Chamberlain procedure

Cham·ber·lain pro·ce·dure

(chām'ber-lin), a limited left anterior thoracostomy for biopsy of the mediastinal nodes out of reach by cervical mediastinoscopy.
See also: anterior mediastinoscopy.
Synonym(s): anterior mediastinotomy

parasternal mediastinotomy

A procedure performed under general anaesthesia in which the anterior mediastinum is accessed via a parasternal incision to biopsy hilar lymph nodes, anterior mediastinal tissues or lymph nodes at level-5 or -6 nodal regions.

Chamberlain procedure

(chām′bĕr-lĭn) [J. Maxwell Chamberlain, U.S. thoracic surgeon, 1908–1968] Incision into the mediastinum through an incision made next to the sternum. The procedure is used to obtain specimens for biopsy or laboratory analysis as an alternative to mediastinoscopy.