Acronym | Definition |
COI➣Commission de l'Océan Indien (French: Indian Ocean Commission; various nations) |
COI➣Center of Interest (photography) |
COI➣Conflict Of Interest |
COI➣Community of Interest |
COI➣City of Industry (California) |
COI➣Church of India (Columbia, MD) |
COI➣Church of Ireland |
COI➣Certificate of Insurance (insurance) |
COI➣Copy of Insurance |
COI➣Chain of Information |
COI➣Country of Origin Information |
COI➣Control of Infection |
COI➣Certificate of Incorporation |
COI➣Comité Olimpico Internacional (Spanish: International Olympic Committee) |
COI➣Central Office of Information |
COI➣Causes of Infection |
COI➣Compound of Interest |
COI➣Circles of Interest |
COI➣Community of Influence (real estate) |
COI➣Centers of Influence |
COI➣Certificate of Inspection |
COI➣College of Informatics (various universities) |
COI➣Circle of Influence (marketing) |
COI➣Cloak of Invisibility (science fiction) |
COI➣Connersville (Amtrak station code; Connersville, IN) |
COI➣Consiglio Oleicolo Internazionale (Italian: International Olive Oil Council) |
COI➣Competition of Ideas (Ministry of Defense; UK) |
COI➣Chemicals of Interest (US DHS) |
COI➣Current of Injury (cardiology) |
COI➣Committee on Instruction |
COI➣Cytochrome Oxidase I |
COI➣Co-Installer |
COI➣Co-Investigator |
COI➣Commencement of Injection (auto engine) |
COI➣Commission Océanographique Intergouvernementale (French: Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission; UNESCO) |
COI➣Certified Online Instructor |
COI➣Cost of Illness |
COI➣Court of Inquiry |
COI➣Confirmed Opt-In (email mailing list regiatration confirmation procedure) |
COI➣Center for Open Innovation (University of California, Berkeley) |
COI➣Cost of Insurance |
COI➣Coordinator Of Information |
COI➣Corinne Orbach Immobilier (French real estate company) |
COI➣Cardiac Output Index |
COI➣Complément d'Objet Indirect (French: Indirect Object; grammar) |
COI➣Centre for Organisation and Innovation (Economic and Social Research Council; UK) |
COI➣Course Of Instruction |
COI➣Community Outreach, Inc. (Oregon) |
COI➣Coastal Ocean Institute (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution) |
COI➣Comando Operativo Interforze (Italian: Operational Interforces Command) |
COI➣Certificate of Irradiation (sterility validation process) |
COI➣Coefficient of Inbreeding |
COI➣Committee on Information |
COI➣Cone of Influence (symbolic model checking procedure) |
COI➣Committee on Infrastructure (India) |
COI➣Critical Operational Issue |
COI➣Composite Optics Inc. |
COI➣Contango Operators, Inc. (Houston, TX) |
COI➣Community Options Inc. |
COI➣Constituents of Interest |
COI➣Certificate of Identicality |
COI➣Consent of Instructor (coursework authorization) |
COI➣Cost of Investment |
COI➣Contact of Interest |
COI➣Current Operating Income (finance) |
COI➣Career Orientation Inventory |
COI➣Cause of Insanity (band) |
COI➣Cut-Off Index (medicine) |
COI➣Canadian Outcomes Institute |
COI➣Criticomm Operating Instructions (telecommuniations) |
COI➣Coloboma of Iris, Choroid, and Retina |
COI➣Country of Interest |
COI➣Crossroads Online Institute |
COI➣Congregation of Israel |
COI➣Chief of Installation |
COI➣Coast Orbital Insertion (NASA) |
COI➣Customer-Owned Inventory |
COI➣Curriculum of Instruction |
COI➣Commission of Integrity (Iraq) |
COI➣Critical Operations Issues |
COI➣Class Of Interface |
COI➣Chief Of Implementation |
COI➣Chief of Initiatives |
COI➣Communications Operating Instruction |
COI➣Continuous Optical Irradiation |
COI➣Contractor Operating Instructions |
COI➣Current Operations and Intelligence |
COI➣Certificate of Installation |
COI➣Coalition of Itan (gaming guild) |