Béla Józsa

Józsa, Béla


Born 1898, in the village of Hadiş, former district of Odorhei; died Nov. 22, 1943, in Someş. Active member of the Rumanian labor movement.

From 1919 to 1924, Józsa was the leader of a trade union of lumberjacks in Cluj and then of a trade union at a shipyard in Galaţi. After that he worked in Red Aid, an organization for aidto political prisoners, in Bucharest from 1924 to 1927. From 1927 to 1940 he headed the workers’ solidarity organization in Cluj and was a member of the committee of the Transylvania and Banat organization of the Communist Party of Rumania. He was arrested repeatedly. He was secretary of the provincial party organization in Someş from 1940 to 1943. He was betrayed by an agent provocateur and brutally tortured to death by the Horthy political police.