Acronym | Definition |
APCE➣Agence pour la Creation d'Entreprise (French) |
APCE➣Association of Presbyterian Church Educators |
APCE➣Association pour le Couple et l'Enfant (French: Association for the Couple and Child) |
APCE➣Air Pollution Control Equipment |
APCE➣Affinity Probe Capillary Electrophoresis |
APCE➣Asociación Permanente de Cultura Ecologica (Permanent Association of Ecological Culture, Guatemala) |
APCE➣Assemblée Parlamentaire du Conseil de l'Europe (French) |
APCE➣Associazione per la Protezione delle Corrosioni Elettrolitiche (Italian) |
APCE➣Automated Program Control Environment |
APCE➣Automated Product Control Environment |
APCE➣Association of Private Christian Educators |
APCE➣Ask, Pause, Call, Evaluate (student questioning method; US Army) |