Fosdick-Hansen-Epple test

Fos·dick-Han·sen-Ep·ple test

(fos'dik hahn'sĕn ep'ĕl), a test for determining dental caries activity based on a solution of powdered human enamel in a saliva-glucose-enamel mixture.


associate of Leonard S. Fosdick. Fosdick-Hansen-Epple test - see under Fosdick


Gerhard Henrik Armauer, Norwegian physician, 1841-1912. Fosdick-Hansen-Epple test - see under FosdickHansen bacillus - a species that causes Hansen disease. Synonym(s): Mycobacterium lepraeHansen disease - Synonym(s): leprosy


Leonard S., U.S. chemist, 1903–. Fosdick-Hansen-Epple test - a test for determining dental caries activity based on a solution of powdered human enamel in a saliva-glucose-enamel mixture.

Fos·dick-Han·sen-Ep·ple test

(fosdik hahnsĕn epĕl test) Assessment of dental caries activity based on a solution of powdered human enamel in a saliva-glucose-enamel mixture.