

单词 cushing syndrome

Cushing syndrome

Cushing syndrome

or Cushing's syndromen. A group of symptoms, including a puffy face, fat accumulation around the torso, fat loss from legs and arms, and easy bruising, resulting from elevated levels of cortisol in the bloodstream that are caused either by excess production of the hormone ACTH, as from an adrenal or pituitary tumor, or by administration of high doses of corticosteroid hormones. Cushing syndrome caused by a pituitary tumor is called Cushing disease.
[After Harvey Williams Cushing.]
EncyclopediaSeeCushing's syndrome

Cushing syndrome

Cush·ing syn·drome

(kush'ing), a disorder resulting from increased adrenocortical secretion of cortisol (giving clinical picture of Cushing disease), due to any one of several sources: ACTH-dependent adrenocortical hyperplasia or tumor, ectopic ACTH-secreting tumor, or excessive administrations of steroids; characterized by trunkal obesity, moon face, acne, abdominal striae, hypertension, decreased carbohydrate tolerance, protein catabolism, psychiatric disturbances, and osteoporosis, amenorrhea, and hirsutism in females; when associated with an ACTH-producing adenoma, called Cushing disease. Synonym(s): Cushing basophilism

Cushing syndrome


Cushing's syndrome

n. A group of symptoms, including a puffy face, fat accumulation around the torso, fat loss from legs and arms, and easy bruising, resulting from elevated levels of cortisol in the bloodstream that are caused either by excess production of the hormone ACTH, as from an adrenal or pituitary tumor, or by administration of high doses of corticosteroid hormones. Cushing syndrome caused by a pituitary tumor is called Cushing disease.

Cushing syndrome

Hypercortisolism A condition characterized by excess corticosteroids, due either to an hypersecretion of cortisol by a hyperfunctioning or neoplastic adrenal cortex, or due to exogenous corticosteroids Etiology Exogenous coticosteroid administration; less commonly, pituitary hyperplasia, adenomas, or cancer Clinical Amenorrhea, hirsutism, HTN, impotence, muscular wasting, skin atrophy, neuropsychiatric dysfunction, osteoporosis, truncal–central obesity, weight gain–water retention, moon face, weakness, fatigue, backache, headache, ↑ thirst, ↑ urination, DM, osteoporosis Lab Hypersecretion of cortisol, loss of the usual circadian rhythm of ACTH and cortisol, and loss of suppressibility of cortisol production by administration of dexamethasone; ↑ adrenal androgens suppresses pituitary output of LH and FSH and causes ↓ sperm production or ovulatory failure Management Surgical excision if tumor is ID'd. See Dexamethasone suppression test, Ectopic hormone syndrome. Cf Pseudo-Cushing syndrome.

Cush·ing syn·drome

(kush'ing sin'drōm) A disorder resulting from increased adrenocortical secretion of cortisol (giving a clinical picture of Cushing disease), due to any one of several sources: adrenocorticotropic (ACTH)-dependent adrenocortical hyperplasia or tumor, ectopic ACTH-secreting tumor, or excessive administration of steroids; characterized by truncal obesity, moon face, acne, abdominal striae, hypertension, decreased carbohydrate tolerance, protein catabolism, psychiatric disturbances, and osteoporosis, amenorrhea, and hirsutism in females; when associated with an ACTH-producing adenoma, called Cushing disease.
Synonym(s): Cushing basophilism.


Harvey Williams, U.S. neurosurgeon, 1869-1939. Cushing basophilism - Synonym(s): Cushing syndromeCushing bone rongeurCushing brain depressorCushing brain forcepsCushing brain spatulaCushing cranial burCushing cranial rongeur forcepsCushing disease - adrenal hyperplasia (Cushing syndrome) caused by an ACTH-secreting basophil adenoma of the pituitary. Synonym(s): Cushing pituitary basophilismCushing dressing forcepsCushing dural hookCushing dural hook knifeCushing effect - Synonym(s): Cushing phenomenonCushing Gigli-saw guideCushing nerve retractorCushing perforatorCushing perforator drillCushing periosteal elevatorCushing phenomenon - a rise in systemic blood pressure when the intracranial pressure acutely increases. Synonym(s): Cushing effect; Cushing responseCushing pituitary basophilism - Synonym(s): Cushing diseaseCushing response - Synonym(s): Cushing phenomenonCushing self-retaining retractorCushing straight retractorCushing syndrome - a disorder resulting from increased adrenocortical secretion of cortisol. Synonym(s): adrenalism; Cushing basophilism; Gallais syndrome; Itsenko-Cushing syndromeCushing syndrome medicamentosus - a variable number of the signs and symptoms of Cushing syndrome.Cushing ulcerItsenko-Cushing syndrome - Synonym(s): Cushing syndrome

Cush·ing syn·drome

(kush'ing sin'drōm) Disorder resulting from increased adrenocortical secretion of cortisol.




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