

F0160700 (flā′grənt)adj.1. Conspicuously bad, offensive, or reprehensible: a flagrant miscarriage of justice. See Usage Note at blatant.2. Obsolete Flaming; blazing.
[Latin flagrāns, flagrant-, present participle of flagrāre, to burn; see bhel- in Indo-European roots.]
fla′gran·cy, fla′grance n.fla′grant·ly adv.Synonyms: flagrant, glaring, gross, egregious, rank2
These adjectives refer to what is conspicuously bad or offensive. Flagrant applies to what is offensive to a serious or appalling degree: flagrant disregard for the law; a flagrant example of racial prejudice.
What is glaring is disturbingly or painfully obvious: a glaring error; glaring contradictions.
Gross suggests a magnitude of offense or failing that cannot be condoned or forgiven: gross ineptitude; gross injustice.
Something egregious is so offensive as to provoke outrage or condemnation: an egregious lie.
What is rank is highly offensive or repugnant: rank stupidity; rank treachery.
Adv.1.flagrantly - in a flagrant manner; "he is flagrantly disregarding the law"


(ˈfleigrənt) adjective (usually of something bad) very obvious; easily seen. flagrant injustice. 明顯的,顯而易見的 (指坏事)公然的,罪恶昭彰的 ˈflagrantly adverb (指壞事)顯而易見地 (指坏事)公然地,罪恶昭彰的 ˈflagrancy noun 明目張膽 明目张胆