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DictionarySeedeprivationemotional deprivation
deprivation [dep-rĭ-va´shun] loss or absence of parts, organs, powers, or things that are needed.emotional deprivation deprivation of adequate and appropriate interpersonal or environmental experience, usually in the early developmental years.maternal deprivation the result of premature loss or absence of the mother or of lack of proper mothering; see also maternal deprivation syndrome.sensory deprivation a condition in which an individual receives less than normal sensory input. It can be caused by physiological, motor, or environmental disruptions. Effects include boredom, irritability, difficulty in concentrating, confusion, and inaccurate perception of sensory stimuli. Auditory and visual hallucinations and disorientation in time and place indicate perceptual distortions due to sensory deprivation. Symptoms can be produced by solitary confinement, loss of sight or hearing, paralysis, and even by ordinary hospital bed rest.sleep deprivation a nursing diagnosis accepted by the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, defined as prolonged periods of time without sleep (sustained, natural, periodic suspension of relative consciousness).thought deprivation blocking (def. 2).e·mo·tion·al dep·ri·va·tionlack of adequate and appropriate interpersonal or environmental experiences, or both, usually in the early developmental years.emo·tion·al dep·ri·va·tion (ē-mō'shŭn-ăl dep'ri-vā'shŭn) Lack of adequate and appropriate interpersonal or environmental experiences, or both, usually in the early developmental years. LegalSeeDeprivation |