Béla Szõkefalvi-Nagy

Szõkefalvi-Nagy, Béla


Born July 29, 1913, in Kolozsvár (Cluj). Hungarian mathematician. Academician of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (1956; corresponding member, 1945).

Szõkefalvi-Nagy graduated from the University of Szeged in 1936 and became a professor there in 1948. He was made president of the Mathematics Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 1953 and became president of the Szeged Committee of the academy in 1970. Szõkefalvi-Nagy’s principal works deal with the approximation of functions and with functional analysis—in particular, the expansion of operators in Hilberti space. He became a foreign member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in 1971.


In Russian translation:
Lektsii po funktsional’nomu analizu. Moscow, 1954. (With F. Riss.)
Garmonicheskii analiz operatorov v gilbertovom prostranstve. Moscow, 1970. (With C. Foias.)


Matematikai Lapok, 1964, vol. 15, no. 1–3, pp. 1–22. (Contains a list of works.)