimir Nikolaevich


Born Mar. 3 (15), 1869, in Moscow; died there Sept. 20, 1948. Soviet military leader and professor (1941).

Egor’ev was the son of a minor civil servant. He graduated from the Aleksandr Military School (1889) and the Academy of the General Staff (1901). From 1910 to 1913 he was an instructor attached to the Montenegran army. During World War I he commanded the 39th Corps with the rank of lieutenant general (1917). In December 1917, after the October Revolution, a revolutionary soldiers committee elected him to the post of commander of the Special Army of the Southwestern Front. In January 1918 he took command of troops of the Southwestern Front. From March to September 1918 he was military leader of the western sector of the screen detachments. Between July and October 1919 he was commander of troops of the Southern Front against Denikin’s forces. In 1920 he served as military expert with the Soviet delegation for concluding peace with Finland and Poland. From 1921 to 1926 he fulfilled particularly important assignments for the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR, served as editor of the journal Voennaia mysl’ i revoliutsiia, and then began teaching at higher military schools. He retired in 1934 but continued teaching. He was awarded the Order of the Red Star.